Showing posts with label bethel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bethel. Show all posts

I Know No Way of Judging...

by Midnight Freemason Emeritus 
Judy Gordon

“I know no way of judging the future, but by the past.”
Patrick Henry

Job’s Daughters have a tradition. At the close of their installation, the Jr Past Honored Queen is escorted to the altar and she signs the Bethel bible. She is now a part of an elite group of ladies…Past Honored Queen. 

I was able to sign my Bethel bible as a Past Honored Queen. Just recently, I was honored to sign the bible again..this time as a Grand Guardian from my Bethel. Many names have come before me and this bible holds a lot of history.

The next time I will sign a bible will be at our Grand Guardian Council installation and I will sign the bible, adding my name to those from the Past. I too, will join an elite group of people…Past Grand Guardians of Illinois.

In Eastern Star, we sign the bible the night we are installed. I am not sure if Masonic Lodges have this tradition. I know in our local lodge, they do not sign the bible. Does your lodge have this tradition? If you do not, why  not?