Showing posts with label luciano azevedo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luciano azevedo. Show all posts

Masonic Wisdom: The Moral Constitution of Freemasonry - Humanitarian Acts

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

The field of ideas should be the field where we can safely talk about all topics without fear of judgment and without fear that other brothers will condemn us for the various thoughts that we all have. It is the diversity of thoughts and opinions that brings beauty to humanity.

The secret is to seek and look at the diverse with a legitimate intention of opening our minds; understand what our neighbor wants to say, or at least give the chance to our brother show us why he thinks differently than you.

I always like to say: "Please I beg you to convince me!" Yes, because every wise Mason cries out for wisdom. He who thirsts to learn does not ignore the advice of the wise and does not run away from hearing different opinions.

Opinions are not to be tolerated, rather, they are to be listened to. So that in the innermost parts of your soul, you may confront with yourself and prove if in fact your convictions are still convictions.

On the contrary, those who refute other opinions without hearing them out or without understanding from where these opinions came from, Solomon, our first Grand Master, and considered the wisest men on earth, said that all these mans are FOOLS.

I realize that when I present reflections on themes of any intrinsic nature or related to our constitution as Masons, our own DNA, some react in a very aggressive way. It is like looking in the mirror and seeing their own faults but instead of wanting to change, they rather prefer to break the mirror.

The constitution of our order mandates that we obey certain moral principles that ground all of our ritualistic logic and our order as a whole. We Masons in the past, were and always have been loyal to every constituted government but on the other hand we also fought against authoritarian governments, usurpers of rights and governments that violated our moral code or our Masonic Ethics.

Freemasons are Universalists. We believe that all human beings are made by the image and likeness of The G.A.O.T.U. We believe in the equal society of rights, duties and freedoms as a greater good. We believe in the moral compassion of offering humanitarian aid to the afflicted and we have done that for centuries.

See how interesting this is: the operative Masons embraced the philosophers, artists and other professionals who took refuge in our order during persecutions. If the Masons didn't accept the Templars, the brothers who escaped from Portugal, Italy and France to the operative lodges there would not be speculative Freemasonry. I found out that the right of a Mason to "Travel" to foreign countries is from our very original nature. We were thus originated by being "accepted" into to the operative Freemasonry.

So dear Brother I'm trying to encourage you to raise your soul to where it should be. Let not selfishness and our self-centric nature vanquish our reason or blind our hearts.

There are millions dying of hunger that we cannot ignore. Stand up against injustice. Be loyal to your government and love your homeland, but do not forget the supreme values of our universal society that are the moral landmarks of our institution.

Do not forget that children are dying of starvation, victims of poverty and inequality. Let us not close the doors of our hearts. I now intercede with the Great Architect of the Universe to enlighten us more and may we have clarity to see the human pain.

Being a Freemason is also to confront reality and not to conform with injustice.

May our hearts, oh Lord, be filled with forgiveness and compassion. Teach us to love the one who differs from our thinking. May we truly love our neighbor. Give us Freemasons love and compassion for all.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

Masonic Wisdom: Mathematics of Love

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

The most beautiful mathematics is that of love. Love does not weigh and the more we have the lighter we get. Love when donated is renewed in the people and when it's divided, multiplies throughout the world! Love thy neighbor; love your brother. Forgive, try to find how to best agree. Don't hurry to disagree and focus on how you can see and comprehend your brother's perspective. Remember that changing your mind or being open to listen are not signs of weakness, rather, signs of strength and maturity.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

Masonic Wisdom: Winning

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

For a moment, clear your mind and think. Think that in order for a winner to exist there is an intrinsic need of one or many losers to exist. The old expression "win win situation" is naïve or pure rhetoric.

One of the “greatest” "human sins" is envy. Is the need we all have for comparison. In order for us to feel good or special we need someone to be in a lower position or be "defeated". The comparison is so necessary that when our neighbor has some good that we do not have or that is bigger, better, or more desired, our tendency is to envy him. We hurry to run to overcome the other, to have what the other doesn't.

When we tirelessly feed this pernicious logic we become more and more self-centered, selfish, and dehumanized. The Masonic paradox of subduing our instincts comes precisely from another logic: "to become more humane we need to love more and envy less".

Competing is not bad, it's actually very good when we do it with a collective perspective of advancing together, towards prosperity and a better world.

Let Masonic logic be more and more present in our souls.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

Masonic Wisdom: In God We Trust

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

Why Freemasons believe in God? The absence of God removes from the universe and from humanity its moral foundation. If all that exist is only "matter", (the original and permanent substance of all reality), we can live just as any other animal.

Evil voices say "Let the poor die, let's make all the populations of poor countries disappear, so we will have more water, more crude oil, more sustainability conditions for the world because we would be reducing the number of our biggest predator, namely man himself."

Only the notion of God as a moral being offers humanity the foundation of indiscriminate solidarity.

The ethical foundation of the universe and humanity rests on love, expression of the Great Architect of the Universe, The Divine Being that gives birth to everything! This necessarily implies the realization that the correlation that binds man to mankind is connected to the understanding of a higher correlation which binds man to God and God to man.

Since it is only on the relationship with our neighbor that we are complete, and only God offers the foundation for the unity of humanity, every denial of love, which is equivalent to the alienation of the other, is also equivalent to the disintegration of ourselves.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

First Step to Commitment and Civility - Ethics

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

Ethics is the part of philosophy that studies moral values and the ideal principles of human conduct. A set of moral principles to be observed in the exercise of a profession.

So, questions like: What is right? What is my duty? What should I do ? They belong exclusively to the causal aspect of the search for the ethical standard and must lead to the answers: If actions are good, it will certainly have good effects.

It is not easy to embark on the path of understanding human behavior, especially Freemasons, with the focus of Ethics. Before being masons, we are human beings, living in conformity to habits, customs, cultures, personal experiences, regional, temporal and, before being human beings we belong to the cosmic creation, we are part of the Great Architect's great work.

Faced with the highly contradictory questions that are present all the time to our consciences, it is questioned to what extent it is compatible to discuss ethical aspects in an essentially egocentric, materialistic, competitive and generalized society with the need for a realistic approach. There is a great risk of sterile discussions!

However Ethics should be seen as a personal, an individual factor, but we must not forget, on the other hand, that the individual is the fruit of the society in which he lives. Therefore, Ethics is the social model of individual behaviors.

The axiom "Not all that is legal is morally right" clearly demonstrates that the Law obliges the citizen to do or not to do things that can compromise him morally.

When, therefore, before any action we could mentally ask the question: “Am I morally inclined to perform this action?, and the answer is:" if this action will produce as much good as possible in the Universe ", we will have there, clearly the exposition of an ethical standard to be followed.

A Freemason, when produces an ethical action reverberates throughout Freemasonry and places yet another polished and perfect stone in the moral edifice of society. However when a Mason produces typically amoral, immoral or unethical actions, the result is worse because negative reverberation extrapolates Freemasonry, causing degeneration of both the Order and society in general.

I believe that ethical standards must be quickly reestablished among Masons so that their influence can bear fruit. We must start talking about ethics again. We must go back to studying and recovering the true meaning of things. Finally, it is necessary to divulge and encourage Ethics by all the means available, but above all, to charge our brothers in positions of power to perform an ethical conduct that becomes an example for all, profane and initiated, and always work with love and tolerance, and aiming for the good of the Fraternity and society. An ethical behavior is the first step towards commitment and civility!


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

Masonic Wisdom: Silence

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

Socrates, the wise Greek philosopher, said that eloquence is often a way of falsely exalting what is small and of diminishing what is great.

Words may be misused, masked or employed for concealment. That is why we should speak only when our words are more valuable than our silence.

The reason is simple, our words have power to build or to destroy. They can generate peace, harmony, comfort but they can also generate hate, resentment, anguish, sadness. Our M.W King Solomon said in his proverbs: "Even the fool, when he is silent, passes for wise, for intelligent".

Silence is valuable, it is very essential to all Freemasons to listen more than speak, to think and meditate rather than run into action. Both the word and the silence reveal our being.

How much animosity exists in lodges because of gossip, slander and insults? We must learn that when we loose control and wrongly injure our brother we must pursue the sacred courage to go and ask for forgiveness.

Our words should always be positive and generate well-being, produce edification of the soul and consolation to the heart.

Masons should always speak honestly, react with good judgment and without anger and express their opinion with caution. Often, in the debates, we see so many people talking and few willing to listen.

Great men are those who open their mouths only when others have nothing more to say.

God speaks to us in the silence, when the agitation of the soul ceases; when His word sinks deep on us...


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

Masonic Wisdom: The Sequoia Tree

By Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

Also known as Redwood the Sequoia tree belongs to the genus of the conifers, characterized by its large size, reaching an average of 257 feet in height, having its trunk the diameter of 15 feet or more!

The most remarkable of this botanical species is its longevity, as it can reach between 1,500 and 2000 years.

What accounts for the greatness, fortitude, and longevity of the redwoods? When I visited Muir Woods in San Francisco CA, I had the opportunity to meet the redwoods and inquire about their secret. I found out that they not only deepen their roots, growing quite a ways down; but the redwoods are located in a region where there is constant humidity during summer, rain and snow during fall and winter; which feeds the roots and trunk, and makes them robust and long lasting.

The sequoia is quite a picture of what we should be. In order to be strong, resilient, "upright", we must grow, deepening of our roots in the knowledge of The G.:A.: O .:T.:U, in virtue and justice. In fact, says the Holy Scripture, "whoever meditates on the Word of God is like a tree planted by running water".

It is also necessary that we seek an environment conducive to our moral and spiritual growth; that's why Freemasons should attend lodge. It is evident that life places us in difficult situations, of weariness, of tribulation, of storms, of multiple trials, making imperative the search for the environment of affinity where we recover our energies and obtain qualification to a straight, positive life with integrity.

Companies and the environment have great influence on us. Hence popular wisdom repeats: "Tell me with whom you walk and I will tell you who you are." So important to walk along with our Brothers! King Salomon’s Proverbs says: "...bad conversations corrupt good manners". Let's keep the level of our talks in higher standards and avoid intolerance!

Deep roots, constant food, perfect humidity (good environment), are the secrets of the redwoods.

A good environment is likewise our secret to beauty, strength, fortitude, longevity and happiness.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou” has contributed with many articles from a philosophical basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct. He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a 32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.

Masonic Wisdom: The Wisdom Shouts!

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
WB Luciano M. Azevedo

"There comes the wisdom, shouting out in the streets, in the public square: Hear my warnings and I will open my heart to you and make you wise!" 1st Proverb of Solomon (Verse 23)

Although King Solomon's writings have been written in Hebrew, I believe the best word to explain the invitation of wisdom is "Metanoia." This word of many vowels is a Greek word that means "Expansion of Mind" or “which goes beyond” / Noia means: mind.

The most propagating or expanding matter is light. So, the expansion of consciousness or the acceptance of the wisdom invitation is often compared by the modern philosophers of the Enlightenment as: the "Light" or the "discovery."

Leaving the darkness of ignorance from the profane world to the Light of Masonry can also be called a process of “Metanoia”

Upon being brought to Light you must have a state of mind in which you are predisposed to change your essence, consequently controlling your judgment, your anger and your desires.

Those who accept this invitation according to our Most Worshipful King Solomon and hear the warnings of the wisdom and let them sink into their hearts, become wise! They learn how to love, to forgive and to perform acts of justice. Therefore accepting this invitation means a complete transformation. A transformation of consciousness not just a change of opinion; It is a change of the way of thinking; It is not just a substitution of an information for another; is actually acquiring more and more knowledge inexhaustibly!

It is like an "insight", a change of our "inner posture", a "revelation" that changes your way of thinking completely. It is not that you change your mind, you change yourself.

This is the idea of metanoia: The Expansion of Consciousness.

Masonic wisdom says, "Come hear my voice. If you go through a “metanoia” you will be completely transformed. You will be more tolerant. Will love more. You will understand that loving your brother is not just about an obligation is pure wisdom."

Fool is the one who rejects it, and who thinks there is more pleasure on ignorance. Changing is very painful for them. They prefer to hide behind silly jokes or the tireless chase for power. They prefer the perverse desires of greed, envy and control... Simply because they are just opinions and wills of an unchanging mind, unable to accept the invitation of WISDOM, so then confined to the lesser and perverse world that has not yet Passed, and Raised through "Metanoia". Through the light that expands…

My prayer: May the Light expand our consciousness and of all regular Masons. May we all accept the “Wisdom Invitation” and therefore, and consequentially, may brotherly love prevail and every moral and social virtue cements us. Amen.


WB Luciano M. Azevedo holds an MBA and Bachelor in Business Administration. He has published several scientific and philosophical essays and articles in the secular world. As a sommelier he wrote his own column for a major wine magazine for many years. In Freemasonry Brother “Lou”  has contributed with many articles from a philosophical  basic approach to an ethical decision-making in regards to masonic conduct.  He is the current Worshipful Master of Zurich Lodge 1089 of A.F&A.M of the State of Illinois. W. Bro Luciano is also a member or the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee of the State of Illinois, a  32 Degree active member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago and a Shrine Noble of the Medinah Shriners.