Showing posts with label important lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label important lessons. Show all posts

A Matthew 18:20 Lesson

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Steven L. Harrison, 33°, FMLR

I make a lot of Masonic presentations. A lot. It's always an honor that my Brethren think I can somehow enhance their Masonic experience with the things I talk about. I thoroughly enjoy researching Masonic topics of all kinds and condensing that material into something I can share.

Enjoyment aside, it's also a lot of work. Hard work. Putting a presentation together is much more than just researching facts and events and preparing to deliver them to the audience. Facts are facts, but facts in and of themselves can be mighty boring. So I am particularly aware of presenting those facts and events in an environment of graphics, color, action, music, and sometimes video. I try to hone each one to the point I think the audience, in spite of the speaker's shortcomings, will get something out of it, be able to remember what he saw and, yes, be entertained. Did I mention this is a lot of work? And time-consuming?

So imagine yourself putting in all that effort to speak at a gathering and walking in to find exactly six Brothers had shown up. It's happened to me and, take my word for it; it's discouraging. First, it makes a speaker wonder if all that hard work is worth it and, second, it terrifies me that membership and participation are sinking so fast that this is the best we can do.

At one point last year, it got so bad I was invited to speak at an open house to talk about Freemasonry in general. I had a hum-dinger of a talk ready to go and found I had prepared to speak to a crowd of… zero. Not one single person turned up to hear about the exciting world of Freemasonry.

To digress just a bit, Freemasons are good at a lot of things, but promotion, in general, is not one of them. Many times we go by the "if you build it, they will come" marketing philosophy. That worked in the movie "Field of Dreams," but it lays a big stink-bomb in real-world practice. In that particular open house, the full extent of the Master's promotion was to put a sign outside the Lodge announcing the event. And don't get me started on the guy who posts a single announcement on FaceBook and thinks he's a marketing genius.

Enough said about the highway of broken dreams that is Masonic promotion.

I know I'm not the only speaker who shows up to speak at a less than well-attended event. In fact, I've been in audiences where the Grand Master himself shows up to a disappointing turnout. In order to mitigate this kind of thing, I've considered saying I won't speak unless a Lodge can guarantee a certain number of attendees.

I've never done that, though. Even if the crowd is small, it doesn't change the importance of the message or the impact it will have on those present. We should take a lesson from Matthew 18:20, "whenever two or three are gathered…" in the name of our truth-seeking Craft, we should give it all we've got, just as if it was a crowd of two or three hundred.

Still, if you're putting an event together, put some effort into getting the word out. Here's an idea: I know of one group in my area that will plan an event, set a date, and get a commitment from 25 Brothers to attend before proceeding with the plans or inviting a speaker. I have spoken to this group. It's amazing how 25 guys can seem to fill a room, add to a discussion, and turn a disappointing evening into a meaningful one.


Bro. Steve Harrison, 33° , is Past Master of Liberty Lodge #31, Liberty, Missouri. He is also a Fellow and Past Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research. Among his other Masonic memberships are the St. Joseph Missouri Valley of the Scottish Rite, Liberty York Rite bodies, and Moila Shrine. He is also a member and Past Dean of the DeMolay Legion of Honor. Brother Harrison is a regular contributor to the Midnight Freemasons blog as well as several other Masonic publications. Brother Steve was Editor of the Missouri Freemason magazine for a decade and is a regular contributor to the Whence Came You podcast. Born in Indiana, he has a Master's Degree from Indiana University and is retired from a 35 year career in information technology. Steve and his wife Carolyn reside in northwest Missouri. He is the author of dozens of magazine articles and three books: Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi, Freemasons — Tales From the Craft and Freemasons at Oak Island.

The Datum

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Scott S. Dueball

On a cool, October Monday evening a group of Brothers from the Northeastern Area of Illinois filled the Libertyville Lodge for a night of Masonic Education presentations. Due to my inability to review the casual dress instructions I donned my bowtie and gray 3 piece suit. I was giving a talk that I had given previously but never to more than 2 or 3 Entered Apprentices. In this talk, I covered many of the functional aspects of the 1st Degree with the hope of peeling back a layer or two for the new Mason. Feeling as if I had run a bit long I scrolled toward the end of my notes to the last element of the degree. I quickly decided that I would press on to the finish line.

“Is anyone else here a drafter or engineer?” I asked. Those of you in these occupations might be familiar with the concept of a datum. A datum is a point, line or face to which all (or many) of a design’s dimensions relate. This ends being the face or feature that is lined up in a tool or jig to ensure consistent and accurate manufacturing proportions. If that face is not perfectly plane or perfectly loaded into a jig, the machine process will result in an inaccurate part. Even slight inaccuracies can render a part useless to the larger assembly.

The same rules apply in architecture and stonemasonry. Each brick has a specific shape that must be cut. The architect has selected a space for an individual brick which dictates the length, width, and depth. Not only do corners need to be perfectly square but the opposing faces must be parallel. One can envision what might happen when slight inaccuracies are extrapolated across the entire span of a wall. This will result in crooked, wavy, or leaning walls--anything but straight and true.

Equally important is how the bricks are oriented in the assembly of a wall. The bricklayer sets the first stone--traditionally in the northeast corner. That first stone must be cut perfectly and set perfectly square to the plot of the design. However, a perfect brick set imperfectly will yield imperfection. If this stone is set cooked by even a degree, the consequence could be inches or feet at the far end of the wall.

This crookedness has both aesthetic and functional implications. Imagine if a single brick in the Capital build were set imperfectly. The structure would lack symmetry. It would appear shoddy. This would also impact the interior layout and the amount of materials purchased according to the plans. Both can be catastrophic to the overall project.

The same is true about speculative Freemasonry. The youngest Entered Apprentice is set in the northeast corner of the lodge. At that point he is told that his stone is unblemished. There he stands a just and upright Mason no longer bound to the errors and mistakes of his previous life. He is the new datum of the lodge just as every other cornerstone in history. The Worshipful Master “sets” him in the perfect position and the Lodge supports his continued development as the walls are erected from his example. The future edifice of his life and this Lodge will measure back to the original direction and support he was given. The newest Mason represents the future of the lodge and we must make sure to point him in the true direction of the Great Architect’s plan. This includes mentoring and instructing him on the lessons of our degrees. We have seen how the Craft can drift from the teachings when we have reduced the importance of supporting each brick in the wall. If the Entered Apprentice is not given proper support or set in the right position, the span of his life will increasingly err. This error creates deviation from the Great Architect’s plan.

The next time you see this ceremony in the 1st Degree, I encourage you to reflect on what it means for the future of the Craft. Consider the role you play in supporting that man and thus the Lodge. Lastly, consider how this new Mason may be measured to the datum you set not so long ago.


WB Scott S. Dueball is the Worshipful Master of D.C. Cregier Lodge No. 81 in Wheeling, IL and holds a dual membership in Denver Lodge No. 5 in Denver, CO. He currently serves the Grand Lodge of Illinois as the State Education Officer. Scott is also a member of the Palatine York Rite bodies and the Valley of Chicago A.A.S.R.-N.M.J. He is passionate about the development of young masons, strategy and visioning for Lodges. He can be reached at