Showing posts with label Noble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noble. Show all posts

Lost Little Lambs

by Midnight Freemason
Bro. Brian Schimian

Once again social media provides me a topic to rant about. As always, though I will be using direct quotes, copied from their original posting, I will remove all names so as to not allow for the Lost Little Lambs to feel that they are being attacked…

If you have read my previous pieces that I have written about the Shriners, (A.A.N.O.M.S. & Nobles of the Mystic Shrine) you know how what high regard I hold for the Order and the men that call themselves Noble.  I will start by letting you read his own statements as he wrote them…

“I am one stone in a temple of many stones. I want to help other stones smooth out too. Shrine activity distorts the shape and decreases the usefulness of some of our stones. For the sake of the whole temple we need square work. The Shrine keeps brother stones as rough ashlars and prevents them from realizing what they need to smooth out. For the sake of the work of the Temple, we need to get rid of this monstrous polluter. One drop of their poison affects the communal waters of Masonry. Why should I stand by as the well that I draw water from is poisoned by drunkards?”

“The Shrine has the power to turn the nice wise old men in the Lodge into dirty old men. I have seen it completely change the character of people and get them more in that "drunk dirty old man" mindset.”

“Would you want the Shrine to host a debaucherous party in your sacred space? They are invoking energies that are harming us all and polluting our egregore.”

“The Shrine is notorious for dirty old men. I remember hearing about how someone would know that there is a big Shriner convention in town that weekend when you'd see a bunch more dirty old men making crass remarks everywhere at beautiful women. The Shrine is probably one of the greatest tools for turning a smoothing ashlar into a dirty old man.”

“What is the intent of the order? Drunkenness.”

“I have a great new order to bring refreshment to the craft. It's called the shooting-yourself-in-the-foot order. Let's inflict harm on ourselves in order to relax and enjoy life.”

“That's what the Shrine does, it encourages behavior that basically gets Masons to defile themselves. We are One, we are a Fraternity, and the Shrine does nothing good for us. Even the facade of the hospitals doesn't hold up and the world equates "Shriner" with "dirty nasty old rude lying men." 

“THAT is the image that the world has of Shriners. THAT is the behavior that has been broadcast to the world. THAT ruins the rest of the reputation of Masonry. THAT is working against the progression of the craft. Shriner behavior also prevents the craft from progressing and perfecting the stones. The Shrine is killing us from the outside (the infamous reputation) and from the inside (the invoked energies from debauchery that taint our egregore.). We are all part of one big pool of energy and I do NOT want you guys pissing in the waters I drink from. Shriners are universally known as being dirty drunk men. Everywhere. That's how many shows portray the red fez.”

Then this Lost Little Lamb went on to say that:

“The hospitals are a cover. They do it to make themselves feel good and to make their wives feel better about them getting trashed.”

He went on and used terms to describe the Shrine an “insidious organization” and the Nobles are actually “Jesters”.

Wow, how far off base...The Shrine is one of the best philanthropies in the world and it owes itself to Freemasonry. The best men I have ever known were Shriners. The selfies and timeless dedication to others, to sick kids, to each other... Truly a misled individual... How sad and vile are those that stand outside and cast judgment within.

He continued:

“It goes against the spirit of Masonry. Masonry teaches self control and subduing the passions. The Shrine teaches alcohol and more alcohol. Masonry preaches to walk after your soul instead of your flesh. The Shrine teaches to live in the flesh and to stay in the flesh. Getting drunk and dirty is not a healthy environment for spiritual growth. Getting drunk and dirty chains you to the flesh and makes you do things that defile your body and your mouth (tell us about how much love the drunk Shriners speak towards their wives when she isn't there.)”

“The cardinal tenets of this organization are drunkenness and debauchery. That is not Masonic.”

I 100% disagree with the last statement. It is completely incorrect.  Luckily I was not the only person sharing my views and others commented:

“Not every aspect of masonry has to be philosophical or mystical. Sometimes we can become so enthralled in our quest for spiritual knowledge we lose our common sense.”

"Harming us all". No, that's quite inaccurate. I'm doing just fine without a fez, thank you.”

“…time, experience, and the application of virtue has made it the great charitable organization it is today.”

Then the Lost Little Lamb made this statement: “Sorry if I offended but, but you must not be a terribly connected or active Shriner if you don't know about the rampant overindulgence.”  Sounds like every other conspiracy minded nut-job that attacks Freemasonry. Oh, you must not be a “high enough” level Mason to know what's “really” is going on.  Let me tell you this, I may have not been able to wear a Fez for many years, but I was a Shriner from the time I was 8 years old.  I grew up in the Medinah Temple, helping with parades and picnics and fundraising.  I was selling onions and sauce decades before crossing the Hot Sands.  What bothers me the most about these completely ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims is that it does more harm than anything.  Especially when people have to ask things like this: “I'm not a Shriner, is it really THAT bad???”

It is true that the Charity aspect was not primary in the formation. It was a social endeavor.  But that doesn't detract from their purpose now or the fact that they are one of the best philanthropies today and would not exist without Freemasonry.  If you ask me, the Shrine is one of the best things to come out of the Craft.  It exemplifies the tenants of Freemasonry better than anything else.  All anyone needs to do is spend a few hours in a Shriner's Hospital and they will see what I mean.  Everyone has their own path, that much is for sure, but if you want to toss the bushel because of one or two bad apples, that is your loss.  One of the best days of my life was when my father put that Fez on me.  No person and nothing will ever take that away from me.  If there is any doubt about the lengths I will go to in defense of Freemasonry, read these two pieces that I have written and you will see how deep my debt to the Craft goes: Everything Good In My Life, I Owe To Freemasonry and How Far Would You Go?.  I am just simply disgusted by what was written.  So much for virtues of tolerance and acceptance being followed by this person.  Truly a Lost Little Lamb that needs some true guidance. 

How closed minded can you be and still call yourself esoteric?  


Bro. Brian Schimian is Life of Member A.O. Fay #676 in Highland Park Illinois and the Medinah Shriners - Lake County Shrine Club. He was also the Past Master Counselor of DeMolay - Lakes Chapter in 1995. Most recently, Brian became a Companion of the York Rite, joining Waukegan Chapter #41 R.A.M. Brian is a father of two children. You can follow his blog "It is. In God. I do." where he publishes even more excellent content. "Start Square, Finish Level"