Troward:The Hidden Power - Part 5

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Mark St. Cyr

 Please find part 4 here:

We discover our intuition is true by realizing the deep connection to the Infinite Harmony of All Being. This realization is not a vague feeling but a logical outcome of the universal life principle,  which permeates everything in nature. The most advanced minds among us recognize this unity,  not just in theoretical terms but as a living reality. Each person, as a unique part of the whole, has  the potential to direct streams of inexhaustible energy and power. 

What could be more significant than this realization? The influence we have on our destiny is immense. The unity with the Infinite Being draws the focus of higher spiritual forces towards us.  Recognizing this connection, we understand that our individual power and higher aspects of our spirit form the core of our existence. The law of growth, which raises us to higher levels of individual power, shows there is no limit to what we can achieve. 

Mathematics, specifically algebra, often helps clarify complex ideas. Algebra's simplicity often resolves intricate problems, showing that while variables may differ, their underlying relationships remain consistent. This is analogous to the relationship between the individual and the Infinite Being, where the connection remains unaltered despite individual differences. 

The Kabbalists spoke of the "lost word," a concept of immense power that humanity has forgotten. Rediscovering this word brings profound understanding. The word, "I AM," signifies the expression of the Infinite in each of us. It represents our true nature and power, rooted in the  essence of being. Embracing "I AM" leads us to realize our potential and unity with the Infinite. 

Understanding this unity brings us to see that the Infinite is not separate from us. The Infinite expresses itself through us, and our individuality is a mode of this expression. This understanding leads to the realization that our true nature is one with the Infinite, guiding our thoughts and actions in harmony with universal laws. 

Life, in its essence, is motion and energy. This constant flow connects everything, showing that our perceptions of separateness are illusions. The law of conservation of energy supports this, as does the recognition that we are integral parts of the greater universal power. 

Ancient teachings remind us of this unity. They stress that all power lies in the understanding and  embracing of "I AM." This phrase is not just about self-affirmation but about realizing our connection to the greater whole. The "lost word" teaches us that our words and thoughts shape our reality. We are powerful beings capable of influencing the world around us through our thoughts and intentions. 

In practical terms, this means recognizing our own vitality and responsiveness. Our thoughts and  feelings shape our experiences. When we consider Spirit in the absolute, we realize that even the smallest thoughts can have infinite repercussions. This idea is reinforced by the principle that "as  a man thinks, so is he." Our internal state reflects in our external reality, and our thoughts create  vibrations that extend into the infinite. 

The creative power of Spirit shows that every thought and intention we have shapes our world.  Persistent thoughts create stronger effects than random ones. This highlights the importance of  focusing our minds and controlling our thoughts to create the reality we desire. Scattered thoughts lead to scattered results, while focused thoughts harness the power of Spirit for greater outcomes. 

The idea of directed concentration is crucial. Energy without direction is chaotic, leading to confusion and destruction. Directed thought channels this energy into constructive outcomes.  Whether it's physical forces or spiritual power, concentrated energy brings significant results.  This principle applies both to individual efforts and the collective actions of humanity. 

Selfishness and ignorance are major barriers to realizing our potential. They limit our ability to connect with the infinite and harness its power. True progress comes from understanding our role within the larger system and aligning our actions with universal principles. This alignment leads  to greater freedom and fulfillment, as we work in harmony with the natural laws of the universe. 

Ultimately, the infinite harmony of All-Being shows us that our highest good is achieved by  recognizing and embracing our connection to the greater whole. This principle of unity and love  drives all progress, ensuring that our individual actions contribute to the collective advancement  of humanity. By understanding and applying this law, we unlock our potential and fulfill our role within the universe. 


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