Showing posts with label back on track. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back on track. Show all posts

A Return to Basics - Masonic Education Begins Anew

by Midnight Freemason Emeritus Contributor
R.H. Johnson

After starting a whole new Masonic Lodge bent on nothing but fulfilling an intense desire for Masonic Education, I demitted from my Mother Lodge (Waukegan No. 78). I had my reasons. I had, from the time of my Raising, until I took my demit, never been a sideliner. From Jr. Steward to Worshipful Master, and then immediately into the Secretary seat for three years--We met every Monday, no exceptions. I missed, in all those years, maybe five meetings. I loved Waukegan 78.

In October of 2019, Spes Novum Lodge No. 1183 received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Illinois. What a proud day. Fast forward through the years until now. A pandemic, drastic shifts in the way people are working, schooling, and, let's not forget, the home life that changed. What a time...

Spes Novum No. 1183 is what I believe to be the Premier Masonic Education Lodge in the State of Illinois. We do our thing. It's magical. It's education that cannot be matched. And we are succinct in all business, with no concern with anything other than a Genuine Masonic Lodge Experience, focussed on Education, Brotherly Love, and Connections.

Something, for me, was missing. How do you go from meeting every Monday, to just once a month? My Big Brother Bob came over to knock out a tile backsplash for my kitchen. A typical Brother, wouldn't take money. My wife baked him some of her famous cookies as payment. Sitting at the table in the dining room, chatting with Big Brother Bob, I realized how much I missed seeing him every week. And for that matter, all the members.

I disappeared for a few moments. I printed out an affiliation petition and filled it out. I sealed it, and when Big Brother Bob was about to take off, I handed him the envelope. I said, "Can you give this to Carl? It's my petition to come back." Bob looked surprised and happy.

The following Monday, I joined the Brothers for a Fraternal night at a local pizza joint where significant others and spouses were gathered. News spread fast of my petition to re-affiliate with Waukegan 78. Lots of smiles and handshakes and hugs where I heard, "Glad you're coming back." At the next stated meeting, I sat in the familiar orange cloth-covered pew seats and listened to my old friend, mentor, and Secretary read my petition. The District Deputy was in attendance for his annual visit, which also happened to be his final one, as he was retiring from the position to follow his wife to Nebraska.

My petition to re-affiliate had to lay over, and an investigation committee was assigned. Fast forward a bit. I met with my committee, and they assured themselves, I was in the right frame of mind and without mercenary motives, and reported favorably. At the next stated meeting, after being accosted by several Lodge members not present the previous month--(I was almost hugged to death. We should all be so lucky.) I sat in those same orange cushioned pews, and once more, my petition was brought up. I was asked to retire from the Lodge whilst the members had to vote.

I was a little nervous. I had left the Lodge, and I know not everyone was happy about it. I wondered if I would pass the vote. I was called back in, and as I approached the altar, I was greeted by clapping hands and the words of the Worshipful Master that I helped Raise, "Welcome Home." I was emotional inside.

Not being able to sit still, I accepted the offer to become the Lodge's new LEO (Lodge Education Officer.) From it, I came, and to it, I returned. My plan is to have concise, one-page Masonic Education written up for each meeting of Waukegan 78 and then, offer these Lodge Education pieces right here on the Midnight Freemasons after I've presented them to the members of Waukegan 78. They will likely also appear in The Lyceum.

I hope you enjoyed this piece and that you also enjoy the short educational pieces that are to come.


RWB Johnson is an Emeritus Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 2nd N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Spes Novum Lodge No. 1183. He is a Past Master of Waukegan Lodge 78 and a Past District Deputy Grand Master for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He is the current V:. Sovereign Grand Inspector for AMD in IL. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts his weekly Podcast, Whence Came You?, which focuses on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four and works full-time in the executive medical industry. He is the co-author of "It's Business Time - Adapting a Corporate Path for Freemasonry", “The Master’s Word: A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and the Self – Annotated Edition,” and author of "How to Charter a Lodge: A No-Nonsense, Unsanctioned Guide. More books are on the way.

The Fraternity Needs a Lighthouse

by Midnight Freemasons Contributor
WB Bill Hosler

Recently I saw a photo of a lighthouse being hit with a giant tidal wave. Mother Nature hit this edifice with everything she had and it not only withstood the force of the wave but the lighthouse continued to stand and its beacon still shining it's light to the world. 

Lighthouses are designed to warn ships of upcoming dangers; coral reefs, shoals, shallow water and harbor entrances.  Anything that may cause a vessel to sink, incur damage or cause loss of life. Their light shines in order to make navigating the seas a better, safer place. 

When constructing a lighthouse the builder would pick a solid, level area in which to lay a solid foundation using only the finest materials available to him in that area. Upon the foundation the more modern lighthouses were built using rocks or stones cemented together into one majestic edifice which, if properly maintained, can withstand the elements and continue to be at the benefit of man for an eternity. 

I would like to think our gentle craft is much like that lighthouse. Our Fraternity was built upon a solid foundation of faith, hope and charity.  Each stone of that lighthouse is emblematic of the Brethren which comprise the membership of our craft. Each one of us were once rough stones which, much like the Temple of King Solomon were chiseled and shaped by the builder with the working tools of Masonry until those stones, like us, were hewed, squared and leveled to the builders requirements. 

These stones are united into one common mass and strengthened by the spreading of cement which, when hardened, allowed the builder to complete this collection of individual stones into a structure which produces light, and which when used properly can help us ward off all approaching danger and become a benefit to mankind for the ages to come. 

The world will never know how many people throughout history were saved from an early, watery grave because the light from those lighthouses alerted the crews of those vessels and kept them on a safe path to their final destination. Much like we will never know how many men have been saved from a life of disrepute and dishonor because they were taught and learned to apply the teachings of our humble craft to their life and used the light of Freemasonry to help them subdue their passions. 

Any man made structure requires constant maintenance to ensure its long time service. Preservationists must continue to inspect and repair parts of the building which have begun to weaken or fall apart. The light source which is the reason for the buildings existence must also be constantly maintained or the source replaced and perhaps upgraded to ensure the lighthouse’s relevance. If the lighthouse no longer produces light, chances are the edifice would be abandoned and the entire building would begin to crumble and eventually, cease to exist. 

Many people contend Freemasonry has begun to follow down the path of that neglected lighthouse. In our zeal for greatness in numbers we have ceased to continue to maintain or upgrade our light source. 

Dues which no longer cover the costs of running our lodges and the living stones have begun to crumble away. The cement which should merge us into one sacred band of friends and Brothers has begun to crack as our meetings which were once a source of enlightenment and friendship have degraded into a two hour long argument over the costs of basic supplies like toilet paper and light bulbs. Like pieces of dried mortar our members drop away never to be seen again. 

Even when the Brethren want to maintain their symbolic lighthouse many times they aren't allowed to even try because of “building codes” of a far away Grand Lodge who micromanage and oversee everything. Many common and sensible solutions cannot be applied to fix their lighthouse because of the over regulations of Grand lodges and when the workers asked the reason for the rule they are told it's because “we've always done it that way.” All the while, the stones begin to fall away from our lighthouse and sadly can’t be replaced. These poor workmen have to stand by and watch in frustration as their beloved structure falls apart. 

The light source itself may also become dim from lack of maintenance. A century ago the light was produced by a single source, provided by a candle or a lamp which was reflected into a large lens and then it was magnified, and could be seen for miles. Think about that: One spark from a small candle or lamp could provide lifesaving light for miles away. What if the fuel source for that light wasn't replenished on a regular basis? Without the fuel, there is no light and the entire shore would be cast into darkness and sadly vessels approaching the perils of the shore would not receive warning and their passengers would perish. 

Sadly in the last half century our lodges have not been replacing the fuel of Masonic light, allowing many of the followers of King Solomon to be cast into the darkness. Lodge meetings have become a place to discuss fundraisers to supplement the deficit in the lodge treasury which unrealistically low dues and charity events which will get the lodge's name in the local newspaper in hopes of bringing more men to the door of the lodge. The source of light being Masonic Education and Charity have been extinguished in order to try to bring in new members. 

The light of Masonry has been dimmed in our lodges because in the last half century our Fraternity has chosen bureaucracy and membership numbers over Masonic Education and Masonic Charity. 

When the light of a lighthouse has been dimmed due to circumstances like fog the keeper will turn on a foghorn. A fog horn is a device which emits a loud sound to warn vessels when the lighthouse is too dim to be seen. A loud cry in the darkness to warn others in order they may ward off all approaching danger. 

I hope this paper will be seen as a foghorn which warns others of the dangers of a dimmed light source. The Grand Edifice of Freemasonry may be in a state of disrepair, but it is far from being to the point it needs to be torn down. Our foundation is as solid and level as it was when it was first laid. 

We must begin to repair what time and neglect have done to our lighthouse using quality materials and upgrade all operation systems to ensure we can withstand whatever is being thrown at us and to keep our light shining for centuries to come. 


WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.