Showing posts with label Moon and Son Publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon and Son Publishing. Show all posts

When Are You Going to Write Famous American Freemasons: Volume III?

After I posted last week about the new novel I'm working on, I got a flurry of emails asking me about the long promised Famous American Freemasons: Volume III.  To date, there is no Volume III in the works, or planned in the near future.  And let me tell you a couple reasons why.

When I wrote the first two books, my plan was to write two books about Famous American Freemasons, and possibly a third that would include Freemasons from around the world.  People had a fit when I let that be known (Freemasons are a very patriot group).  So I changed directions pretty quickly, and I decided if I did write a third volume, it would be another all-American book.  However, I used the big names in the first two books, and what I was left with when I began planning the third in the series was a very weak line-up of famous Americans compared to the first two.  I've worked and reworked the list many times, and I'm not satisfied with it.

And there is another problem--time.  Researching and writing is time consuming. It takes about a week to research one chapter in my Famous American Freemasons books.  That's a lot of time in the library.  It wasn't so difficult a few years ago, but I've got a lot more going on now.  Full time job, a four-year-old at home, Master of my Masonic lodge, editor of a monthly newsletter, the blog, I'm taking classes again, and launching Moon & Son Publishing--not to mention the yard work, and errands involved in everyday life. 

So when I do get a few hours to write, I tend to write a little lighter--fiction.  And I've really enjoyed it.  One Last Shot has done much better than I anticipated, and so I've decided to follow it up with another novel set in the same town, and with many of the same characters.  If the second one does as well as the first one has, we'll see where that leads.

I do have plans to write more non-fiction eventually if I can better organize my time.  Freemasons have a nearly universal inability to say "no" and as a result, we tend to be very busy people.  But I sincerely doubt there will ever be and Famous American Freemasons: Volume III.  However, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point I don't go back to the original plan, and write a final volume that includes non-American Freemasons.


Book Announcement: A Shot After Midnight

Best-selling author Levi Garvey and his new wife Tori, first introduced in Todd E. Creason’s debut novel One Last Shot, are back, along with a few other familiar faces. It’s been nearly two years since Levi and Tori’s deadly encounter with Twin Rivers Chief of Police, Doug Malone, and life in the small town of Twin Rivers has returned to its usual quiet pace. But it’s not to last.

On a clear and quiet spring night, a single shot echoes across the town of Twin Rivers. It’s not long before the body of Andy Miller is found dead in his living room. Shot through a window at long range with a high-powered rifle. Andy Miller had been released that day from prison after serving 38 years. He was imprisoned for his involvement in the 1973 armed robbery of the First National Bank of Calloway, where a police officer was brutally gunned down.

Fraught with twists and turns, A Shot After Midnight is a riveting sequel to One Last Shot that readers will find impossible to put down until the last page.

Todd E. Creason's A Shot After Midnight will be available from Moon & Son Publishing at major booksellers everywhere in 2012. 

Novel Release! Thanks To All Involved

One Last Shot
My new novel One Last Shot is now available on Amazon!  It's also available for download to your Kindle.  There isn't much product information up yet, that usually takes a few days to catch up, but you'll find all those details here

Moon & Son Publishing Logo
It's the first book published by Moon & Son Publishing, and it turned out beautifully.  I had a lot of help.  My wife Valerie most of all.  She's almost a co-author of this book.  I'd have never gotten the plot worked out if it weren't for her.  And my mom, Jane Creason, has edited all my books so far, and this one was the most challenging of all.  I couldn't do these books without her keen eye.  Thanks again, mom! 

I actually had several editors this time around that read it at various states of finish.  Billie Scales, Judy Gordon, Jack Hall, Brion Sausser, and Lesley Millar all read it and offered excellent suggestions and encouragement.  Ray Gordon designed the colophon for Moon & Son Publishing.  I needed something that would reproduce well very, very small--like on the spine of a book, and on the title page.  I'd sent him a scan of a little moon I wanted to use from a 200 year old Masonic woodcut, and he said he'd clean it up and sharpen it for me.  You can't believe how surprised I was when I got it back and saw he'd replaced the original moon's face with mine!  Of course my nose isn't that straight.  With my big mouth, it's been broken a few times.  Thanks for fixing that for me, Ray.  It's way easier than plastic surgery. 

Buy my Daddy's book so I can
 go to college one day!
And of course, the cover is absolutely stunning thanks to the remarkable design talents of my new friend Brion Sausser.  I ran across Book Creatives on the internet one evening, and contacted him, and it's the best decision I made.  Brion will be designing all the covers for Moon & Son Publishing going forward.  Brion doesn't just design covers, but offers a range of services to authors, including interior design, websites, etc.  And he's great to work with. 

Moon & Son Publishing will be releasing two more projects this month as well.  The first two volumes of the Famous American Freemasons series will be available for download to your Kindle within a few days, and a for Nook users, it should be available at Barnes & Noble for download within a couple weeks.  The third and final volume of the Famous American Freemasons series is well under way, and I expect that to be released in 2012.  There's a great little promo video for the final volume on my website   

ONE LAST SHOT For B&N Nook Next Week!

Here we go!  Moon & Son Publishing is pleased to announce that One Last Shot should be available for download from Barnes & Noble for your Nook e-reader as soon as next week.  Just in time for Christmas for those of you that took my advice and got yourself a Nook.  I'll post a link just as soon as it becomes available.

For those of you with the Amazon Kindle, the e-book should be available at for the Kindle before Christmas also.   And, of course, the print version will be available at major online booksellers and select stores everywhere in early January 2011.

Enjoy your weekend,


ONE LAST SHOT: Coming January 2011

ISBN 978-0-9831156-0-1
I've pretty much gotten everything done at this point, so I've decided to move the release date of One Last Shot up to January 2011.  The electronic versions will be available later through Google Books, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

I had no idea when I decided to become an independent publisher and put together Moon & Son Publishing how much work it was going to be (and how much I was going to have to learn about just about every aspect of publishing.)  But it was well worth the two or three months of near constant frustration, and climbing what proved to be a pretty steep learning curve.  But I've had a lot of help from other independent publishers, from the knowledgeable staff at LSI, from my graphic designer Brion Sausser, and there are a few great books out there for independent publishers that I found invaluable written by Aaron Shepherd.  And of course, Moon & Son Publishing has a great imprint designed by my friend and fraternal Brother, Ray Gordon. 

ISBN 978-0-9831156-0-1
I don't know if I'd recommend going this route for a first-time author, but if you're planning on putting out a title a year, there are tremendous advantages to going through this pain, and moderate expense.  There's a much better profit margin.  You maintain the control over every aspect of your project--every detail from layout to marketing. 

However, on the downside, there's a lot to learn, there's a lot to do, there's a million steps, and a lot of tiny little details to keep track of.  You'll have to learn about everything from creating a distilled PDF to a certain set of very rigid specifications, to figuring out manufacturing costs and margins, to learning how to convert your book files into a variety of electronic formats.  If you're not a detail oriented person, this isn't the right choice for you.  I've been a business manager and accountant for nearly 25 years, dealing with details every day, and this little project frazzled me a bit. 

But as with all things, it gets easier after the first time.  I'm not deterred, in fact, Moon & Son Publishing has plans on re-releasing updated and revised versions off all three of my previous books in the next year (including electronic versions for your e-reader).  And, of course, now that I've managed to navigate this minefield, maybe I can get back to doing what I really enjoy in my free time.  Writing!

ONE LAST SHOT: Sample Chapter 2

I'm going to take a few days off to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.  Here's another sample chapter of my novel to keep you entertained. 


Gryphon Tea Room
Savannah, Georgia
“Something seems to be on your mind today,” Ray Billings said casually, looking at Levi over the top of his teacup with his dark gray eyes. The cup looked tiny in his massive hands.

Levi said nothing at first. The remark surprised him since it was unlike Ray to pry. Ray set his teacup down and leaned back in one of the trademark orange wooden chairs of the Gryphon Tea Room. The chair creaked under his massive athletic build. In the morning light streaming through the front windows, his badge gleamed brightly from the pocket of his perfectly pressed khaki shirt

Ray, who was in his mid-fifties, kept his head shaved clean, but his most defining feature was a handlebar mustache, which he kept waxed and curled up at the ends—the kind of mustache not seen much anymore. Ray crossed his arms over his chest, looking confident that his assessment was correct.

“Why do you say that?” Levi replied.

“Levi, don’t bullshit a bull-shitter,” Ray said with a chuckle. “I’m a trained observer with more than twenty-five years experience. Little gets past me, as you should well know. When I pull over a teenager, I can tell by his mannerisms if he has beer in his trunk. I’m so good, in fact, I can usually guess how many.”

Levi grinned. Ray was good. He was often mystified by his friend’s powers of observation. He’d often thought of himself as Watson to Ray Billings’ Sherlock Holmes.

“You’re a wise man, Officer Billings. What gave me away? What little hint did I give you that something is wrong? ”

The giant man smiled broadly. His size and demeanor were intimidating, but when he smiled, all that melted away in an instant. He had a face people instantly trusted, a trait that served him well in his job.

“It was pretty easy, actually. You probably could’ve figured this one out yourself,” he said, chiding Levi.

“Really? So easy even I could’ve figured it out? Oh, please, share.”

The great observer thought for a moment about how he would reveal the answer.

“How long have we known each other, Levi?”

“I met you shortly after I moved to Savannah ten years ago.”

Gryphon Tea Room trademark orange chairs
“Has it been ten years since that night I caught you and that young lady in your car in the parking lot of the Crystal Beer Room? Come to think of it, you never did tell me what you and that girl were doing in that car.”

Levi grinned. “Nothing, thanks to you.”

“I believed your story.”

“That’s what you say now, but it sure didn’t stop you from running me in back then. And, by the way, I maintain the same story I told you then—I had no idea that young lady was a hooker.”

Ray shook his head, smiling at the memory, and continued, “And on that following Monday, I run into you here.”

“And I was thrilled to see my arresting officer again so soon. Of course, you invited yourself to join me at my table,” Levi said, sarcastically. “And you ate all my damned scones.”

Ray ignored him. “We get talking, and we become friends. And since then, we’ve met here just about every Monday”

“True,” Levi said. He had no idea where Ray was going with this.

“I’d say we’ve missed maybe one or two Mondays a year when you’re off on speaking engagements or frying chicken with Paula Deen on her show or signing books somewhere.” Ray often teased him about his celebrity. “So we’re talking about what? Five hundred Mondays all told that we’ve met here at the Gryphon?”

Levi nodded. “You’re pretty close.”

“And yet, when I came up behind you today and said ‘good morning’ as I always do, you jumped a damned foot. You didn’t expect to see me here on our regular meeting day. Now I know you come up here a few times a week, but your reaction means either you didn’t know it was Monday, or you are so preoccupied with something else you forgot it was Monday.”

As with Holmes and Dr. Watson, when the answer was revealed, it was always more obvious than expected.

“True,” Levi said, smiling and shaking his head.

“So what’s bothering you?”

Savannah Scottish Rite Temple looms above
Gryphon Tea Room
Levi’s smile faded. There were few men on earth he trusted more—maybe none. Ray had started out as a jack-ass cop, but he’d wound up as a friend and later a brother. Levi glanced down at his gold ring which featured a red stone with the gold square and compass emblem embedded in the stone. Ray wore a Freemason ring just like it. In fact, two stories up from where they were sitting at the Gryph, in a lodge room in the Savannah Scottish Rite Temple, Ray had raised his new friend a Master Mason. Levi had since become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason as well.

“I think life is about to change for me,” Levi said. “I’m forty-two years old, and I’ve been successful, but I’m hemorrhaging cash, and I think the cash cow is about to dry up.”

“Ah,” Ray said, “what a strange day. We’re on a topic we never discuss. We’re talking about your books—right?”

The strength of their friendship was based on the fact there were some things they never discussed. One topic that seldom came up was Levi’s books. Ray always got the feeling Levi wasn’t completely comfortable with his celebrity. Even upstairs, amongst his Freemason friends, Levi didn’t want to be known as “the famous writer.” He bristled every time someone introduced him that way or brought up the fact he was a published writer. Ray didn’t understand Levi’s reaction, but he respected his privacy.

Levi’s past was another topic they never discussed. Levi was very adept at steering conversations away from his history. Ray had picked up a few things over the years since Levi had occasionally let comments slip. For instance, Ray knew there were problems with his parents, and that Levi hadn’t been home in nearly two decades. And, of course, there was a ten-year gap between the time Levi had graduated from the University of Illinois and when Ray had met him—a blank slate about which Levi had never dropped even one hint. Ray knew he could find out more if he wanted to, but again he respected Levi’s privacy.

Ray leaned back in his chair, sipping tea as he listened to Levi’s story about the declining quality of his three books. He knew Levi was getting to the crux of the problem.

“The book I just published, Thou Art with Me isn’t very good. My agent tells me it will sell, but another crappy book will put me out of business for good.”

Ray finally leaned forward and looked Levi square in the eye.

“So you wrote two good books and one bad one. Write another good one,” he said simply. “Try harder. Spend a little less time chasing tail and a little more time writing books. I mean, that was the problem last time, right?”

Levi looked at him blankly. He’d just heard this same lecture from Wanda. When Levi didn’t say anything, Ray suddenly understood the real problem.

“Ah, I get it. It’s deeper than that, isn’t it. You, Mr. Garvey, are going through a mid-life crisis. You’ve reached that age when you begin to think your best years are behind you. You think you’ve already reached the peak of your craft, and everything to come will pale by comparison. Y0u don’t think you can write another good book.”

“Another good book?” Levi snorted. “That’s the problem, Ray. In all honesty, I’ve written only one good book. I spent years thinking about But for the Grace of God before I wrote it. I don’t mind saying it was a great book. The second book was a variation on the same theme—a cheap knock-off. The third book was another carbon copy. Every incarnation of that same theme has been a little weaker than the one previous. In truth, I’ve had only one brilliant idea and one good book. I’ve been plagiarizing myself ever since.”

Ray nodded. “You’ve been half-assing it because you never really believed that first book was anything but a fluke. You’ve been riding that success for all it’s worth. That’s why we don’t discuss your success—you don’t think you deserve it. And now that you’ve ridden it as far as you can, you realize it’s time to either put up or shut up, and you’re scared shitless. You don’t have another idea, and you aren’t convinced you’ll ever have one.”

Levi was stunned. Ray had nailed it.

Ray leaned forward and took a scone off the table. He took a large bite, then leaned back and chewed it as he eyed Levi. There was a long pause as Levi waited for more, but Ray had said what he wanted to say.

“So what do you think I should do? You can’t buy book ideas at Wal-Mart.”

“Well, think about it,” Ray said. “How did you get that first book idea? You said you thought about it for years. Where were you? What were you doing? What was the one experience you had that got you thinking about writing a book? You weren’t a writer when you got that idea, but once you got it, you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about it. You were just going through life, and that one thing stuck. Right?”

Levi thought for a moment, then slowly nodded his head.

Suddenly, Wanda was there, her words echoing from their conversation an hour before—“Maybe you need to go back to the place where you got that first idea.”

“You’re a good friend, Brother Billings,” Levi said.

“Did I help?” Ray asked.

“Oh yeah,” Levi admitted. He reached for his Panama sitting the edge of the small table between them and picked up the newspaper he’d bought from the machine outside. “If you’re not doing anything, why don’t you come by tonight and bring a few beers. We’ll sit on the porch.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be there.”

One Last Shot will be released by Moon & Son Publishing in Spring/2010.
Copyright 2010 Todd E. Creason. All rights reserved.

Inventory Reduction Sale: Perfect Gift for the Mason on Your List!

I still have about ten copies of the very first edition of the first volume of Famous American Freemasons on hand.   These are the last of my first order back in 2007.  They've been sitting because the cover has since been updated.  In the next year these books will be republished through Moon & Son Publishing, so these Lulu editions are the last of that first edition.  These books were made long before there was a "Volume II" or even thoughts of a "Volume II" yet.  I'm cleaning out my office and they have to go.  $20.  I'll pay the shipping.  And I'll sign and personalize each copy.  And I'll try really hard to make it legible.

Contact me at  Give me your address.  How you want it signed (and be specific because I'm going to copy it word for word).   When they're gone, they're gone. 

ONE LAST SHOT: Sample Chapter


“Hey, Levi!” Brittany squealed through the window screen. “You’re going to be on TV!”

Levi Garvey was finishing his breakfast on the front porch of his Savannah townhouse. Sighing, he ignored her as he leaned back in his chair, sipped his coffee, and watched the early morning joggers and dog walkers on Pulaski Square. Dressed, as usual, in a cotton button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, blue jeans, and tennis shoes, he took it all in from under the brim of his ever-present Panama.

The morning light in Savannah, Georgia, was especially breathtaking in Pulaski Square, one of the beautiful town squares in the historic district. The sun’s golden rays beamed down wherever it could find an opening through the live oaks draped in Spanish moss. The gauzy light illuminated the purple wisteria blossoms, the cobblestone sidewalks, and the palm trees. Early morning was Levi’s favorite time of day.

“Levi, come quick! You’ll miss it! They’re going to talk about your book,” Brittany called again from inside the house.

Glancing at his German shepherd who was sleeping at the top of the porch steps, he said, “Come on, Rosco. Let’s go see what Brittany is so excited about.”

The dog never flinched.

“Rosco!” he said louder.


Grinning broadly, Levi got up from his chair, walked over to Rosco, and nudged him with his foot. Rosco’s brown eyes blinked open. He raised his head and looked around slowly, not sure what had disturbed his nap. When he finally realized his master was standing behind him, his ears went up and his tail wagged, but he never got up.

“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead,” Levi said as he leaned down to scratch Rosco’s head. “You have to be the laziest dog I’ve ever seen. You’re good for nothin’.”

Levi walked across the porch to the screen door and disappeared into the house. Rosco looked after him for a moment, then put his head back down on his paws and fell asleep again.

* * *

Brittany was sitting on the arm of the couch, eating Lucky Charms right out of the box. She was the kind of girl most men dream of—young, blonde, and blue-eyed with a perfect tan on a perfect body. The slogan on the skin-tight t-shirt she was wearing described both her strengths and her weaknesses in one short statement—I wish these were brains.

“See, I told you,” she said, pointing at a morning news program.

A bit surprised to see Brittany was watching the news, Levi figured that she’d probably run across it by accident while looking for SpongeBob SquarePants.

The cover of his most recent book was on the screen behind the critic. Brittany smiled, her eyes blinking brightly as she munched on the cereal and watched the commentary.

“. . . and after reading his first book But for the Grace of God back in 1999, I truly believed Levi Garvey was well on his way to being one of America’s great writers. I found that same powerful storytelling ability and tense prose in his second book, Fear No Evil, in 2005. These were books readers not only enjoyed reading but also continued to think about long after they turned the last page. The popularity of his first two books skyrocketed again when they were adapted into blockbuster Hollywood movies. But after reading Garvey’s latest book, Thou Art with Me, I think it’s obvious that he’s lost his touch. This book has very little to offer fans of his previous books besides disappointment. Levi Garvey has gone from genius to hack in just three books.”

“Is hack better than genius?” Brittany asked.

“No, Brit. Being called a hack is not a good thing,” he said.

“Oh,” she said, cocking her head and looking a bit perplexed. The wheels turned ever so slowly. “So he didn’t like your book?”

“No, he agrees with everyone else that it sucks.”

Thinking that during the past few weeks had caused butterflies in his stomach to flutter. Saying it aloud caused him real pain.

Brittany’s short attention span was quickly whisked away by a buzzing sound. “Hey, your cell phone has been ringing every five minutes,” she said pointing to it as it vibrated on the coffee table.

Levi picked it up, glanced at the number, and shoved it into his pocket without answering it.

“I think I’ll take a walk, Brit. Maybe down to the Gryphon.”

As he walked towards the door, Brittany said, “Hey, Levi? What channel are the cartoons on again?”

I know that girl way too well, he thought as he shook his head and grinned. “Channel 162,” he called back over his shoulder as he walked out the screen door.

Rosco was still sleeping at the top of the porch steps—no big surprise.

“Rosco, you want to go for a walk?”

Rosco’s eyes opened sleepily, but he never raised his head. The answer was pretty clear.

“Suit yourself,” Levi said as he quickly descended the steps and walked out into Pulaski Square.

* * *

Levi loved walking in Savannah. He’d learned a lot about the history of the city in the past ten years. The city’s twenty-two squares in the historic district were just beautiful. In the center of each city square was a block-sized park with perfectly tended gardens, park benches, and of course the live oaks and Spanish moss for which the city was known—picturesque and historic places that were favorite sites for family picnics and weddings.

Many of the squares were named for famous Americans—Franklin, Washington, Greene, Warren, and Madison. However, one of the original squares, Liberty Square, was named after a founding principle of America. It was a parking lot now. Levi considered it ironic that Liberty Square was one of two original squares lost, since liberty was so often sacrificed in the name of progress.

Many of the squares featured fountains, statues, and memorials, each as visually stunning as it was rich in history. Most of the houses, churches, and buildings surrounding the squares were original. The squares were often used in Hollywood films, especially those that were set during the Civil War era. One of Levi’s favorite movies, one set in modern times, had also been filmed there. He wasn’t too far away from the square where Forrest Gump had sat on a park bench, waiting for a bus while telling the story of his remarkable life to those waiting with him.

Savannah’s historic district was an American success story. After decades of neglect, many of the oldest, most historic blocks in Savannah had fallen into disrepair—the district becoming a ghost town with block after block of abandoned mansions and townhouses from America’s past boarded up and forgotten. It was only through the dedication of the Savannah Historic Society that many of the houses were saved through renovation and restoration. In order to own one of the historic homes, owners had to agree to maintain them exactly as they were when they were built. Savannah’s historic district had gone from an abandoned relic to a thriving community again. The great success story of its historic renovation had encouraged many more historic cities to do the same thing.

Levi’s townhouse on Pulaski Square was part of that success story. His home looked exactly as it had when it was built in 1844. Inside, however, it had all the modern conveniences along with five bedrooms, three baths, original fixtures, and hardwood floors—all that for a hefty price tag he could afford thanks to his first two books and the movies that followed.

As he cut across the square, Levi’s phone chirped in his pocket. A text message. Reluctantly, he pulled out the phone, then he froze as he read the message: U better answer!

“Oh, shit,” Levi said.

It was Wanda Sterling, his agent. And she was angry. He’d been dodging her calls for a couple weeks. If he kept dodging her, he knew she’d show up in Savannah.

Seconds later, the phone vibrated in his hand, startling him. That was quick, he thought. He sat down on a park bench, stared at the phone reluctantly for a moment, then answered. “Hello, Wanda,” he said.

Wanda never said hello, and she never said goodbye. She said what she had to say, and when she was done with the conversation, she hung up. That was her style.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she snapped.

Levi knew her well enough to say nothing. He heard her inhale deeply. He could almost see her in New York, sitting at her desk behind mountains of paper, chain-smoking and slugging coffee. She was one of the most successful agents in the business, and she was not a woman easily ignored, especially since she’d been in publishing longer than he’d been alive—a fact she reminded him of often.

“I don’t know what the hell you’ve been doing,” she said, “but you picked a hell of a time to go off the radar. You don’t show up for two signings, you miss an important interview, and your publisher is not very happy about it.”

“I’m sorry,” Levi said. “I figure I’ve written my last book. Right?”

She sighed. “Although the critics hate Thou Art with Me, your adoring readers are buying it by the tens of thousands. This book could actually wind up being another bestseller for you. Don’t get me wrong. We both know it was terrible, but as long as it sells, Moon & Sons is willing to move on. You’ll lose a few readers, but you can easily come back after one bad book—you just can’t come back after two. You have one last shot, Levi, so don’t waste it. Write another clunker, and you’re done. You’ll never see your name on the new release shelf in a bookstore again.”

“I don’t know if I can write another book, Wanda,” Levi said flatly. “I’ve been thinking about it. I don’t think there is another book in me. I should’ve never written the last one.”

Silence. He heard her take a drag off her cigarette. He heard her sip coffee.

“You don’t really have a choice in this, Levi. You’re going to write another book,” she said gruffly. “You and I have a contract, not to mention the publishing contract with Moon & Sons. Like it or not, I do expect you to write one more book to satisfy your obligations. Now it’s up to you whether you write a good book or another bad one. Look at this as an opportunity to redeem your tarnished reputation as a writer.”

Leaning back on the park bench, Levi pushed his hat back on his head. “I don’t know, Wanda,” he said, shaking his head.

“You can do this. I’ve seen this a thousand times. You’ve just let yourself get swept up by the fame and fortune, and the most important thing, the writing, has suffered. I’ve seen lots of writers pull out of a slump and go on to write great books again.”

Ah, the inspirational speech, Levi thought.

“I don’t know what you need to do to get back to that place where you can write a great book. If you’re drinking, then stop drinking. If you don’t drink, then maybe you should start up. Maybe you need a new age-inappropriate girlfriend—or do that Hugh Hefner thing and get two more girlfriends. Maybe you need to go back to the place where you got that first idea. Whatever it is, you need to start thinking about the next book right now. Are you listening to me, Garvey?”

“I hear you,” Levi said.

He took off his Panama hat and wiped the sweat off his forehead. His hand was shaking slightly. It was suddenly very warm in Pulaski Square.

“Then stop all this self-pity garbage and get back to work,” she snapped. “You’re a gifted writer. That should be obvious considering the quality of your agent. Believe in yourself.”

“You’re right, Wanda.” He said the words, but he wasn’t sure he really believed them.

“And, Levi.”


“If you think you have problems now, you try ignoring my calls again. Don’t think for a minute I won’t come down there.”

Levi couldn’t think of anything more unpleasant than a personal visit from Wanda.

“I’m sorry, Wanda, I’ve been—”

But the phone was dead. Wanda was done speaking, and the conversation was over. He stared at the phone for a moment before putting it back into his pocket. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and the pain in his stomach. It’s all coming undone. There isn’t another book in me, he thought.

Levi glanced around the square, trying to decide if he was going to walk back to the house or finish his walk to the Gryphon Tea Room as he’d originally planned. The Gryph, as he called it, was one of his favorite places to think.

He got up and began walking towards Bull Street where the Gryphon Tea Room was on the first floor of the Savannah Scottish Rite Temple.

One Last Shot will be released by Moon & Son Publishing in Spring 2010.  Copyright 2010 Todd E. Creason.  All rights reserved.

The Cover of One Last Shot!

I knew I wouldn't be able to wait.  I was going to wait until December to release the cover image, but as soon as I got it Wednesday, I wanted to get it out.  The back cover is very cool too--maybe I'll save that.  Anyway, from the creative genius of graphic artist Brion Sausser, here's the cover for One Last Shot.  I couldn't be more happy with it.

Moon & Son Publishing (February 2011), 5.25 x 8 x 1.2 inches,
 326 pages, ISBN 978-0-9831156-0-1

Fiction Novel is Just About Wrapped Up

Things are rolling along very nicely with my novel One Last Shot.  Another week, and I imagine it'll be completely done and awaiting release.  And you're probably tired of hearing about it, so I promise, this will be the last post about it until I announce the release.  The editing is finished, and the interior design has been completed with the exception of the title page, which my graphic designer will lay out to match the cover.  The cover!  Wait until you see the cover!  I've got a very talented cover designer from California, Brion Sausser, working with me on the cover.  There's a good chance this novel will become a series, so he's worked hard on coming up with thematic elements in the cover that can be used as a cover "signature" so that all the covers in the series have a common look.  He's done a wonderful job on this one.  He provided me originally with three cover concepts, one of which I pretty much knew the second I saw it was the one.  Of course, I'll have to keep that cover tightly under wraps until we get closer to the release.  But I will tell you, it has a real "retro" feel to it. 

One Last Shot will be available from Moon & Son Publshing at online booksellers, bookstores and for download to your Nook or Kindle in early 2011.

Whew.  I see a lull coming up, and I need one.  Maybe I can actually write something for a change. 

Special Thanks to Ray Gordon

So I needed a little logo to use as the imprint for my publishing company Moon & Son.  It had to be very simple, because it has to reproduce well very small, not only for the title page, but even smaller--it has to fit on the spine of a book so maybe no larger than a quarter of an inch square.  I found an old woodcut image full of Masonic symbols, including the moon and sun, and I really liked the stylized moon.  But I was having a tough time cleaning up the image so it was sharp. 

I mentioned my difficulty to Bro. Ray Gordon.  Ray's an excellent graphic artist I meet in Pekin a few years ago, and he said "send it to me."  I did, and this is what he sent me back this afternoon.  He not only cleaned it up, but that moon's profile changed somewhat.  It looks like somebody I know, I just can't put my finger on who it is.  Handsome devil whoever it is. 

Thanks a lot, Ray.  I've got my imprint now. 

The Last Rejection!

Hey, the nice thing is, this is the last one!  I won't have to worry about going through this painful and ultimately pointless exercise again.  Moon & Son Publishing just loves my stuff! 
Dear Todd,

Thank you very much for thinking of me and *blank* Literary Management for representation. Due to the large volume of submissions that I receive, it is impossible for me to answer every query individually, however I assure you that your material was carefully evaluated. After consideration, I regret to say that your project is not right for my list at this time. As you know, this is a subjective business and another reader may feel differently. To that end I wish you the best in finding enthusiastic representation.


I had actually thought that agency might pan out, and I waited a long time before charging ahead with my own plans.  There are a lot of hoops to jump through, but I'm just about through them.  Gearing up for a February release.  Very exciting.  Never planned a launch quite like this one before.  I pretty much sent in my books to the publisher, and when they popped up on Amazon, I said "TADA!"  As the publisher, there's a few more steps involved.  I'd like to release electronic versions for Nook, Kindle and I-Pad at the same time.  There's listings to see to, art and content to provide..  Need to get a few pre-reviews of the book done.  Lots of little details.  I love a good challenge, and I'm really looking forward to this one.

Moon & Son Publishing Company

It's official.  I've got a new publisher!  I'm pretty sure they'll be easy to work with, and will treat my book as if it was their very own--that's because it's me.  I've set up my own publishing company.  Now you know what I've been up to the last couple weeks.  I suddenly realized a few months ago it made no sense to pay somebody to do work I can do better myself.  Don't get me wrong, many of these "author services" companies do a good job, but they are a middleman.  If you're going to put out one book to a niche market, they're perfect.  It's a cheap and easy way to get that book out, and get it listed with the major sellers, however, don't plan on it being very profitable, because they'll take a cut, and nickle and dime you to death on shipping, etc.  But if you're like me, and plan on putting out a title or two a year indefinitely, this is a way better option.

As an independent publisher I'll have access to the same printing services, distribution, and marketing resources as major publishers--and better access to library markets, and mortar and brick stores too.  And as the publisher, I'll also be able to tap into that growing electronic book market.  And I don't pay a middleman, or an agent . . . seemed like a no-brainer really.  It's my plan to eventually republish all my previous books under the Moon & Son imprint.

Another interesting idea presented to me last week, was the possibility that Moon & Son Publishing could offer these same services to other authors--especially Masonic writers who often go through vanity presses, pay thousands of dollars for a poorly produced book, and wind up sitting on a few hundred (or thousand) copies they have no way of selling because the vanity press doesn't do much with marketing.  Vanity presses are different from author services companies.  They charge large fees up front, while an author services company might charge you a small fee for an ISBN number, and the services after that are free (other than the cut they'll take off the top). 

It's unbelievable to me that first-time authors still fall for this vanity press ploy.   Please, don't pay to have your book published.  Publishers pay you, you don't pay publishers.  It's a rip-off.  If they were truly a real publisher, and had any intention of marketing your book, they'd be satisfied with a share of the proceeds.  In order to recoup your investment, you'll have to sell your book for a price nobody is going to be willing to pay.  Last weekend, they had a local author signing books at the bookstore--it was a 300 page, 6 x9 paperback selling for the price of a new hardcover.  He published using a vanity press, without doubt. 

I'm good at interior layouts, and I know several top-notch cover designers, website guy, etc.--so maybe offering a few services outside my own projects is a direction I will go eventually.  I've already had some interest in that.

One Last Shot will be the first title published by Moon & Son Publishing, and is scheduled for release tentatively in February 2011.  There may also be a second volume of A Freemason Said That released in 2011 as well. 

Back from Vacation

I know there was a rumor going around that I wasn't really on vacation, that I was in rehab.  For clarification, I usually need rehab after my vacation. 

As horribly hot as it was, I didn't get as much done in my yard as I'd planned, but I did get a lot of projects cleaned up in my office at home.  You may have noticed the Toddz Spot blog has a new look--I did that myself!  I had to get a little help with my website at got a major overhaul as well.  It looks great, but my web-guy still isn't happy I shattered his moon "motif" by insisting the typing monkey picture be on the blog tab.  If he can find or create a picture of monkey typing in the moonlight, I'm open to a change.  It still needs a few tweaks here and there, but it no longer looks like a sixth grader is maintaining it. 

I also finished the revisions and editing on my first novel One Last Shot.  I started writing it last summer.  It's one of those stories I've thought about for years.  I'd always known what the crime was, I just didn't know how to frame it up in a story.  I'd started writing it several times and abandoned it--the last time was in about 1992.  I attended the Illinois Council of Deliberation meeting in Bloomington last June, and I'm talking to this guy in the bar (yes, I know it's shocking, but I was in the bar just that one time).  He tells me this remarkable story about his 50th high school class reunion.  All the way home I'm thinking about it, and suddenly, I knew he'd given me the missing piece to my story.  I outlined the entire novel in about two hours that evening after I got home, fleshed it out for a couple weeks, and started writing.  I finished the first draft over the Christmas break.  I've been editing and revising since.  It's a great story.  And it's ready to go at 90,200 words.

So now I need to sell it.  I spent a good portion of my vacation crafting query letters, preparing a synopsis, and looking for agents I think would be a good fit for my book.  And I plan on posting every success, and every rejection on this blog.  Unlike my non-fiction works, I want this one to go through a major publisher.  It promises to be quite an adventure.

Here We Go Again: Famous American Freemasons Volume III

I had a very productive weekend . . . I finished what is the hardest part of writing one of these books.  Coming up with the list of names of famous Freemasons I'm going to include.  My biggest concern with writing a third volume was that I thought I'd covered all the best Freemasons in the first two.  But I was wrong about that, and now that I have the list finished, I'm pretty excited about it. 

In the final volume, we'll take a trip to the moon, visit Hollywood during its heyday, peek in on the signers of the Declaration of Indepedence, and take in a show under the big top.  We'll visit Pennsylvania Avenue and Yankee Stadium.  Meet men that made their careers in the boxing ring, the recording studio and the golf course.  We'll even meet a giant from Virginia who weilded an enormous sword given to him by General George Washington himself.

So here we go again, another journey through the lives of thirty famous American Freemasons.  As one of the famous Freemasons on my list once said, "Damn the torpedoes . . . full speed ahead!"