Showing posts with label mark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mark. Show all posts

Marking Our Temple

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Aaron Gardner, 32ยบ, MPS

After one is exalted to the most sublime degree of the Royal Arch, a candidate is asked to leave his mark in the book (Traditionally this is done after the Mark Master degree). Very similar to the degrees preceding in which the candidate writes his name in the log of newly raised Master Masons. It is taught throughout the craft of Freemasonry, starting at the very beginning of the first degree that a Freemason must be vigilant of his mark. No, we aren’t talking about the mark Operative Masons use; instead, we are referring to the mark a Freemason will make on the world around him. The marks made within the Royal Arch Book of Marks is a symbolic representation of who the candidate was/is. It is a unique symbol only to that candidate. If my mark were to be drawn on a piece of paper, it is no doubt that brothers of my Royal Arch Chapter, Waukegan Chapter No. 41 under the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Illinois, will know that mark to be mine (hopefully, that is if Companion Johnson recorded it after my departure; a story for another time, perhaps).

Being that my mark is special to me, it reminds me of one characteristic that is, yet again, unique to myself. My thumbprint. During my entrance into the United States Army, I had to submit my finger prints to ensure that I was not on any national based list of criminals, terrorist, etc… After doing so, they permitted me to have a security clearance, gave me a firearm and told me what to do for the last 10 years of my life. After returning to the civilian world I was then submitted to another array of fingerprint analyses for the various police departments I was applying for. My unique mark is all over the country in various forms on many different databases. Needless to say, they they know I am not a criminal. They also haven’t found anybody in the country’s database with the same thumbprint. Like I said, it’s my unique mark on my temple… My body. 

In a recent trip to Philadelphia with my school’s clown troupe (another story for another time), I had the strict pleasure of visiting the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. I have been invited to speak at various lodges across Pennsylvania, and traveled clear across the state multiple times, without stopping in and seeing this beautiful master piece [Grand Lodge PA]. I have a lot of stories to tell about this specific Grand Lodges, like the evident flaw in it’s building, and I will tell these stories in due time. However, I would like to keep this on track of one thing that jumped out to me the most. Uniqueness. In the Grand Lodge there are many beautiful rooms with extrinsic and intrinsic value, deep rooted history, and a pure feeling of reverence that rushes over you. Yet, one room stands out the most. 

It’s not even a room as it is a corridor. This long narrow hall displays beautiful architecture of the Virtues that cement our brotherhood of man, as you walk the black and white checkered floor toward a gorgeous stained glass. In the top of the glass you can see a number of Masonic symbols; from the Sun in the left corner, the Moon in the right, Solomon’s Seal in beneath the Sun, Pythagoras’ theory across from that, and the All Seeing Eye above the Volume of Sacred Law. It is a magnificent piece that would wow anyone passing by the building. But, yet again, it isn’t the most interesting piece of the building. In that corridor sit’s this most beautiful stained glass artwork and is outshone by the little strip of paint along the edge of the wall. Circles painted in decoration, and if you look closely the unique mark of every builder that helped complete the temple— Their thumb print. 

Even if the builders weren’t Freemasons, their mark will live forever with that building. It makes me ponder, where have I left my mark? Will someone find it one day and it be in good nature, or will it bring negative thoughts about who I was as a man? We leave our mark everywhere we go, with everyone we meet, and everything we do. Can we hold proud that our mark is a part of building something beautiful; something that we built with our own two hands, a life others may look toward as guidance in their own conquests?


Bro. Aaron Gardner, an American Soldier who just recently transitioned into the Reserves after 8 years serving the Active Duty Army. He dedicates the majority of his free time to Freemasonry with his constant studies, writing and traveling from lodge to lodge to learn as much as he can regarding Freemasonry. He likes to relate his everyday life to the Craft and anything he finds he wants to spread to the world. It is his passion to study people, religion, history and Freemasonry. When he isn't working as a Soldier he is dedicating his time to the amazing and supportive Emily, writing about Freemasonry and writing his very own novel. His blog page is Celestial Brotherhood.

Have You Made Your Mark?

by Midnight Freemason Contributor 
Bill Hosler, PM

Any Mason who has advanced through the degrees of the York Rite knows the meaning of  “Making your mark”. For those companions and Sir Knights it means they have added their “Mark” to a book symbolically linking them to the cathedral builders of ancient times. Most of you created your mark and handed it to the recorder of the group and went on with life and the other degrees.

In the world of the profane most people believe the phrase “Making your mark” means you have created a long lasting impression on someone or the world itself. You have added something positive that will be remembered after you passed to the Celestial lodge above. It's another Masonic phrase that has become a household word even though the original meaning has faded away. 

One question I ask myself is “Have I made a mark on my lodge?”  Years from now, once I leave this planet will the members of my lodge remember me or any of my works? Will something I have done or said be referenced years from now? 

Many will say “Of course I will be remembered. My picture is on the wall of the lodge with the other Past Masters!” But is your photograph, along with 100 other men leaving your mark? How many times have you looked at one of these photos and truly known anything about the man in the photo? Usually I just look at them and think how much the clothing styles have changed since the year the photo was taken.  In my opinion the photo is a memorial not a lasting impression.

Some would say the best way to leave your mark would be in your active participation in lodge.  Being a long time lodge secretary or being the chairman of a committee for several decades would leave a lasting impression.  These are great ways to serve your lodge. But make no mistake, after several years the memory of your participation will wither away. 

In my humble opinion the best way to leave your mark on the lodge is the way in which you interact with your Brethren and teach them to become better men and Masons. Whether you realize it or not, the other Brethren look at you, especially the younger men and hold you up to be an example of how they should conduct themselves in life as well as inside a tiled lodge room.  These men want and need guidance on their journey through the Craft!

These men begin judging us from the moment they walk through our front door of your temple. If they walk in the door and see a building in disrepair, dingy walls, broken furniture and get “hit in the face” with that familiar “old person smell” like they are walking into their grand parents house that will leave a lasting impression but sadly not a good one.  

These young men are looking for positive men and a positive atmosphere which will help them become better men. When they see you sitting on the sidelines chatting while the lodge is conducting candidates during degree work, falling asleep or the lodge having the same argument every month during a stated meeting, it won't take them long to realize we don't have the answers which they are looking for or even worse, we aren't providing what we tell these men we give them when they ask for a petition. Remember Brethren these men are the ones who are checking to see how square your ashlar truly is. 

It has now been many years since that warm night in June when I first knocked on the door of my lodge and asked to be made a Mason. But I will never forget the Brethren assembled who befriended me and taught me how to be a just and upright Mason and a better man. Sadly many of these Brothers now are no longer with us but I think about them each and everyday. Their memories bring a smile to my face. Each one of these men “Made their mark” on my soul and created lifelong memories for me. Many of the things these Brethren taught me, I try to convey to you in my writings. 

I hope some of my words inspire you to be a better man and Freemason and  help me “Make my mark” upon your living stone and in turn, help me honor these men. 


WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master in 2007 and became a member of the internet committee for Indiana's Grand Lodge. Bill is currently a member of Roff Lodge No. 169 in Roff Oklahoma and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco,Texas. Bill is also a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Indiana. A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne's Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.