Masonic Wisdom: The Wisdom Shouts!

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

"There comes the wisdom, shouting out in the streets, in the public square: Hear my warnings and I will open my heart to you and make you wise!" 1st Proverb of Solomon (Verse 23)

Although King Solomon's writings have been written in Hebrew, I believe the best word to explain the invitation of wisdom is "Metanoia." This word of many vowels is a Greek word that means "Expansion of Mind" or “which goes beyond” / Noia means: mind.

The most propagating or expanding matter is light. So, the expansion of consciousness or the acceptance of the wisdom invitation is often compared by the modern philosophers of the Enlightenment as: the "Light" or the "discovery."

Leaving the darkness of ignorance from the profane world to the Light of Masonry can also be called a process of “Metanoia”

Upon being brought to Light you must have a state of mind in which you are predisposed to change your essence, consequently controlling your judgment, your anger and your desires.

Those who accept this invitation according to our Most Worshipful King Solomon and hear the warnings of the wisdom and let them sink into their hearts, become wise! They learn how to love, to forgive and to perform acts of justice. Therefore accepting this invitation means a complete transformation. A transformation of consciousness not just a change of opinion; It is a change of the way of thinking; It is not just a substitution of an information for another; is actually acquiring more and more knowledge inexhaustibly!

It is like an "insight", a change of our "inner posture", a "revelation" that changes your way of thinking completely. It is not that you change your mind, you change yourself.

This is the idea of metanoia: The Expansion of Consciousness.

Masonic wisdom says, "Come hear my voice. If you go through a “metanoia” you will be completely transformed. You will be more tolerant. Will love more. You will understand that loving your brother is not just about an obligation is pure wisdom."

Fool is the one who rejects it, and who thinks there is more pleasure on ignorance. Changing is very painful for them. They prefer to hide behind silly jokes or the tireless chase for power. They prefer the perverse desires of greed, envy and control... Simply because they are just opinions and wills of an unchanging mind, unable to accept the invitation of WISDOM, so then confined to the lesser and perverse world that has not yet Passed, and Raised through "Metanoia". Through the light that expands…

My prayer: May the Light expand our consciousness and of all regular Masons. May we all accept the “Wisdom Invitation” and therefore, and consequentially, may brotherly love prevail and every moral and social virtue cements us. Amen.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou”  has contributed with many articles from a philosophical  basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct.  He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a  32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate this information. Being a plumber has made me so strong but, I see so much weakness in myself as I grow. It hurts to grow myself and I wonder if it is worth it doing it alone: i see my fellow tradesman abusing drugs and physically broken. Should one be alone persuing such a career? I really like who i work with but, I feel so alone being a tradesman. Is becoming a Freemason right because you have thought about it for almost 10 years? Is it right to want to understand from people who are a society with secrets? I would like to know! Thank you Luciano. - Myles


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