Benjamin Franklin's Virtues Week 3: Resolution

This is the third in a series of articles about the 13 Virtues of Benjamin Franklin


Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

Benjamin Franklin included resolution as one of his virtues, because he knew that by mastering it, he would master all the others as well. Resolution is about finishing what you start, and about accomplishing what you set out to do.

We’ve all heard the expression; don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash. Before you take something on, give serious consideration to whether or not it can actually be accomplished. We often have a difficult time saying no, and as a result, we wind up in situations where we can’t possibly do all the things we intended to do.

Decide those things that are important, and focus on them. Resolve to complete every task to the best of your ability before taking on more. Don’t take on more than you can possibly do. Nobody wants to be described as that person that “talks a good game, but doesn’t deliver.” In many ways, resolve it at the heart of the reputation we have. We are either a person that does what they say they’ll do, and accomplishes what we’ve promised—or we are not.

Which one are you?


This is one of a series of Wednesday posting that examine Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues he believed necessary to achieve moral perfection.  You can find all the related articles by searching the blog under the “Franklin’s Virtues” label.

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