Showing posts with label Homer Lodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homer Lodge. Show all posts

When a light goes out

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners

WB Keith Sigwerth 

Freemasonry in my little corner of the woods was dealt a tremendous blow when a brother that many of you didn't know by the name of, Keith A. Sigwerth passed away on Dec. 18, 2023, after being diagnosed earlier this year with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Before I begin to tell you about Keith in my own words, I want to share his Masonic resume:  

Keith was a Master Mason dedicated to raising fellow brothers to become Master Masons. He became Master of his Lodge, Mahomet Masonic Lodge #220 in 2016 and served as Master of his lodge for two consecutive years. He was part of Traveling Degree, a Lifetime Member of Mahomet Masonic Lodge #220, and an honorary member of several surrounding lodges including Western Star Lodge #240, Ogden Masonic Lodge #754, Tolono Masonic Lodge #391, Monticello Masonic Fraternal Lodge #58, Farmer City Masonic Lodge #710, Paxton Masonic Lodge Room #416, Gibson City Lodge #733, Rantoul Lodge #470, Sidney Lodge #347, Urbana Lodge #157 and Homer Lodge #199.

He quickly became a 32nd-degree Mason after joining the Valley of Danville Scottish Rite and served on the Line of Perfection for several years.

He was a member of the Illini Shrine Club and became President for two consecutive years. He also became a part of the Hi-Lo Wheelers where you would see Keith in parades all around east-central Illinois in his little yellow car.

Keith and his Shrine Car

Transporting dozens of children and their families to and from the St. Louis, MO and Chicago, IL Shriners Hospitals for Children; he was a loyal transporter for the Shriners for several years.

Keith joined the Ansar Shrine Club in Springfield where he entered the Divan Line, serving four years. He was an Ambassador for Ansar Shrine, Tri-County Shrine, Shelby County Shrine Club, and Eastern Illinois Shrine Club in Danville, visiting many Shrine clubs throughout the state.

Keith and His Wife Becky

Let me just tell you in my own words about Keith.  Keith was one of the friendliest and most down-to-earth brothers you could ever meet.  Earlier this year, before his diagnosis, I had sent an email to the brethren of Homer Lodge #199 telling them that we had been having trouble making quorum.  Keith lived probably 40 to 45 minutes from Homer, but he showed up because I asked for help.  He was an honorary member at Homer #199 and didn't have to drive all that way to help us out, but he did.  He did because that's who Keith was.  That was his character.  He would go out of his way to help out.  Any brother that had the pleasure of knowing Keith would probably say the same thing. He was just one of those quiet, unassuming brothers who really made an impact here in East Central Illinois.  

There were over 50 brothers who drove from all over the state to attend Keith's Masonic Service, including the current Potentate of the ANSAR Shrine, Jason Cutright.  His Masonic Rites were given by WB Jeff Baine, who was a friend of Keith's and asked by his wife to give those rites.  I don't know how Jeff did it without a complete emotional breakdown, because lord knows I was fighting back tears during them.  

If there is any other point to this article other than wanting to make sure Keith's legacy lives on Masonically, it's to do something I did every time Keith helped me out personally, but something that I think I should have done the last time I saw him, which was this past September 30 at a Pancake Breakfast fundraiser at Mahomet Lodge #220.  I should have thanked him again and told him how much respect I had for him, and how he inspired me to be better.  So, Keith, I thank you for being a bright light in Freemasonry and for being a positive influence on those around you.  Thank You for leading by example.  Thank You for being kind.  Thank You for being you.  You'll be missed brother.  Not just by myself, but by those who were lucky enough to know you.       

Keith is survived by his loving wife, Becky Sigwerth (Smith) of Mahomet; daughter Michelle Bonham and Son-In-Law who he loved like his own, Eric Bonham of Mahomet; grandchildren Robert, Mackenzie, Bailey, and Josie Mae Bonham of Mahomet, and sister-in-law Glenda Sigwerth of Mt. Vernon. He loved his sidekick and best buddy, Brody, his black lab puppy.


Darin Lahners is our Managing Editor. He is a host and producer of the "Meet, Act and Part" podcast as well as a co-host of an all-things-paranormal podcast, "Beyond the 4th Veil." He is currently serving the Grand Lodge of Illinois Ancient Free and Accepted Masons as a member of the Committee on Masonic Education He is a Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph. He is also a plural member of Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL), where he is also a Past Master. He’s also a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282, Salt Fork Shrine Club under the Ansar Shrine, and a grade one (Zelator) in the S.C.R.I.F. Prairieland College in Illinois. He is also a Fellow of the Illinois Lodge of Research. He was presented with the Torok Award from the Illinois Lodge of Research in 2021.  

Memorial Day

by Midnight Freemasons Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners

Memorial Day is traditionally observed on the last Monday in May to remember those who died in active military service.  Our fraternity has a long history of members that have died defending our freedom and many who were much more famous than Capt. Wesley M. Tibbetts.

However, Capt. Tibbetts holds a special place of honor in my heart because he was a member of Homer Lodge #199 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois when he was shot down over Germany during World War Two.  He was the uncle to our current Treasurer of Homer Lodge #199 and my good friend, Eric Buzzard's wife, Lyna Riggs Buzzard. 

Captain Tibbetts was born October 26, 1916, in Roundup, Montana.  He entered the Army Air Corps at Chanute Field in Illinois as an aviation cadet. Upon completion of his training, he was assigned to the 338th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group flying a Republic P-43 Lancer. Upon arriving at Nuthampstead, England in October 1943, the unit transitioned to Lockheed's P-38 Lightning ( the 'Forked Tail Devil').

On February 24, 1944, he was flying his 51st mission escorting B-24 bombers that were carrying experimental "non-defusable" bombs when he disappeared. His wingman later stated that he could not remember if they were engaged by enemy aircraft or experienced flak. Luftwaffe records, however, state that the P-38 (42-67752) was shot down by Stabsfelwebel (Sergeant Major) Krausse of 4/JG 11 on this date.

In a letter to Tibbetts' aunt in 1949, a German priest named Heber Kosak stated that he watched an American aircraft get cut off by a German fighter. In the chase that followed, he said that the P-38 lost its tail rudder, a propeller, and then crashed on a farm near Sondra. Munitions on the plane exploded, and the aircraft took 2 days to completely burn.  

Tibbett's body was hidden by the priest and some villagers until after the war, and his body was then reinterred at the G.A.R. Cemetery in Homer, Illinois. There is a memorial in Sondra, Germany at his crash site.   

Captain Tibbets was awarded the following:

  • Air Medal with 2 oak leaf clusters
  • American Campaign Medal
  • American Defense Medal
  • Distinguished Flying Cross
  • World War II Victory Medal
  • European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 2 bronze stars

He was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on September 9, 1941, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on September 17, 1941, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on September 21, 1941.  Thank You Brother and Captain Tibbets for your sacrifice.

I'm sure every lodge that was created prior to World War Two has its own heroes. This is only one of many that belonged to Homer Lodge #199. On this memorial day, I hope that you take time to remember those members of your lodges that paid the ultimate sacrifice.  


WB Darin A. Lahners is our Co-Managing Editor. He is a host and producer of the "Meet, Act and Part" podcast. He is currently serving the Grand Lodge of Illinois Ancient Free and Accepted Masons as the Area Education Officer for the Eastern Masonic Area. He is a Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph. He is also a plural member of Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL), where he is also a Past Master. He’s also a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282, Salt Fork Shrine Club under the Ansar Shrine, and a grade one (Zelator) in the S.C.R.I.F. Prairieland College in Illinois. You can reach him by email at

Who you gonna call? - Revisit

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners 

Editor's Note:
Given today is Halloween, I thought I would rerun my article from earlier this year documenting the Paranormal Investigation that took place at my Mother Lodge St. Joseph #970 earlier this year.

I think that when dealing with all things paranormal, it's okay to have a healthy dose of skepticism.  That doesn't mean that things you might be skeptical about don't exist.  For example, we have seen in the past few years the Pentagon acknowledging that gun camera videos of UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs) are genuine.  Unquestionably I believe that many of you reading this article will either believe or disbelieve what I'm about to tell you. Believe it or not.  That's your decision.  

It all started a few years ago when one of our Past Master Masters (I believe he was Master at the time of the incident) was alone in the lodge building in the area below the kitchen and heard footsteps above him.  He knew he was the only one in the building at the time.  Another Past Master has had experiences.  Finally, it culminated with a few experiences I had this past year as the Worshipful Master.  While helping Hayden Knott, the son of Midnight Freemason Senior Contributor Greg Knott, the TV in our lodge would mysteriously turn on by itself with his eagle project.  Another time I had to run into the lodge room for something, and the TV would be on.   I've also felt random cold spots in the lodge room, spots where it feels like the temperature has dropped even though it can't have done so because there are no fans or anything else that could have caused it.  I've also been up in our lodge room with brethren and had the inner door close by itself.  During this last incident, the brother I was with was my current Senior Warden and the incoming Master, Travis Cain.

Luckily for us, Travis is a member of a paranormal investigation group, Ghostnet Paranormal. I had discussed Travis having his team do an investigation of the lodge a few months ago when the TV was doing its turning on by itself thing.  I think that having the inner door closing on its own might have accelerated this.  In any case, it was decided that they would investigate the Lodge this past Saturday evening. Now I don't know about you, but Lodge Rooms and Lodge Buildings can be creepy when alone in them especially at night.  I arrived at the lodge a bit early and found the altar light was on.  Now, it's highly likely that we just forgot to turn it off.  I checked with the brother who was Junior Deacon for our last meeting, and he could not remember if he had or not. That's most likely what happened.  What happened next I cannot explain.  I was clearing an area in our preparation room to act as the command center for Travis and his group.  Normally the Group consists of Travis, Matt, Matt's wife Elena, and Jack.  This evening, Elena was under the weather, but she was able to join remotely.  

Travis showed up and not too much long after, so did the rest of his team.  My friend, Lisa, joined me for the ghost hunting adventure.  Travis and I went downstairs to the parking lot to welcome his team members.  I met Jack and Matt and helped them carry equipment upstairs to the lodge.  We rent out retail space on the first floor.  The second floor is the lodge and the third floor is the kitchen area and attic. Upon coming up the stairs and entering our foyer, everyone was hit with the distinct smell of brewing coffee.  Full disclosure, the people that we rent to run a coffee shop, so it's possible that's where the smell was coming from.  I'd think that would be the case, but the coffee shop closed at 2pm that afternoon.  It'd be highly irresponsible of them to leave a coffeepot on, but I would think that at 8pm that coffee would be burning and that is not what we smelt.  I moved towards the stairs leading up to the kitchen area only to discover that the kitchen light was on.  Now the building was constructed in 1914.  The switch is an old push-button switch.  However, the light was not on when Travis and I left the building and it was on when we returned.  When I observed this, Matt quickly went upstairs.  He scanned the area near the switch with a K-II meter which detects levels of Electro-Magnetic frequency.  The area was much higher than the other areas in the lodge that he took sample readings of.  

After doing this and asking for whatever turned the light on to turn it off, and not having any success, Matt and his team began to set up Infra-Red cameras.  They set one up in the Foyer, one up in the Kitchen, and one in Lodge room.  Initially, they had two cameras for the lodge room, but one of the cameras didn't want to work that evening.  The camera feed was hooked to a monitor and also to a hard drive to record the activity.  Elena watched the monitor through Matt's cell phone camera, so she was able to take notes and jot down times when anything was captured on the video feed.  Once this was set up, they started with a Spirit Box.  In preparation for the evening, Travis had gone on social media to see if anyone in the community had ever had any experiences in the lodge room.  One woman told Travis that she has had experiences with what she believed was a female that smelled of lilac and claimed to have seen a male entity. 

The evening's investigation began with the use of something called a spirit or ghost box. The spirit box is a radio with a frequency scan mode that some ghost hunters claim allows communication with Spirits.  Amazingly as soon as the Ghost Box was turned on, we almost immediately heard a voice say "Hello".  It sounded like a woman's voice.  The ghost box was placed next to a tesla coil that would allow the spirits to draw energy from in order for them to manifest. There was some unintelligible garble that came through a bit later, but no other communication occurred.  After this, a viewer of the investigation on Facebook Live who was a Mason wanted someone to knock 3 times on the inner door.  Travis asked me to do so.  So I knocked.  I was not expecting any response but there were two distinct thumps that were heard by myself, Travis, Lisa, and Jack. At the same time, Elena was telling Matt that she had seen a "Shadowman" in the foyer on the IR cameras.  

The investigation went upstairs to the kitchen where the steps have been heard. There the team placed the spirit box and an infra-red motion sensor.  The motion sensor puts out an infrared beam that sounds an alarm whenever anything breaks that beam.  The investigation there did not yield any results until we came back downstairs with the spirit box, leaving the detector upstairs.  The investigation went back into the lodge room, where the team attempted to capture something called EVP's or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. They asked a bunch of questions to whatever might be in the room.  The EVPs turned up an answer to only one of the questions.  When asked about telling us its age, you could hear a "NO" on the recording.     

While downstairs, the motion detector went off. Travis immediately asked for the motion detector to be set off three more times.  I was watching the kitchen area on the monitor through the IR camera.  There was nothing in the kitchen.  In rapid succession, it was set off twice.  Then, after a pause, it went off another time.  We attempted to trigger the motion detector by jumping up and down to make sure that there wasn't any movement on the second floor where we were that could have set it off. We were unable to do so.  After attempting without success to have the motion sensor triggered again, we took a break.  I immediately sent a text to Greg Knott and told him that he should come up to experience this. 

While the rest of the team was outside, Travis and I went upstairs to give the Grand hailing sign, Greg followed but did not participate.  The thought I had was that if the spirit was a former mason, we would see if his obligation was binding enough to come to our aid.  Travis and I gave the sign, and during which Greg experienced a cold shooting sensation that went down his back.  That was all that happened. After that, Matt and Travis went into the lodge room, while Lisa and I stayed in the command center watching the IR cameras with Elena.  Jack and Greg were in the lodge room. The cameras had been picking up a lot of dust orbs, but also there were a few orbs I saw that couldn't be explained away as dust.  One of which came down from the ceiling in the foyer area (where the kitchen area is above), and then shot directly up and came through the floor into the kitchen.  Now the possibility of that happening with the camera picking up dust.  While Matt and Travis were in the lodge room, Matt began to experience pain in his lower intestine while standing in a spot east of the Altar in an area where I have experienced cold spots. Later Jack would complain of the same issue while in the same area.  Coincidence?  Maybe.  Matt and Travis went back upstairs and while upstairs, a canister of comet, the cleaner, fell off a shelf.      

It was approaching midnight, and Greg went home. The next thing that the team tried was something called the Estes method. The Estes method is a process by which one places a blindfold under one's eyes and wears isolation headphones plugged into a device that creates white noise (the aforementioned Spirit Box).  Another person sits in front of the person that is sensory deprived and asks questions.  The person that is sensory deprived then hopefully is able to better hear any audible voices that come through the headset.  All of us took a turn attempting this.  Travis was first, and while he was doing it and Matt was asking him questions, he made a movement like he was smelling something.  Matt said he smelt coffee too.  Once again, was it from downstairs? Or was it something associated with the spirit we were trying to communicate with?  We'll never know. While doing the method, Matt asked if the spirit wanted to control Travis, and immediately Travis said "No". There was a response when Matt asked if they wanted to speak to him, but Travis couldn't make it out.  The questioning continued, during which time Matt felt something touching his neck.  When he asked if it was this spirit that he was talking to touching his neck, Travis said: "How?".  Matt after this claimed he saw a ball of light next to Travis, however, it was not seen on the Facebook Live feed.  Hopefully, it was caught on the recording through the security cameras.  Travis claimed he felt a sensation of a presence being in front of him during his time doing the Estes method. It was then Matt's turn.  He felt something touch him on his shoulder. Like static electricity.  Other than that, he responded to a question about the Order of Eastern Star. He also claimed to feel really cold. It was then Lisa's turn, and Lisa had no success.  

It was then my turn.  Now I can only explain that when you are blindfolded and the headphones are on you, there is just white noise coming through the headphones.  You can tell that someone is talking but you can't make out what they are saying. Travis explained it like Charlie Brown's parents.  You could tell that Travis was speaking and when he was done, but I could not hear what he was saying. Every time he stopped speaking, there was a more focused burst of static as if something was trying to come through the headphones, but I was unable to make out any words.  I felt extremely cold at one point, and at another, I felt like something touched my left hand.  When Travis took the blindfold off me, I told him again that I felt cold and then asked if he had asked it to touch me, to which he replied that he had. Another interesting thing that happened was that the things that were on top of the tesla coil stopped spinning a few times and Travis had to push them to get them restarted.  Matt explained and demonstrated that the only thing that could do that would be something touching the base of the coil or placing one's hand over the spinning things on the coil.  

It was then Jack's turn.  Travis started to question Jack and the coil stopped spinning again.  Jack had some replies to Travis's questioning, but one of his answers did not make sense until later.  Travis asked who sat in the chair directly behind him, which was the Senior Warden's station.  Jack replied "Dale".  The name rang a bell with me but I was unable to place it until I showed the team the pictures of the Past Masters that we had. There on the board was Charles W. Dale. It was our belief that the entity might be Dr. Henry Elmer Davis, who was instrumental in starting the lodge and died at a relatively young age.  Davis was the second Worshipful Master and the first one that would have been over the lodge after it was built in 1914.  The first Worshipful Master would have been the one who led the lodge while it was Under Dispensation.  I do not know where they met while they were U.D. and the lodge was being built.  I will have to research to see if Dale was in the West the year prior to being Worshipful Master, and if not, when he served as Senior Warden.  After this, the investigation came to a close. 

The story continued the next morning for me.  Upon awaking, I noticed my left hand.  There was a scratch or irritation exactly where I felt I was touched the night before.  I immediately sent Travis a text. He said that he's had physical after-effects and that Matt and Elena had experienced this as well.  Now is it possible I did this to myself while I was asleep?  Sure.  I once again found it extremely coincidental, however.   

One thing is certain to me. Something occurred to all of us that evening. I don't know what it was, but I don't have an explanation for many of the things I witnessed.  Do I think my lodge is haunted?  I felt that it was a possibility before, and after Saturday, I feel that even more strongly.  Maybe it's just confirmation bias. All I know is that a lodge is a sacred space.  I feel that we perform a form of Magick or Alchemy there every time we make a new Mason.  I feel that there is a lot of energy in that lodge room in particular because of that.  I can only think of the hundreds of men that went through degrees there since 1914. Does what we do in that room leave something behind? I'd like to think that it does. So maybe what we tapped into that.  Maybe the lodge is haunted.  I don't know.  I can only say that I had an amazing experience.  I look forward to trying to work with their team again when they investigate a building that was a funeral home and then later it was an old-folks home here in St. Joseph, Illinois, or when they investigate Homer Lodge in Homer Illinois.  I have been thinking of asking Travis if they need a new member.  I'll even give up my internship with Greg Knott for it. 

If you're interested in seeing the live videos from Saturday or hearing the EVP, go to Ghostnet Paranormals Facebook page ( They will hopefully be posting some other things caught on the cameras soon.     


WB Darin A. Lahners is our Co-Managing Editor. He is a host and producer of the "Meet, Act and Part" podcast. He is currently serving the Grand Lodge of Illinois Ancient Free and Accepted Masons as the Area Education Officer for the Eastern Masonic Area. He is a Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph. He is also a plural member of Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL), where he is also a Past Master. He’s a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282, and a member of the Salt Fork Shrine Club under the Ansar Shrine. You can reach him by email at         

A Night To Remember, A Preview Of Things To Come?

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners

Brethren and Guests of Homer #199 

It started with a conservation between Illus. Bro. Steven Harrison, soon to be Illus. Bro. Greg Knott and myself.  Although it was derailed last year due to the pandemic, Steve Harrison has always been kind enough in the past several years to stop in Urbana, Illinois for lunch with Greg Knott, Todd Creason, Brian L. Pettice, and I (along with various other brothers who have shown up over the years) as he winds his way to Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the Indy 500 from his home in Missouri.  This year we were able to have this lunch, and Steve offered to give an educational presentation for us when he made his way through the area the following year.  As circumstance would have it, Steve contacted me about two months ago to inform me that he'd be coming through the area as he needed to conduct some research in Michigan. 

Initially, I looked at him potentially coming for a stated meeting of my mother lodge, Saint Joseph #970, but as fate would have it, Steve was going to Indianapolis for the Indy, Xfinity, and NASCAR races this past weekend.  My plural Lodge, Homer #199, was meeting on August 16, the day after the final race had ended, and Steve would be coming directly by the area. Steve was also needing to have a face-to-face discussion with the Midnight Freemasons co-editor, Robert Johnson; so once Robert was able to commit to being able to travel downstate from his home in Northeastern Illinois for the meeting, the date was selected.  Steve asked what presentation we would like to see, and after performing a quick poll of our lodge members, we decided that we would like him to present: "Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi", based on his book of the same name. 

With this, the wheels were set in motion.  I started heavily advertising the event on Social Media.  I started an Eventbrite event page to try to get a count of how many would be coming in so that I could accurately buy enough food for the pre-meeting dinner. Although, I'm Senior Warden currently, I informed the Junior Warden, Sam Shreeves, that I'd handle the meal for the event. I spoke with Robert, and agreed that he'd stay at my place, Steve would have his RV which he would be able to park in the spacious lot south of our Lodge building in Homer.  I will spare you the minutiae of the rest. 

The evening came and dinner was served.  I was amazed at the number of people that had turned out.   We had a total of Twenty Three brothers in attendance.  Now maybe that's a normal turnout for a stated meeting for you, but for someone who is attending meetings where we normally are struggling to make a quorum, that is incredible.  We opened the meeting on the first degree as we had an Entered Apprentice in attendance, and followed the opening with Steve's presentation which lasted approximately 45 minutes and was followed by a short Question and Answer session.  Immediately after the presentation, Our Worshipful Master, Dale Katterhenry, presented Illus. Bro Harrison with our Grandmaster's Pin.

WM Dale Katterhenry presents Illus. Bro. Harrison with MWGM Stephen Oakley's pin 

Homer Lodge #199 surprised both Steve and Robert with honorary memberships.  I presented the certificates and dues cards to both of them along with our Worshipful Master, Dale Katterhenry, stating that we wanted to honor them for their contributions to Masonic Education, but that from a purely selfish standpoint that I felt it would be so freaking cool to have them as members of a Lodge that Greg Knott, Todd Creason and myself already belong to.  

WB Darin Lahners and WB Dale Katterhenry present honorary memberships to Steven (background L) and Robert (foreground L)

To finish the presentations, the Midnight Freemason Blogs Founder, WB Todd Creason, presented  Midnight Freemason Senior Contributor, WB Greg Knott, with a gift to commemorate Greg being conferred the 33rd Degree in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.  The gift was an illustration of Greg by the uber-talented Midnight Freemason emeritus contributor and fellow 33rd conferree, Travis Simpkins.    

Soon to be Illus. Bro. Greg Knott by soon-to-be Illus.Bro. Travis Simpkins

Following the presentations, the lodge business was handled, and after the meeting, we took the fantastic photograph that headlines this article.  We also were able to get a picture of the six Midnight Freemasons in attendance.  This made Robert jokingly remark that we should change the name of the lodge to the Midnight Freemason lodge.    

From L to R: Illus.Bro. Brian L. Pettice, Illus. Bro. Steven L. Harrison, Illus.Bro. Todd E. Creason, RWB Robert Johson, Soon to be Illus. Bro. Greg Knott, WB Darin Lahners

We also had our guests come in from across the state. WB Tim Thomason, (Fifth from the left in the headline picture above), who is the current Worshipful Master of Landmark Lodge #422, drove 128.5 miles from Plainfield, Illinois for the event. One of my fellow Area Education Officers, Bro. Jordan Kelly, drove along with Bros. Andrew Friend and Kyle Koestner drove 110 miles from Springfield Illinois to attend the event.  I want to thank them personally for taking the extraordinary effort of doing that.   I also want to thank everyone who came out, again from the bottom of my heart.  I also want to thank my brethren of Homer #199, especially our secretary, WB Stephen Hooper who jumped through multiple hoops to get the honorary memberships.  

Illus. Bro. Steve Harrison, Bros. Jordan Kelly, Kyle Koestner, Andrew Friend

After the event I was texting with Greg Knott and Todd Creason. Greg stated that it was an awesome event and I did a great job.  As much as I appreciate the compliment, what made it all worth while is all of my brothers in the headline picture getting together, enjoying fellowship and education.  But the funny thing is, it really wasn't that hard to do.  Maybe I was lucky because I had connections, but at the end of the day, it's something that can easily be replicated in your lodge. 

Here's the very simple recipe:
1. Get your lodges buy-in (if you can).  In my case, Homer #199 has prioritized Education, so when I asked, everyone agreed.  But if you don't think that your lodge would approve doing an event like this, then you don't really need them to.   You just need a space to hold the event. Work with other lodges in your area, and brethren that you know that have a passion for Masonic education.  I'm willing to bet that someone will give you the space for it.

2. Arrange a speaker.  Browse and find a speaker that you might want to bring in.  Reach out to them. 

3. Plan the event.  Make the event as simple or complex as you want. The sky is the limit. 

4. Hold the event.  If you build it, brethren will come. If you don't believe me, look at the above photos.   

This is the second event that I've planned, The first being the 2018 Illinois Lodge of Research Spring Symposium. Let me tell you, that event was a lot harder to pull together than this one, but it still wasn't too difficult.  It doesn't take an expert level planner to put something like this together.  If you need advice about how to do it, my email is in my bio.

In closing, I'd like to think of last night as the first of many.  My hope is that you read the article and you get inspired to do something in your own backyard. I'd also like to float the idea of having a Midnight Freemason Con.  I'd like to get as many of our contributors (past and present) into one room with a bunch of brothers and just have some fellowship, fun and hopefully learn some things along the way.  If you think that'd be a good idea and something that you might try to attend, please comment on Social Media or on the blog below.    


WB Darin A. Lahners is our co-managing Editor.  He is a Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph. He is also a plural member of Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL), where he is also a Past Master. He’s a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282 and is the current Secretary of the Illini High Twelve Club No. 768 in Champaign – Urbana (IL). You can reach him by email at              

A Midnight Freemasons Road Trip

by Midnight Freemasons Founder
Todd E. Creason, 33°
left to right: Senior Warden Greg Knott, Katie Creason, Junior Warden Darin Lahners, and WM Todd E. Creason
We’ve been talking for some time about the possibility of starting a Masonic Library at our Lodge—Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL).  Our Lodge over the last several years has gained a reputation as a Lodge that puts a particular focus on education.  We even have a museum room in our Lodge, so a library seemed the next reasonable step. 

The focus on education is what saved our Lodge.  Homer Lodge was chartered in 1856, and our building was built in 1892, but in 2011 we about closed it.  The building needed an enormous amount of work, including a new roof, and there just weren’t many members left to help.  In fact, we had a difficult time getting enough members at our regular meetings to open. 

Fortunately, since the Lodge had nothing to lose but closing, we were able to try a few things to save it, and one of those things was to improve the meeting experience, and put a major focus on providing good quality education at every meeting.  Our thought was that eventually, Masons from other Lodges might come to our monthly programs.  We also hoped that a few might join our Lodge as dual members as well. 

Here it is six years later, and the Lodge is beginning to see results.  We’ve got a new roof, and a new mission.  The entire Lodge has been cleaned and restored inside and out (less a little more work to do on one exterior wall).  It is certainly one of the grandest Lodges in our area—the Lodge room itself is around 2,500 square feet with towering ceilings.  We even turned what was once a room full of junk into a museum, where we’ve displayed many of the artifacts from our long history we found stored in the attic.  In addition to that, there’s a new Royal Arch Chapter that has been formed, Admiration Chapter No. 282, with the same focus on education as the Lodge.  The building is in use constantly.  It’s been used by other local Lodges, the Knight Masons, the Allied Masonic Degrees, the Illinois Lodge of Research, the Shriners.  Masonry has returned to Homer, IL in a big way.  The Officers of the Grand Lodge of Illinois A. F. & A. M. even came and rededicated the Lodge two years ago. 

So we began talking about a library.  As you know, books are expensive, and books on Freemasonry can be very expensive.  We had just started talking about how we might finance a library, when I got a call—an email actually.  It was from Noel C. Dicks, who was the Grand Master of Illinois when I became a Mason.   He wanted to know if we’d ever thought about starting a library at Homer Lodge, because he knew a Mason, WB Bill Henry, that was looking to make some room in his basement by getting rid of a bunch of books he’d collected over the years on Freemasonry. 

Sometime it happens that way!

left to right: Darin Lahners, Todd E. Creason, Greg Knott, and library donor WB Bill Henry
Shortly before Christmas, three Midnight Freemasons, who also happen to be the three principle officers of Homer Lodge No. 199, went on a road trip to pick up a load of books—over 70 volumes.  It was an incredibly generous donation.  Bill Henry’s collection will form the core of our new library that will be enjoyed by members of Homer Lodge for generations to come.  And we plan to continue to add to our collection with the hopes that our library will become a place where new members and old can come and enhance their knowledge of our beloved Craft.

Saving a Lodge is a lot of work, but as I’ve said before, once the light of Masonry goes out, it never returns.  Sometimes it’s worth the hard work and effort to preserve that heritage at all costs.  And I’ll give you one good reason why.   

We have a young Fellow Craft that is about to be raised a Master Mason.  He wanted to join our Lodge in particular—it was a family tradition he wanted to bring back.  When I gave him the tour of the building before he petitioned, he found photographs of his great grandparents hanging on the wall in our museum—both involved in an Eastern Star Chapter that met at Homer Lodge many years ago.   
If Freemasonry changes that young man's life in the same positive way it has changed the lives of many of my Brothers, every drop of sweat has been worth it.


For your added enjoyment, here's an episode of "Masonic Curators" that featured Homer Lodge No. 199 presented by Senior Warden (and Midnight Freemason Senior Contributor) Greg Knott.

Todd E. Creason, 33° is the Founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog and is a regular contributor.  He is the award winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series. He is the author of the From Labor to Refreshment blog.  He is the Worshipful Master of Homer Lodge No. 199 and a Past Master of Ogden Lodge No. 754.  He is a Past Sovereign Master of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees.  He is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research. (FMLR) and a charter member of a new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282.  You can contact him at: