Showing posts with label irregular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label irregular. Show all posts

The Amway of Freemasonry? - The Clandestine Order of International Masons

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Brian Schimian

International's Lapel pin
Today being a Monday, I was not expecting much to come from it other than drywall dust and a lot of vacuuming.  But to my surprise, and after my coffee pot took an extra long time to brew its delightful nectar (I guess everything takes time to get back into the routine after a 3 month hiatus) inspiration stuck.  I have not delved into the world of “clandestine” or “irregular” Masonry, but after reading a post by a Brother on a social media page, I just had to.

Here is the post:
“So yesterday I had somebody who saw my ring. He asked if I could defend my light. I said what? He replies, answer questions correctly or I take your ring and give it to your lodge so you can be instructed. I said I've been a member 13 years and we never do that… He says he's a brother and whips out his card. IFAMM. I just left laughing.”

Before I get going on my diatribe here, let me first say that, I couldn't care less.  I am not looking to start the next crusade and rid the world of organizations that are not recognized by or chartered under the UGLE, State Grand Lodge or whatever.  Any organization that takes good men and makes them better is fine in my book.  I will however abide by my obligation and neither attend nor allow a member of such an organization admittance into my Lodge.  My only fear is that the ideology of Freemasonry and I have known it since I was eight years old, is being used to line someones pockets, regardless of any “good” they report to have been doing.

Okay, back to the regularly scheduled rant…  So in the thread of posts, someone took the time to actually find this organization and share the link.  Should you choose to venture over to their site (www dot international masons dot org), it is rather well put together.  The name of the organization itself raised some red flags with me: International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Incorporated.

Apparently the creator of the CORPORATION was crafty at using the same terms and abbreviations that the A.F & A.M./F.&A.M Lodges that have been regularly constituted for use.  He just added “International” (hey, why not?  International CORPORATIONS and pretty prestigious) and took the “M” and made it “Modern”.  According to their website, they received their “American Issued” Charter in 1950, but does not disclose under what jurisdiction it was granted.  They continue: “…This American issued charter empowers International Masons to the same rights as those charters issued directly from the Grand Lodge of England or the Grand Orient of France…”  I suppose if they say so, evidently they are writing their own rules anyway.  Unless this organization shows dispensation under the UGLE (which there is no claim of on their site), how can it offer its members the rights and recognition?

The CORPORATION’s stated purpose is: ”provide moral, financial, benevolent, and charitable leadership to serve this present age”.  Okay, I don’t know anyone that could argue with those points, as they are all noble causes.

Their site goes on to say that: “The institution of Free and Accepted Masonry is the outgrowth of Ancient Free Masonry, as adopted by Modern Masons in 1717 at the Apple Tree Tavern, England. It adheres to the ancient moral principles of Freemasonry…”, right, right.  All Good!!!

It continues: “…but has been modified from time to time, that it may have all current and modern benefits to be offered by a Free Mason Fraternal Order…”, Errrr…. Whaaaaat?!?!?!?!  Okay, It wasn’t until I got t the bottom of the page under “Benefits” where the wheels in my head came to a screeching halt and I had to scroll backup to make sure I read this line correctly.  They have six such “Benefits of Joining”, the first being a “Low-cost endowment benefit for which you designate a beneficiary. Paid up after 20 years.”  Now we start to see this CORPORATION for what it is.  I will get to the other five “benefits” in a bit…  Let me see, I sent in for membership information and received no word back, nor could I find any information on their site about membership, dues or these endowment fund fees.  I can only imagine what kind of return on investment percentage one could expect to get and how much interest the CORPORATION was getting on all that money from everyone.  I would have to believe that there is a “pyramid” type set up where Lodges filter the money in a “per-capita” type system to the “Supreme Council”.  A quick scroll thru the  online store was interesting.  They will sell you, in two parts, a “Duncan Ritual” for $16.50 ea., that would be $33.00 for both.  Part of me believes that this is the Duncan Masonic Ritual Monitor from 1866 that is freely available on the internet for no more cost than the time to do a Google search and download the file.  How nice of the International CORPORATION, eh?

Continuing on they claim: “…We have no quarrels with other Masonic Bodies, and will be glad to cooperate with them in building Masonry as a True Righteous Order based on the principles of the Holy Bible…”  Cool.  Upright and Just… Almost.  How do they say they have no quarrel with other Masonic Bodies, yet their members threaten to relieve Masons of their rings if they cannot “defend their light”?  I also have to question the repeated statement referring to themselves as a “Christian Order”.  True Masonry does not single one religion out above another.  I have to wonder what they would do if they came across a Brother that was Jewish, Muslim or that of any other religion of the world.  They claim on their website that: “…deny no person the right to fraternalism, regardless of race, color or creed…”, but then again state that they are a CORPORATION based on “Christian Principles”.  I have to wonder if there are non-Christians allowed in their CORPORATION.

Next they list their “cardinal principles” and state that they “appeal to its membership in such a manner as to” and again, not much to argue about here, until the end…
“Promote better understanding and coordination.
 To improve such fields of thought which tend to ensure sound judgment.
 To install in the minds of youth the necessity of intellectual progress.
 To regard all that tends to develop character and wholesome personality traits.
 To establish only such assets or liabilities which are within the financial range of the   membership.”
Establish assets or liabilities which are within the financial range of the membership.  Sounds like they are talking about the “Supreme President & CEO” having to live within the means of what the membership dues will allow.  I wonder how many of the Brothers of this CORPORATION have truly taught more Light and have come to see what this organization is all about.  I am sure that not many are aware of the scheme they are wrapped up in.

The “History” continues: “…Other institutions of Freemasonry across the nation swell with pride at the great progress our Organization has achieved in this century. A large measurer of credits must be given to the well known reputation that Freemasonry enjoys throughout our nation and around the world…”  Um, not so much.  The Regular Institutions of Freemasonry are not swelling with pride.  If anything, they swell with feelings of sadness for the members that have been sold a worthless bag of goods and are being used to fill the coffers of a select few on the coattails of a "Right & Just Order."

Continuing on, they again state: “…our beliefs in the Bible and Christian principles, we teach charity, and service to all mankind and we try to induce an ethical way of life which brings about those improvements necessary to the construction of good, clean respected citizenship…”  Sounds great, but if they truly were such an organization, they would qualify for tax exempt status and thus would not be “Incorporated”.

Under the “Why Join?” heading I found a peculiar line: “…you will have a chance to improve your prestige…”  So much for everyone being “On the Level”.

A little farther down the page, we come to the “What Do We Offer?” section.  Here they state that: “…International Masons is democratically sponsored and controlled. Members vote for and elect their leaders. To prevent perpetuation all heads of departments have term limits…”  This sound good as well, until you realize that having begun in 1950, they have only had 4 people serve as “Supreme President & CEO”.  One of which was the founder and another that was appointed as interim after the founder passed.  One self appointed, one temporary replacement, that leaves 2 “Leaders” that have been voted into office in roughly 65 years?  Given that there are no years of service associated with the people, I can not find clarification on what the “term limits” are.

Getting to more of the “Six Key Benefits”, I will only cherry pick the 2 others beside the one previously discussed.  “…Reasonable costs associated with joining and maintaining membership…”  Again, I can only imagine what the “Supreme President & CEO” feels is “reasonable”.  They make no mention of anything financial on their site.  “…Yours is a lifetime transferable membership. If you move to another city, state or country, your membership will be transferred, and you retain your same seniority. You will be welcome to visit lodges and/or chapters wherever you go…”  Great, transferable memberships, love this.  But what kills it is the use of the term “seniority”.  How can an organization that claims to be Masonic, which maintains all members come together “On The Level” have a scheme of seniority?

Under the “Other Special Advantages” heading they list some rather concerning language mixed with that of an upstanding nature.  Here they mention again the Endowment fund but then add the word “protection” to it.  Interesting.  Then they dangle a carrot in the form of a “Bonus” for bringing in new members.  They state: “…CLEAN SOCIALS: Family events for both youths and adults. You are taught how to enjoy yourself without the use of liquor, gambling or other forms of vice. Planned excursions and picnics are a regular part of our activity…”  Nothing to argue with there, seems Upright & Just.  Then they go back to “Prestige” and say: ”…You are no longer a lost soul in an asphalt jungle of houses…”.  I am not going to get into the clearly defined racism and bigotry I feel with this sentence.  I will just let it fall on it's own accord.  They then ask that you: “…bring this message to your neighbors at every opportunity…”, of course, don't forget the “bonus” you get and the “Supreme President & CEO” that needs to live within the financial means of the membership.

I have had all I can stomach on this website and need to close this article out before I get any more upset for the wayward Men, Ladies and Children that have been misled by this CORPORATION.  What better way than to use their own words.  Somehow I truly believe that these are the most true words on this entire website that speaks to the very root of what this CORPORATION is all about, wealth and how much they can get of it.

“…There is an old toast that goes: "May you have health, wealth, and love, and a long life to enjoy them." This is our sincere aim…”


Bro. Brian Schimian is Life of Member A.O. Fay #676 in Highland Park Illinois and the Medinah Shriners - Lake County Shrine Club. He was also the Past Master Counselor of DeMolay - Lakes Chapter in 1995. Most recently, Brian became a Companion of the York Rite, joining Waukegan Chapter #41 R.A.M. Brian is a father of two children. "Start Square, Finish Level"

Clandestine Reprisal

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB. Robert H. Johnson

Clandestine "Masonic" orgs in IL.  
I had plans. Plans of grandeur when I was elected to the East. I thought I would have speakers every week and pull tons of men back to lodge. I wanted to engage the membership and have many education nights. Alas, I was  given a different opportunity. A better opportunity. I was given a ton of degree work. A week after being installed, I was conferring my first degree ever, a 2nd, as a matter of fact.

Week after week, I was conferring degrees. It was awesome. Recently I did four 1st degrees over four weeks. I thought about doing them as a class, but we felt as a lodge it was more important for the candidate to have that special experience of an individual night, just for them. Two of my candidates, now Entered Apprentices were best friends.

These gents had known each other since their childhood years, joined the military reserves together and now, became Masons together. Now that we had four new Entered Apprentices and no immediate degree work pending, it was time to do that other thing I wanted to do: engage the new members and help them understand the degrees they had just received.

We organized an EA education night, The Entered Apprentice Academy is what we called it. We walked them through the degree, explained to them aspects of the symbology and gave them personal stories of our lives in relation to how Masonry has changed us for the better. We laughed, we had fun and we learned.

At one point the subject of Clandestine Masonry came up, and two of my EAs looked at each other and then back at me and said at the same time and laughing, "Oh we found out about that..." I looked at them puzzled. In my experience, waiting to talk to the candidates until the 3rd degree about Clandestine and Irregularity is just too late. I feel you need to tell them [the candidate] about these organizations well before they go out into the world as EAs, otherwise they risk being tainted by potential bad information or in the case I was about to hear, outright slander, hazing and vindictive social media harassment.

I have made it known that personally, I hold no ill feelings toward Clandestine or Irregular Masons, as long as it isn't the kind that gathers just to make money and has an "LLC" or an "Inc." after its name. I digress.

My EAs proceeded to tell me that one of their co-workers found out that one of them had just received his EA degree, an auspicious occasion, no question. However instead of the typical congratulatory words, this co-worker first, claimed to be a brother as well and then proceeded to interrogate my EA in a completely condescending manner. And if this wasn't enough, he did it in public, around other people, citing ritual and all the rest.

My Brother EA sat there and took it all in, the odd exchange had him on edge but he kept it together. Finally this co-worker called my Brother EA a "Clandestine" Mason. As if this wasn't enough he ridiculed the Brother on social media after finding his picture with me on our social media page the night after receiving his EA degree. He made derogatory comments and lambasted him. Again, repeatedly calling him "Clandestine" and "not a real Mason."

Through all of this, all my Brother EA asked him was, "Let me see YOUR dues card." This co-worker refused and just kept pushing the hot buttons. I give credit to my EA for subduing his passions and an urge to put this co-worker in his place. The co-worker, after being asked to show his dues card repeatedly, finally did show my EA a card. And guess what? THE CO-WORKER WAS THE CLANDESTINE MASON!

Apparently when my EA told him the lodge he was from (our lodge Waukegan 78 AF&AM Grand Lodge of Illinois), the co-worker knew of the lodge and of me. Well, I guess if a clandestine lodge and its members know who you are, maybe you're doing something right. I'm not one to get easily upset but this, Brothers, got me a little mad.

So, guess what? I have blurred the names, but here you go, the business card of the lodge which decided to be decidedly unMasonic, and egregiously improper. And if this "lodge" or its members has an issue with this, I suggest you go through the proper channels (contact my Grand Lodge),  or take the time and become a legit lodge under the Grand Lodge of Illinois or the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois.

We all know what having "Inc." after your lodge name really means. And for those of you who don't it means, "We take your money and fool you into thinking we're legit."

In conclusion, let it be known that "The Most Worshipful New Jerusalem Grand Lodge AF&AM. S.R. Inc." is CLANDESTINE and NOT RECOGNIZED.

If you would like to read further about the issue of clandestine lodges, I suggest reading "Freemasonry In Black and White" or "ASpurious State of Confusion" by Bro. Charles Harper.

Enjoy the parody video below about Clandestine Masons. It isn't far from the truth. 


Bro. Robert Johnson, 32° is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the First North-East District of Illinois. He is the Master of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 and Education officer for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He is also a member of the York Rite bodies Royal Arch, Cryptic Council, Knights Templar, AMD, The Illinois Lodge of Research and a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago as well as a charter member of the Society of King Solomon, a charity organization run by the Grand Lodge of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. In addition, he produces video shorts focusing on driving interest in the Fraternity and writes original Masonic papers from time to time. He is also a cohost of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of three. He works full time in the safety industry and is also a photographer on the side as well as an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays.