Showing posts with label juan de la cruz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label juan de la cruz. Show all posts

The Man in the Mirror

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Juan de la Cruz

In our gentle craft we are taught to extend the hand of brotherly love to our fellow creatures. To love others and do unto them as you would have them do unto you. That we are to employ our faculties towards the betterment of humanity is the charge we are given, and to defend justice at the peril of danger our duty. This is at once what elevates and burdens us as masons, and though we vow to fulfill our obligations in all our doings our mortal shortcomings often fail us. Our perception being fallible we inevitably stumble or outright fail in our circumscribing of desires and bounding of passions, riding instead into sunsets to slay giants that turn out to be windmills.

Masonry endeavors to make good men better, and should never be confused as a craft intended to sanctify the already enlightened. We will err, we will succumb to prejudice, to fear, to mere shadows made monstrous by the imagination and real through the clinging of past grievances unresolved. To contemplate these truths increases our capacity to forgive others, to be tolerant of quirks and to lovingly whisper good council, giving warning without judgment as to the approach of danger. But what then when in our haste and impulse we do things we feel remorse for? How do we manage our own betterment and healing in the face of injury inflicted by our own hands on those we hold dearest to our hearts?

The character of a man should be measured not only for the care he takes in erecting his moral and Masonic edifice, but also in the manner in which he endeavors to make upright and square stones he has set askew. That he be willing to admit his faults and own his mistakes, rectifying that which is out of plumb with urgency and vigor, is as much a measurement of his skill as any matrix employed to judge his handiwork. Short of murder, treason, or moral turpitude - those grievances for which forgiveness is far too onerous an expectation – opportunity should be granted for mercy and grace. If injured, make room in your heart for your fellow, speak of your pain to him, let him know your needs and expectations, and allow him the peace your burdened heart would require to move forward if the situation were reversed and it was you offering heartfelt apology.

As creatures endowed with limited perception we are rarely able to capture the totality of any situation; hence, we should strive to be ever humble and soft in our judgments. As such, is it unreasonable to expect that from time to time and perhaps even often we will fall short of our own potential? How then will you be willing to treat the man you see in the mirror? Will you extend to him the same compassion and forgiveness you would extend to another? I posit that the healthiest course of action whenever we have wronged another is to admit our shortcomings not only to those we have wronged but also to ourselves, to endeavor to find meaning and opportunity for growth and self-improvement, but most importantly, to expand our own capacity to forgive others.

The man in the mirror is at once your greatest ally and staunchest critic. He is at once best friend and mortal enemy. Extend to him the hand of brotherly love and do unto him that which in a similar situation you would have him do unto you. Of this, dear brothers, take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.


Bro. de la Cruz is the Junior Warden of Sotoyome Curtis 123, Healdsburg, CA. He is also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite member as well as a Royal Arch Mason. He is a father of two, husband and resident of Windsor, CA.

In Thy Name

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Juan de la Cruz

In order for an organization to thrive, its core mission must be clearly stated and understood by all of its members. This mission should be compelling enough that all who labor towards its fruition are invested and willing to give of themselves beyond the minimum standards expected of their employment.

Freemasonry finds itself in the peculiar conundrum that those who labor for it are under a vaguely understood contract, compounded by the fact that the compensation for these labors is rarely monetary and that the appreciation for the value of Masonic wages requires an intrinsic recognition, the rights and privileges of those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Thankfully, and by the Grace of the Great Architect, these faculties can be cultivated.

The application of the tools we are given is all that is needed to earn Masonic wages! There is a problem however; the explanation of the tools we are given is explicit with regards to what the tools are used for, yet is only implicit in the manner in which the tools are to be applied. This has long provided me a source of contemplation, and has also been the genesis for an entirely new vision of what the craft represents to me. That being said, I offer the following in the spirit that what I believe (at present) to be the truth (from my perspective, mind you) and my intention herein is to elicit discourse and the development of better understanding of the answer to the greater question: why do we do what we do?

Allow me to posit the following: the answer to the above question regarding what is in essence the “mission” of the craft of freemasonry is revealed in the Chaplain’s opening prayer: we gather in the name of the Great Architect of the Universe that we may reflect the order and beauty which rule forever before the throne of the Almighty.

Verily, since this is the only stated purpose given for our assembly, I believe it is also the very strength and support of Freemasonry, the “mission”, as it were. Let us entertain the preceding assumption is correct and that indeed the reason we gather in the name of the Almighty is to do His bidding. What then are the ramifications of this realization? The list is long, and worthy of great conversation and fellowship. Indeed, this is a dialogue that has proven worthy of the efforts of numerous scholars and has been the consuming passion of many a brother in our long chain of union. Surely the benefits to such a philosophy extend beyond the present limits of my appreciation, but of the myriad benefits I can identify I find there emerge general categories which I will attempt to encompass in this limited forum and my even more restricted attention span... I like shiny things… I digress…

The first and perhaps greatest benefit is that we approach our lodge as a temple, erected to Him and dedicated to the Saints John (we’ll explore an explanation of these in a future article). A temple built by and consisting of the very ashlars and ornaments we each represent, and bound by the cement of our brotherly love for each other, the relief we offer one another, and the truth we share. This approach at once demands the utmost reverence and offers the greatest impetus for jubilation. The lodge is not an object outside of its members but is a body comprised OF them. The lodge then, like the self, is an extension of our being, a tangible metaphor for our place in the Grand Design the Master has drawn upon the trestle board.

The natural extension of this first benefit I described is a sense of direction. Let us examine the metaphor of a seagoing vessel. A ship without the benefit of a destination is a useless contraption, afloat and adrift or at best circling the ocean without the safe harborage of port. Though by simply having the faith to set sail into the unknown one is assured an adventure, full of discovery and ripe with the possibility of new insight, it is also replete with peril, and amongst the few with the resolve to undertake expeditions into spiritual climes unknown, fewer still have survived the abyss to benefit from the undertaking. The safe passages have been mapped, the destinations delineated, and the tools of navigation have been handed to us.

So, how then do we sail? What will we need in order to increase the chances of our success? How will we measure our success?

We sail with the understanding that the Great Architect is at once the destination and the guide of our journey, and that the Master of the Lodge is the captain of the vessel, he trains his sextant on the North Star if you will, what the G suspended in the East represents. He tests his observations against the charts in the Volume of Sacred Law, he conveys the necessary corrections of navigation to the crew, and verifies that the commands have been duly executed. The first officers coordinate the efforts of the crew, and the sailors – collectively – serve the captain and the ship they sail on (their very lifeline) with freedom, fervency and zeal. Our success is measured by the progress we make and the riches of the ports we stop at, testament and acknowledgement of a proper course. As a result of our labor, we nourish our bodies with the fruits of foreign lands and repose in the memories of the most exotic, bizarre and wondrous of vistas.

The captain and his crew are offered no guarantee of safety, and similarly neither is the Worshipful Master or the lodge he serves. The journey is dangerous; there will be unforeseen obstacles and inclement weather. Some lodges will have lost sight of the North Star which guides them and will veer so far from course they will find themselves adrift in the doldrums, doomed to stagnate and ultimately sink in obscurity. The success of our voyage will depend on the diligence of its crew and an understanding of our responsibility. We don’t expect of the Master some wizardry or artificial bravado, what we expect is careful and studious observation of the Guiding Principles and the unerring landmarks. We don’t expect perfection of ourselves but similarly we are entrusted with diligent attention to the details and nuances of sailing.

Our lodge, by whatever metaphor you employ – and admittedly I’ve employed many herein – is an organization composed of individuals with the common goal of serving One Master and which assembles in His name to obtain the necessary instructions to pursue our labors and earn our wages. As long as we remain vigilant of our course and steadfast in our navigation, we will succeed and reach the goal we set out to achieve. I humbly request that you contemplate what assembling in the name of, and serving the Great Architect, looks and feels like, and really look forward to sharing the insights you glean… the wages of a mason!


Bro. de la Cruz is the Junior Warden of Sotoyome Curtis 123, Healdsburg, CA. He is also a 32nd degree Scottish Rite member as well as a Royal Arch Mason. He is a father of two, husband and resident of Windsor, CA.