Showing posts with label clandestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clandestine. Show all posts

Practicing "Safe" Masonic Intercourse

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Michael Arce

The Moral Debate On Clandestine Masonry

Morality. You will hear that word many times as a Freemason. Merriam-Webster has four definitions for morality. I believe the one that best fits the discussion of clandestine masonry is: "a literary or other imaginative work teaching a moral lesson." Ironically, Merriam-Webster lists "Aesop's Fables" as a "famous example of morality". While the subject of clandestine masonry is a vast, unknown entity to many Freemasons, what is clear is: clandestine groups claim to seek for the same "morality" that we, as Freemasons, overtly pursue. The problem is, their members are all to often unknowing participants in their covert, fictitious work.

Often when we think of clandestine masons, the idea of someone wearing a masonic ring purchased at an estate sale, possessing an apron that is not their own, or claiming to know "our secrets" come to mind. The image of a copycat, wannabe, or pretender who presents fake credentials to access a conversation or find relevance. Someone who would see being a Freemason as a status symbol, not as a privilege. In reality, clandestine masonic groups not only mimic our dress, degree systems, ritual, and education -- they also try to claim legitimacy in our communities. These groups are not quiet "pretenders," rather the opposite; they are well organized, well funded, and target gentlemen who have a sincere desire to become a Freemason.

Three common themes surfaced during my research on clandestine groups: intent, race, and realization.

The Clandestine Experience

"I was Junior Warden of my Lodge, Junior Deacon of the District," began Bro. Alvin Gyles, member of Mt. Vernon Lodge #3, F&AM - Albany, NY, Ancient Temple Chapter #5 RAM - Albany, Bloss-DeWitt Clinton Council #14 - Albany. "And, I was in Queen of the South and Royal Arch. The only thing I was missing was the Shriners which they consider the highest degree." The "they" here is a local group of International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, a corporation based out of Detroit, Michigan. International Masons and Easter Stars Worldwide is an unaffiliated clandestine group, not recognized by The Grand Lodge of the State of New York -- in turn, not recognized by ANY Masonic jurisdiction in the United States. This clandestine group looks, feels, and acts legitimate but is far from having the title of Freemasons.

Bro. Gyles' intent was pure, he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his uncle, a Past Grand Master in Prince Hall. "He had a big impression in my life with the square and compasses," reminisced Gyles. "When I was growing up, since my name started with an "A", I would draw the square and compasses with my letter 'A'." Yet, Bro. Gyles's first masonic experience was clandestine. He unknowing invested almost four years of his life with the International Masons after meeting a member through his church.

Five years into the experience, at 23 years old, Bro. Gyles noticed how his dues kept increasing. The cost didn't rise because of changes in the economy, the sources that called for contributions grew over time. He did the math, he was paying almost $200 a month! "When I first started it was $25 a month, by the time I stopped it was $35. Once you are a member you paid district fees. That was another $12 every Saturday plus the raffles." Wait, raffles? These weren't charitable or legitimate non-profit efforts. No, this fundraising was for the clandestine treasury, paid for by the members. "Every month you would get a book of tickets you have to sell. They were $25 a book. You don't wanna hassle everyone you know, every month, so you basically buy those too. You get one from your Lodge, District, and Grand Lodge." He began wondering where all of this money was going since Bro. Gyles would often pay for dinner, tools, and items needed for degrees.

At this point, I had to know, just as you are probably thinking, how did this group perform ritual? What was their education and history? What exactly were they telling (and selling) to their members? The International "Modern Masons" consider the Shrine the highest degree. Bro. Gyles explained their degree system. "Basically we had three degrees in Blue Lodge," he started. "Then you have to get your Eastern Star Degree. After the Easter Star, you become a member of the Queen of the South. Then comes Royal Arch, Scottish Rite, and you end up as a 32nd degree Shriner." The group used the Duncan Ritual, which you can purchase on Amazon for under $20. "When I do ritual work now, I have to stop at certain moments, to pull back the clandestine words because they are memorized. It's like a lyric from your favorite song that has another version that is played on the album versus the radio."

If you are keeping score:
• This group approaches men who show an interest in Freemasonry
• To apply, men fill out a petition, in this case online
• Initiated men are put through a degree system
• Their ritual is not secret • Dues are paid weekly
• They claim to be founded upon Christian values

So far some of what clandestine groups offer is similar to Freemasonry but we are starting to see a few differences. Oh, and there is a major distinction that Bro. Gyles revealed.

"The only physical building this group had is in Detroit."

 Bingo! That fact surfaced when Bro. Gyles' researched this group's legitimacy after a fellow member tried to petition another recognized Masonic body and was denied. It was at that point, Bro. Gyles was told the Modern Masons group was not a recognized Lodge. They were also told to produce a copy of their charter. To regular Freemasons, there is formal communication process between recognizes Lodges that facilities these requests, but to clandestine members this is an awakening moment. For Bro. Gyles, he continued to find the truth.

Creating Racial Division

After his friend called, they reached out their Grand Master for answers. "He was the most honest one we spoke to," noted Bro. Gyles. "He came back to us and said, 'This is what it is: they consider us clandestine... but who are they to call us that? We did the same process that they did to start their Lodges. Who tells these white guys they can do it and we can't?'" It's not uncommon for some clandestine groups to play to the same racial tensions that have divided good men in country since the birth of our democracy.

When I looked at the homepage of the International Masons, as the pictures cycled on the screen, I noticed they all shared one thing in common: the members pictured were all African American. The general thought is, historically, as black men sought admittance to Freemasonry, they were excluded or prevented from joining. At that point, their only recourse was to join other groups, like Prince Hall Lodges. Since Prince Hall Lodges have only recently (late 1990's to early 2000's) been recognized as regular Masonic bodies by the independent Grand Lodges in jurisdictions across the United States -- this divide created an opening for other groups to promote the values of Freemasonry while positioning their organization as a body that offered acceptance to members of the black community.

This might explain the development of "progressive fraternal orders" and their use of the Square and Compasses with letter "G" in their logo -- but upon further, careful examination, you'll notice an addition (like the symbol for a key) or other slight variation, that to the initiated, are clear indicators of clandestine masonry. But you'd have to know that. Like the viceroy butterfly that mimics the monarch, clandestine groups appear legitimate to the untrained eye. This stealthy deception allows these groups to exist in the same mind space as Masonic Lodges and Temples that have legitimately been in the community for generations.

"Brother C" presented a similar story as Bro. Gyles when he shared his clandestine experience. He approached a friend, who was a clandestine member, inquiring about Freemasonry. He did not know that he was talking to a clandestine mason. "Brother C" then went through the Blue Lodge ritual to earn his Master Mason degree. It wasn't until he was asked about his background, that he discovered he was clandestine. "Brother C" is also an African American. Like Bro. Gyles, he eventually went through the steps to become a legitimate Mason. As "Brother C" tells is, "after I approached by a true Brother who then asked about my background, I came to find out that I was a clandestine Mason. I was extremely disappointed because my original sponsor had passed. I don't believe that he knew we were clandestine either. I wanted to be a legitimate Mason."

The Realization of Freemasonry

If you visit your Grand Lodge website and then scan a clandestine page, you'll find that both are a starting point for good men looking to be better. Both will have photos of gentlemen wearing aprons and regalia, or other things that look Masonic. When I scanned through the pages of true, Masonic Grand Lodges, every site shared the same story of our history. The oldest fraternity in the world... created in 1717... one Grand Lodge in each state and the District of Columbia... with references to historic/famous Masons like Franklin, Washington, Roosevelt, or Truman. We offer the authentic history that interested men want to be a part of.

Think back to the last interaction you had with a gentleman who was interested in Freemasonry. What questions did he ask you? What questions did you ask him? If he came to visit your Lodge, did you give him a tour? Did he stay for dinner? This is something to consider. With information just a Google search away, we need to improve the fact-finding process for men seeking to join Freemasonry. It should be the goal of every "Brother Bring a Friend Night" that those who visit our sacred buildings, whether it's for a social occasion or non-tiled meeting, that individual leaves with a clear picture of who we are and what we do.

In my conversation with "Brother C," he discussed how, as a Freemason, he has traveled to Lodges outside of his jurisdiction. He explained the examination process, "I know this now because you may not know you are a clandestine Mason, when you are one." How painful that reality must be. "You are going to always feel like you were robbed of your time," echoed Bro. Gyles. "I was dedicated and put myself in it. Time is the one thing I will never get back. This also caused relationship problems. My clandestine lodge took me away from my family for hours. In the end, it was all gone."

Understanding Our Obligation

The wording will differ across our jurisdictions but we can all agree that as Master Masons, we are prohibited from discussing anything Masonic in nature with clandestine members. The problem is, most of us don't know what or even IF we can say anything to a clandestine member. I reached out to RW Bro. Oscar Alleyne, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of the State of New York, F&AM for more insight on this issue. Oscar is widely considered an expert in our Craft on the subject of Clandestine Masons. He delivered an eye-opening presentation on "The Prevalence of Clandestine Freemasonry in the United States," at Masonic Con 2017, held at Ezekiel Bates Lodge in Attleboro, Massachusetts.

"I have often found that when speaking with Worshipful Masters or in Lodge discussions, many of us are unsure of how to interact with clandestine members," said RW Bro. Alleyne. His words prompted me to pick up my ritual book. "People hear the word 'intercourse' and wonder what that means. It's true: you are not supposed to talk about ritual or the secret work of Freemasonry. But, you can have a conversation with any gentleman about what it means to join a Lodge and the process for legitimately joining a Lodge." The challenge to Freemasons is finding the appropriate time or method, to gently explain the massive difference between clandestine and recognized Masonry.

Instead of looking at clandestine members as "the hackers of Freemasonry" or malicious evil-doers, keep in mind these men are preachers, the guy you work with, or someone who also volunteers to serve your community. The subject of being clandestine should be approached with caution. Bro. Gyles, who still sees members from his clandestine group, advises that, "every situation is different. Everyone isn't open to hearing that they are a member of something that is fake. When you get into these clandestine lodges, they program in your mind that they are right and that anyone who says different is a liar and you need to protect your family."

"Brother C" advises to use caution as well. "If I came across a clandestine mason, I would let him speak. If it was just somebody passing by, I would not say anything. If it was a gentleman who had a sincere interest, then if I am in particular jurisdiction (i.e. outside my Mother Lodge), I would seek permission to see if I could speak with that gentleman." It's important to note that as Master Masons, we are also instructed to be good members of the community in which we live. RW Bro. Alleyne summed up that duty the best. "We need to embrace who we are, express greater interaction among our recognized bodies, and also, engage the community so that people get a better understanding of what we are. These steps will build a better pathway to joining our Lodges!"


Brother Michael Arce is the Junior Warden of St. George’s #6, Schenectady and a member of Mt. Zion #311, Troy New York. When not in Lodge, Bro. Arce is the Marketing Manager for Capital Cardiology Associates in Albany, New York. He enjoys meeting new Brothers and hearing how the Craft has enriched their lives. He can be reached at:

Want to Buy a Rolex?

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB. Gregory J. Knott

I was visiting the famed Silk Market in Bejing, China a few years ago and ran across a booth that was full of watches.   Being a watch collector, I took an interest in what was being sold. I was amazed to see so many Rolex, Omega, Breitling, etc.   All of these were very high quality brand names that sell for several thousand dollars in American jewelry stores.   But it was my lucky day; the vendor told me I could have a brand new Rolex for only $50.   Wow, I must have won the lottery to have been so fortunate to find someone to sell me such a fine quality time piece.
In examining the watch, it said Rolex, was gold in color and had a box with papers that all said Rolex.  It must be real deal correct?   So being the concerned consumer, I asked how the vendor came across such a “fine” time piece and was able to offer it for only $50.  “It’s made right here in China”, he told me.  
Of course as you guessed, the watch was a Chinese made knockoff.  It looked like a Rolex, kept time and had a box that said Rolex, but it was a complete fake.
In the world of Freemasonry, there are many groups where you can find people wearing Masonic regalia, quoting ritual and for a “slight” fee, will initiate you into their group.   But these groups are just like the Rolex I was being sold in China, they are bogus and fake.    Freemasons refer to these groups as clandestine and irregular and are run by people who are forming lodges and grand lodges that are not recognized by main-stream Freemasonry.
Brother Charles Harper Sr. has written extensively on this topic with his book Freemasonry in Black and White and his new book A Spurious State of Confusion.   Brother Harper once himself unknowingly joined one of these lodges, until he was educated by others. He later petitioned and joined a mainstream lodge.  He is now a member of Pleiades Lodge No. 478 and Illumination Lodge No. 5 both of the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
But who decides what lodge/grand lodge is “regular” and what difference does it really make anyway?
Recognition and regularity are a big deal in Masonry, especially when you want to visit other lodges.   The Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America is a group that tracks fraternal recognition of legitimate Grand Lodges around the world.   Their Commission on Information for Recognition is charged with recommending which Grand Lodges meet the standards of Recognition.  These standards are:  
  1. Legitimacy of Origin
  2. Exclusive Territorial Jurisdiction, except by mutual consent and/or treaty.
  3. Adherence to the Ancient Landmarks – specifically, a Belief in God, the Volume of Sacred Law as an indispensable part of the Furniture of the Lodge, and the prohibition of the discussion of politics and religion
Ultimately each Grand Lodge decides for themselves who they recognize in regards to having formal fraternal relations.
Yes – it’s complicated.   Your Grand Lodge Secretary will maintain a listing of all Grand Lodges for which their particular jurisdiction recognizes.   Each year, Pantagraph Printing out of Bloomington, Illinois publishes a book that contains a listing of all recognized Grand Lodges.
But why does it matter?  Because as a Mason you are charged with having only Masonic relations with those fellow Masons who are members of a recognized lodge and grand lodge.   Sitting in a lodge of clandestine Masons, may result in your dismissal from Masonry.  It’s a serious matter.
It’s not an easy task to track all of these knockoffs, but each Mason has the obligation to educate themselves on the matter.  One of the better sights on the web to check is ran by The Phylaxis Society.  They maintain a current list, although the site is far from complete, as these bogus lodges and grand lodges can appear rapidly.

Do your homework if you are going to plan on visiting a lodge.  Is it a recognized lodge by your grand lodge?  Likewise if you have a visitor to your home lodge, does the Master appoint a committee to examine the brother to ensure he is legitimate?

Just like the Chinese knockoff cheapens the image of a Rolex; clandestine/bogus masonry cheapens regular Freemasonry.  Take due notice thereof and govern yourself accordingly.

WB Gregory J. Knott is the Past Master of St. Joseph Lodge No. 970 in St. Joseph (IL) and a plural member of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL), Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL) and Naval Lodge No. 4 in Washington, DC. He’s a member of the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, Eastern Star and is the Charter Secretary of the Illini High Twelve Club No. 768 in Champaign-Urbana. He is also a member of ANSAR Shrine (IL) and the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees. Greg serves on the Board of Directors of The Masonic Society and is a member of the Scottish Rite Research Society and The Philathes Society. Greg is very involved in Boy Scouts—an Eagle Scout himself, he is a member of the National Association of Masonic Scouters.

The Amway of Freemasonry? - The Clandestine Order of International Masons

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Brian Schimian

International's Lapel pin
Today being a Monday, I was not expecting much to come from it other than drywall dust and a lot of vacuuming.  But to my surprise, and after my coffee pot took an extra long time to brew its delightful nectar (I guess everything takes time to get back into the routine after a 3 month hiatus) inspiration stuck.  I have not delved into the world of “clandestine” or “irregular” Masonry, but after reading a post by a Brother on a social media page, I just had to.

Here is the post:
“So yesterday I had somebody who saw my ring. He asked if I could defend my light. I said what? He replies, answer questions correctly or I take your ring and give it to your lodge so you can be instructed. I said I've been a member 13 years and we never do that… He says he's a brother and whips out his card. IFAMM. I just left laughing.”

Before I get going on my diatribe here, let me first say that, I couldn't care less.  I am not looking to start the next crusade and rid the world of organizations that are not recognized by or chartered under the UGLE, State Grand Lodge or whatever.  Any organization that takes good men and makes them better is fine in my book.  I will however abide by my obligation and neither attend nor allow a member of such an organization admittance into my Lodge.  My only fear is that the ideology of Freemasonry and I have known it since I was eight years old, is being used to line someones pockets, regardless of any “good” they report to have been doing.

Okay, back to the regularly scheduled rant…  So in the thread of posts, someone took the time to actually find this organization and share the link.  Should you choose to venture over to their site (www dot international masons dot org), it is rather well put together.  The name of the organization itself raised some red flags with me: International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Incorporated.

Apparently the creator of the CORPORATION was crafty at using the same terms and abbreviations that the A.F & A.M./F.&A.M Lodges that have been regularly constituted for use.  He just added “International” (hey, why not?  International CORPORATIONS and pretty prestigious) and took the “M” and made it “Modern”.  According to their website, they received their “American Issued” Charter in 1950, but does not disclose under what jurisdiction it was granted.  They continue: “…This American issued charter empowers International Masons to the same rights as those charters issued directly from the Grand Lodge of England or the Grand Orient of France…”  I suppose if they say so, evidently they are writing their own rules anyway.  Unless this organization shows dispensation under the UGLE (which there is no claim of on their site), how can it offer its members the rights and recognition?

The CORPORATION’s stated purpose is: ”provide moral, financial, benevolent, and charitable leadership to serve this present age”.  Okay, I don’t know anyone that could argue with those points, as they are all noble causes.

Their site goes on to say that: “The institution of Free and Accepted Masonry is the outgrowth of Ancient Free Masonry, as adopted by Modern Masons in 1717 at the Apple Tree Tavern, England. It adheres to the ancient moral principles of Freemasonry…”, right, right.  All Good!!!

It continues: “…but has been modified from time to time, that it may have all current and modern benefits to be offered by a Free Mason Fraternal Order…”, Errrr…. Whaaaaat?!?!?!?!  Okay, It wasn’t until I got t the bottom of the page under “Benefits” where the wheels in my head came to a screeching halt and I had to scroll backup to make sure I read this line correctly.  They have six such “Benefits of Joining”, the first being a “Low-cost endowment benefit for which you designate a beneficiary. Paid up after 20 years.”  Now we start to see this CORPORATION for what it is.  I will get to the other five “benefits” in a bit…  Let me see, I sent in for membership information and received no word back, nor could I find any information on their site about membership, dues or these endowment fund fees.  I can only imagine what kind of return on investment percentage one could expect to get and how much interest the CORPORATION was getting on all that money from everyone.  I would have to believe that there is a “pyramid” type set up where Lodges filter the money in a “per-capita” type system to the “Supreme Council”.  A quick scroll thru the  online store was interesting.  They will sell you, in two parts, a “Duncan Ritual” for $16.50 ea., that would be $33.00 for both.  Part of me believes that this is the Duncan Masonic Ritual Monitor from 1866 that is freely available on the internet for no more cost than the time to do a Google search and download the file.  How nice of the International CORPORATION, eh?

Continuing on they claim: “…We have no quarrels with other Masonic Bodies, and will be glad to cooperate with them in building Masonry as a True Righteous Order based on the principles of the Holy Bible…”  Cool.  Upright and Just… Almost.  How do they say they have no quarrel with other Masonic Bodies, yet their members threaten to relieve Masons of their rings if they cannot “defend their light”?  I also have to question the repeated statement referring to themselves as a “Christian Order”.  True Masonry does not single one religion out above another.  I have to wonder what they would do if they came across a Brother that was Jewish, Muslim or that of any other religion of the world.  They claim on their website that: “…deny no person the right to fraternalism, regardless of race, color or creed…”, but then again state that they are a CORPORATION based on “Christian Principles”.  I have to wonder if there are non-Christians allowed in their CORPORATION.

Next they list their “cardinal principles” and state that they “appeal to its membership in such a manner as to” and again, not much to argue about here, until the end…
“Promote better understanding and coordination.
 To improve such fields of thought which tend to ensure sound judgment.
 To install in the minds of youth the necessity of intellectual progress.
 To regard all that tends to develop character and wholesome personality traits.
 To establish only such assets or liabilities which are within the financial range of the   membership.”
Establish assets or liabilities which are within the financial range of the membership.  Sounds like they are talking about the “Supreme President & CEO” having to live within the means of what the membership dues will allow.  I wonder how many of the Brothers of this CORPORATION have truly taught more Light and have come to see what this organization is all about.  I am sure that not many are aware of the scheme they are wrapped up in.

The “History” continues: “…Other institutions of Freemasonry across the nation swell with pride at the great progress our Organization has achieved in this century. A large measurer of credits must be given to the well known reputation that Freemasonry enjoys throughout our nation and around the world…”  Um, not so much.  The Regular Institutions of Freemasonry are not swelling with pride.  If anything, they swell with feelings of sadness for the members that have been sold a worthless bag of goods and are being used to fill the coffers of a select few on the coattails of a "Right & Just Order."

Continuing on, they again state: “…our beliefs in the Bible and Christian principles, we teach charity, and service to all mankind and we try to induce an ethical way of life which brings about those improvements necessary to the construction of good, clean respected citizenship…”  Sounds great, but if they truly were such an organization, they would qualify for tax exempt status and thus would not be “Incorporated”.

Under the “Why Join?” heading I found a peculiar line: “…you will have a chance to improve your prestige…”  So much for everyone being “On the Level”.

A little farther down the page, we come to the “What Do We Offer?” section.  Here they state that: “…International Masons is democratically sponsored and controlled. Members vote for and elect their leaders. To prevent perpetuation all heads of departments have term limits…”  This sound good as well, until you realize that having begun in 1950, they have only had 4 people serve as “Supreme President & CEO”.  One of which was the founder and another that was appointed as interim after the founder passed.  One self appointed, one temporary replacement, that leaves 2 “Leaders” that have been voted into office in roughly 65 years?  Given that there are no years of service associated with the people, I can not find clarification on what the “term limits” are.

Getting to more of the “Six Key Benefits”, I will only cherry pick the 2 others beside the one previously discussed.  “…Reasonable costs associated with joining and maintaining membership…”  Again, I can only imagine what the “Supreme President & CEO” feels is “reasonable”.  They make no mention of anything financial on their site.  “…Yours is a lifetime transferable membership. If you move to another city, state or country, your membership will be transferred, and you retain your same seniority. You will be welcome to visit lodges and/or chapters wherever you go…”  Great, transferable memberships, love this.  But what kills it is the use of the term “seniority”.  How can an organization that claims to be Masonic, which maintains all members come together “On The Level” have a scheme of seniority?

Under the “Other Special Advantages” heading they list some rather concerning language mixed with that of an upstanding nature.  Here they mention again the Endowment fund but then add the word “protection” to it.  Interesting.  Then they dangle a carrot in the form of a “Bonus” for bringing in new members.  They state: “…CLEAN SOCIALS: Family events for both youths and adults. You are taught how to enjoy yourself without the use of liquor, gambling or other forms of vice. Planned excursions and picnics are a regular part of our activity…”  Nothing to argue with there, seems Upright & Just.  Then they go back to “Prestige” and say: ”…You are no longer a lost soul in an asphalt jungle of houses…”.  I am not going to get into the clearly defined racism and bigotry I feel with this sentence.  I will just let it fall on it's own accord.  They then ask that you: “…bring this message to your neighbors at every opportunity…”, of course, don't forget the “bonus” you get and the “Supreme President & CEO” that needs to live within the financial means of the membership.

I have had all I can stomach on this website and need to close this article out before I get any more upset for the wayward Men, Ladies and Children that have been misled by this CORPORATION.  What better way than to use their own words.  Somehow I truly believe that these are the most true words on this entire website that speaks to the very root of what this CORPORATION is all about, wealth and how much they can get of it.

“…There is an old toast that goes: "May you have health, wealth, and love, and a long life to enjoy them." This is our sincere aim…”


Bro. Brian Schimian is Life of Member A.O. Fay #676 in Highland Park Illinois and the Medinah Shriners - Lake County Shrine Club. He was also the Past Master Counselor of DeMolay - Lakes Chapter in 1995. Most recently, Brian became a Companion of the York Rite, joining Waukegan Chapter #41 R.A.M. Brian is a father of two children. "Start Square, Finish Level"