Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts

A Mason’s Pay

by Midnight Freemason Contributor

Editors Note - The Midnight Freemasons has always been about telling the story of Freemasonry. Sometimes that's through historical pieces, sometimes through the exploration of esoteric concepts but mostly, it's been told through our individual experiences. Recently a close friend and Brother came to me with a piece which I found to be wonderful. It's emotional, thought provoking and real. He asked me to publish it anonymously. It is not my policy to publish anonymous works. With this piece, we take exception. I hope you enjoy, and more importantly, I hope you feel it.


We learn from our traditions that the wages of our ancient Brethren were corn, wine, and oil.  As I look at the dwindling attendance at our meetings, fundraisers, and social gatherings, I wonder if, like many other historical and spiritual texts, this lesson is being interpreted too literally.  Food and drink are increasingly becoming the centerpiece to our gatherings.  Don’t get me wrong, there can be great benefit to breaking bread with our Brothers.  The discussions, not the food, should be the centerpiece.  Now I’m hearing that the best way to attract members is to offer free meals to the Brothers.  Is that the only reason a Brother will attend?  How long will it be before we are paying our members to show up?  What is truly, a Mason’s pay?  Have we become, as Masons, only willing to help out the Lodge or Community as long as we get something material immediately back in return?  I refuse to be that way.

Truth be told, I do get far more from the Lodge than I put in, but not in any tangible form like a paycheck or certificate. My payment is different. It’s a deep friendship with the men whom I call Brothers. It’s personal growth in learning to be a leader in all walks of life. It’s the impromptu late-night discussions of philosophy with the Brothers that can’t pull themselves away. Its cheering on a Brother's daughter in the local Special Olympics. Its learning that vegans can't eat donuts. It’s opening my mind to new spiritual events like an Autumn Equinox Observance. Its watching our Shriner clown Brother finally get that one shy toddler at the local town fair to laugh. It’s seeing a candidate taking his first Obligation, and remembering when I was reciting those same words. It’s seeing Brethren enjoy a meal that I helped to prepare. It’s meeting the community at the CHiPs events. It’s seeing the smile on a child's face in the hospital on Christmas Eve. And yes, it is of course getting compliments from the nurses during that same Christmas Eve visit.  The list goes on…

The emotional and spiritual payment I receive from Masonry is far more than corn, wine, and oil.  I know I’m not alone, but I see fewer and fewer men seeking light on their own. If a man doesn’t step forward and knock, what makes us think he will step forward for charity or self-improvement?  Do we better serve the world as small philosophical clubs, or should we expand and pull in more men in hopes that they find their own non-material wages?  Just as an addict can’t recover unless they admit they have a problem, we will never be able to seek the light, unless we first recognize the darkness within.


What Kind of Mason Are You? Revisit

by Midnight Freemason Founder
Todd E. Creason

Editors Note* Published just before Christmas in 2012, this piece recently came to mind when I was thinking about the types of Freemasons we have. Specifically, the dues payers and the guys who show up and make it happen. In any case, enjoy this one, it's the third time it's been posted. Guys just seem to love it, it's great! - RJ

Are you an active member
The kind that would be missed
Or are you just content
That your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings
And mingle with the flock.
Or do you stay at home
To criticize and knock?

Do you take an active part
To help the work along
Or are you satisfied to be
The kind that just belongs?

Do you ever go to visit
A member who is sick,
Or leave the work to just a few
And talk about the "clique"?

Think this over
You know right from wrong,
Are you an active member
Or do you just belong?


Midnight Freemasons Contributor Greg Knott forwarded this to me about this time last year. Everyone seemed to enjoy it a great deal last year, so I thought I'd repost it for those of you that have joined us since. I hope it makes you think . . .


Todd E. Creason, 33° is the founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog, and author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series. He is member of Homer Lodge No. 199, and a Past Master of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL). He is a member the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, the York Rite Bodies of Champaign/Urbana (IL), the Ansar Shrine (IL), Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees, and Charter President of the Illini High Twelve in Champaign-Urbana (IL). He is also the author of the blog From Labor To Refreshment . . .