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Showing posts with label nwo. Show all posts

From the archives: Black Friday - A Chance to Exercise the Art

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
RW Robert H. Johnson

Amidst the debates on whether or not stores and businesses should close for the Thanksgiving holiday, there are those underlying thoughts about the day after Thanksgiving -- Black Friday. Black Friday is a day for retailers nation wide, to throw open their doors and deliver savings so big, so amazing, so insane, that the public will be motivated to get up and go to those retailers at 12:01 am.

The days following Black Friday seemed to echo the sombre and sickening pathos normally attributed to that shroud, that color we typify with the color Black. We watch news clips on television, YouTube and cell phone videos of human beings, reverting to ferocious animal states as they battle one another over monetary savings.

Kids trampled to death, men and women alike suffocating in the thick of herds of what can now only be some distant cousin, some untamed, ungoverned, rapacious beast. But alas, it is us. It is human, although unrecognizable.

This year, stores did close and then decided to stave of some of the anarchy by opening later in the evening on Thanksgiving. I decided that for the first time since the last and only other time I had gone Black Friday Shopping, to go out to see what I could see.

What I saw did not disappoint. I don't mean that in any way to suggest I was looking for disorder, rather, I was hoping to see people being people. People caring and being courteous. Amid the sea of winter coats and red Starbucks cups, were the voices of happy people, saying "Excuse me", and complementing each other and of course, complaining about the long lines.

The moral fabric of humanity is a weave of altruistic principals, something we practice as Freemasons. It is something we are charged to do. To be courteous, kind, friendly, humble, to be the example. In the coming weeks we will be tried, Brethren. We will be taken to the edge and back again. Our patience, our affability will be put in the spot light. Use the stresses of the season to exercise our art of Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love.

I know it can be hard, but the stakes are as high as they've ever been, and the world is watching. Be Freemasons.


Bro. Robert Johnson, PM is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He also serves as the District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

The 33 Degrees of Freemasonry

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. James A. Simpson
Edited and transcribed for the Midnight Freemasons by Bro. Michael Arce

There are 33 degrees in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. Is 33 a mystical number with some inherent numerical meaning?

Author's note: This is the research work of Bro. James A. Simpson and Ven. John F. McLaughlin. It was the first in a series of Masonic research papers submitted by Bro. Simpson. I have his expressed permission to share this work. "I know you will enjoy the history." Signed, Bro. Jim Simpson. The great Shakespearean actor and Mason, Edwin Booth (1833093) reportedly once said of the Masonic Ritual: "In all my research and study, in all my close analysis of the masterpieces of Shakespeare; in my earnest determination to make those plays a appear real on the mimic stage, I have never, and nowhere met the tragedy so real, so sublime, so magnificent as the Legend of Hiram. It is substance without shadow --- the manifest destiny of life which requires no picture and scarcely a word to make a lasting impression upon all who can understand.

Degree Origination

Our degrees began in France in the year 1725. The new class of scholarly men (Speculative Masons) had discovered written legends from the old Operative Masons. They were also aware of the early history of the Jews given in the Bible. It is from these histories the Hiramic Legend evolved. The early high degrees were a continuation of the Hiramic Legend. This occurred during the Age of Enlightenment when there was a growing interest in the in all mystical and occult doctrines. The mystical parts of many of the high degrees were influenced by the knowledge of Rosicrucianism and even the mystical parts of the Book of Revelation.

Important practical lessons are being taught through the observance of rituals. Participation in rituals in unifying and gives a greater sense of belonging. A mutual belief in a Supreme Power should bind all initiates together in Brotherhood. We must learn to work for work's sake without desire of praise or reward. There are philosophical ideas shown allegorically through the master architect's tools. They teach us to be faithful to our family and country. They teach universal Brotherhood; honesty in business relations; the forgiveness of past injustices; and perseverance in overcoming the difficulties encountered in our progress toward perfection. These degrees are rich in benefits

Scottish Rite Degrees and Chakras

Several years before I was raised, I purchased a book entitled "Hands of Light" by Barbara Brennan. She is a practicing healer, psychotherapist, and scientist. She was a research scientist in atmospheric physics from NASA. She was trained in bioenergetic therapy and is currently teaching courses concerning the human energy field.

There are seven endocrine glands. Each gland has a chakra, which is a cone-shaped energy field that absorbs energy from the universal energy field. As a practitioner, Ms. Brennan will locate unhealthy chakra. The result of her healing will be physical, emotional, and spiritual. Although this healing is not a religion, the charkas are a western interpretation of Hinduism. Western practices have associated chakras with various concepts.

I.E., metaphysical counterparts to the endocrine glands; chakras reside in the psyche; chakras have a physical manifestation. These various beliefs have been speculative. The book "Dark Light Consciousness" has taken the speculative out of the chakras and brought them into the operative world of science.

The following points are from Ms. Brennan's book.

•Chakra #1: The coccygeal center is related to the quantity of physical energy and will live in the physical reality.

•Chakra #2: The gonads is related to the quality of love for your mate.

•Chakra #3: The solar plexus relates to spiritual wisdom and consciousness of universality of life.

•Chakra #4: The thymus is the center through which we love ourselves, our families, pets, friends, neighbors, and our countrymen.

•Chakra #5: The thyroid is associated with taking responsibility for one's personal needs.

•Chakra #6: The pituitary is associated with the capacity to visualize and understand mental concepts.

•Chakra #7: The pineal, the "Crown Chakra." The pineal gland is related to the person's connection to his spirituality and integration of his whole being, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Spritual energy and Freemasonry

The Knights Templar were in the Holy Land beginning in the year 1118. Hughes de Payens, the Master of the Order, although a Christian, was a descendant of Muhammed. It was through this connection that the Templars allied themselves with Islam. The Templars' principal teachers of alchemy were the enlightened Sufis. The Sufis had gathered the rarest and most valuable alchemical texts of the Egyptians, Persians, and Indians. The Sufi's also acquired texts from India regarding the mystical form of spiritual enlightenment.

The human spine contains 33 vertebrae. Spirit regeneration would take place by degrees trough the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column until reaching the pituitary gland which invokes the pineal body. The science of this regeneration is one of the lost keys of Freemasonry, and it is this reason why ancient Freemasonry was founded upon thirty-three degrees. Manley P. Hall, a 33 Degree Mason and Masonry's greatest philosopher, states, "The 33rd Degree represents the human head atop the 33 vertebrae of the back."

From the base of the spine there is the serpent which will wind its way up the spine to the crown chakra. The Sufis knew this as the Baraka; the Jews called it the Shekinah; the Chinese Taoist called it Jing; in India, it was the Kundalini. To awaken the power of the Kundalini, it would take spiritual discipline, including alchemy and yoga. As the Kundalini rises through the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, it performs the task of destroying all the impurities that prevent him from knowing his innate divinity.

With the conquest of Spain by Islam (711-1492), Spain became the seat of Sufi learning in Europe. Beginning with Compostela, Span, there are five cathedrals, one church, and one chapel. The sequence of the sites corresponds to that of the planets in our solar system. Each site also corresponds to a chakra. Just as subliminal energies stream up and down through the chakras within the human body, so similar forces surge northwards and southwards along the great alignment of the cathedrals.

When the novice had progressed thus far along his chosen spiritual path, he was open to receive the messenger of the mystery cults. The novice would make a pilgrimage to St. James of Compostela. The first-degree initiation was the result that flowed spiritually from the awakening of the base chakra that connects us with the earth and physical reality. Its ruling planet --- the Moon.

The initiate would then make a pilgrimage to the church in Toulouse. He would be introduced to the mysteries of the second degree with the opening of the abdominal chakra. Her he would discover his inner space and could retire into the isolation of his spirit. Its ruling planet --- Mercury.

The novice was the symbol of the third or solar plexus chakra. The fulfillment of this degree led to the awakening of the universal life force. This degree was achieved by the entry into the mysteries of the Venus oracle at the Cathedral of Orleans.

The novice is now ready to awaken the heart chakra which is linked to the region of the thymus gland above the heart. This is the spiritual center controlling the sublime gifts of love. This initiation was held in the Crypt of Chargers Cathedral, the ancient site of the sun oracle.

Induction into the fifth degree was performed in the chamber under Notre-Dame de Paris, the site of the druidic oracle of Mars. The fifth center is the throat chakra and is the first of the higher ones. It is the center of both speech and inner hearing and is connected with the power of sound.

The brow chakra, known to many as the third eye, is connected with the pituitary gland. Clairvoyance is connected with this centre, which relates to the spiritual faculties of insight and intuition. This took place in the cathedral of Amiens, and the aspirant would be instructed in the mysteries of the Jupiter oracle.

The seventh degree was attained with the culmination of the spiritual journey a the opening of the crown chakra, which is mystically united with the pineal gland; also known as the Seat of the Soul. This was awarded at the seventh site, Rosslyn Chapel, the ancient and revered site of the Saturn oracle. The initiation ceremony for this degree took place in the hidden chamber under the chapel, which was deliberately created by Earl William St. Clair. The Sinclairs were experts in sacred geometry and geomancy, sciences that teach how to design physical structures so that they harmonize, capture, and amplify the natural currents of energy that flow under and upon the surface of the earth. William Sinclair based the chapel's dimensions on the Golden Mean, the proportion that determines the geometric spiral, which is synonymous with the path of serpentine life force.

Rosslyn Chapel was situated upon the confluence of important ley lines that united it with sacred landmarks throughout Britain. One of its intersecting leys comes from the direction of the bore stane hill where five powerful ley-lines radiate. In 1994, Niven Sinclair invited Professor Lin Yun, a master of Feng Shui, to measure the flow of the "earth energy" within Rosslyn Chapel. Professor Yun was impressed with this energy and maintained that the chapel was destined to be a center of world peace.
The seven spiritual centers along with their respective planets were in total alignment on July 28, 2019. The authors did not make any predictions for alignment.


Bro. Jim Simpson Schenectady Lodge #1174, Schenectady, New York Sigman Bodies Ancient Accept Scottish Rite, Scotia, New York St. George's Chapter #157, Schenectady, New York St. George's Council #74, Schenectady, New York St. George's Commandry #37, Schenectady, New York Charles H. Copestake #69 AMD, Schenectady, New York

When the Unenlightened Approach

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
RWB Robert H. Johnson

There are many times I am talking about Freemasonry in my day to day life. I'm sure you're no different. We're brothers, and we like to discuss the craft, but what happens when someone comes near and isn't a Freemason?

Let's look at a potential scenario: You're at the office, you're talking to a couple of co-workers who are also brothers of the fraternity. One of the brothers starts talking about some sensitive topics and he can't see the approach of someone who isn't a member (a profane) from behind. You panic, what can you tell them so they silence their speech? Or change it up?

A review of an entry in Mackey's Encyclopedia gives us the answer. "R" for "Rains". Apparently, if this happens, you should simply say, "It rains." and that's all the warning anyone needs.


It was a custom among the English Freemasons of the middle of the eighteenth century, when conversing together on Freemasonry, to announce the appearance of a profane by the warning expression It rains. The custom was adopted by the German and French Freemasons, with the equivalent expression, Es regnet and II pluie. Baron Tschoudy, who condemns the usage, says that the latter refined upon it by designating the approach of a female by II neige, the French for It snows. Doctor Oliver says (Revelations of a Square, page 142) that the phrase It rains, to indicate that a Cowan is present and the proceedings must be suspended, is derived from the ancient punishment of an eavesdropper, which was to place him under the eaves of a house in rainy weather, and to retain him there till the droppings of water ran in at the collar of his coat and out at his shoes. [Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Book 2]

So there you have it, next time you're in this position, remember the phrase. 


RWB. Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He also serves as the District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

The Inner Circle of Masonry - The Great Half Truth of an Order Within an Order

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Robert H. Johnson 32°

I have heard it a million times and you have too. In fact, you may have spread these same stories. "Freemasonry is an organization that has an inner circle, an elite status within the order. If you don't know about it, you're just not high enough in the order." The educated will do their research and present quotes from great Masonic authors and scholars whose writings are revered and studied both inside and outside the craft which seem to back up the aforementioned claims. And the not so educated tends to repost these claims on social media, blogs and forums. Below are some examples and explanations.

Albert G. Mackey 33
Example number one, from Albert Mackey, 33rd Degree Mason and author of the "Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", 1873; "Visible Masonry: In a circular published March 18, 1775, by the Grand Orient of France,  reference is made to two divisions of the Order, namely, Visible and Invisible Masonry ... by 'Invisible Masonry' they denoted that a body of intelligent and virtuous Masons who, irrespective of any connection with dogmatic authorities, constituted a 'Mysterious and Invisible Society of the True Sons of Light', who, scattered over the two hemispheres, were engaged, with one heart and soul in doing everything for the glory of the Great Architect and for the good of their fellow-men."

Before we get started on the issue of the statement, let's look at Albert G. Mackey. Albert was born in a time when spiritualism was grasping at the world. Information was starting to become free flowing, especially in America. No longer did religious dogma choke off all independent thought. He was a doctor and he eventually abandoned medicine to study languages and the like. He began to research Freemasonry, becoming a member of the Fraternity in 1841 when he was 34 years old. He mastered several languages and enjoyed the study of the Talmud and Kabbalism. He was much inclined to study the Medieval period as well. 

On to the statement. The first and foremost problem with this is that the Grand Orient of France is an unrecognized brand of the Fraternity (today). To those who do not understand this, here is the quick breakdown: It is agreed that Masonry has indeed existed from a time before we have recorded records however in 1717 a bunch of  "Grand Lodges" decided to work together and formed the first United Grand Lodge. This was done as a way to have some quality control and streamline the fraternity among other things. When a new lodge wants to start, it needs a charter to do so. All Grand Lodges in the world who are "recognized" have a charter that has some root to the original 1717 pact and the formation of  the United Grand Lodge of England or, the UGLE. 

If a lodge doesn't have this charter, it is deemed irregular and spurious. They are not teaching the degree systems in the manner which is consistent throughout the rest of the Fraternity. Such is the case of The Grand Orient of France ( In Mackey's time it may have been a recognized). Today, they are considered spurious. An interesting fact: Ben Franklin was a member of this Orient and because of this, he was expelled from the Fraternity and was NOT granted a Masonic funeral service. (There is more to this story and it's super interesting. We will talk about it in a future blog post.)

So, whatever the Grand Orient is doing, is not necessarily the practice of any "regular" Masonic body. Regular, meaning recognized and legal. To say it as a matter of fact, the statement has nothing to do with (Regular) Freemasonry which is practiced throughout the world today.
Manly Palmer Hall 33

Example two, "Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity -- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as 'of majestic dignity, grandeur'] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum [defined as 'a secret, a mystery']." [Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 433]

So as before, let's look at who said this; Manly P. HallHall was an extremely interesting individual. He was one of the folks who did things in a bit of a different order. Most men I know, join the Fraternity and then after a number of years find themselves wholly immersed in the study of occultism, that is, the study of the secret arts. (This does NOT mean anything Satanic, it merely means things that perhaps Plato or Aristotle studied, perhaps things like the beauty of the "Golden Ratio", etc.) Not Manly P. Hall. Hall was a deeply influential spiritualist and occultist before he became a Mason. He was born in 1901, almost the pinnacle of the spiritual revolution of society. Men like Milton Pottenger (another amazing Masonic scholar) had just written Symbology (1905 and extremely rare), a book to which many Masonic intellectuals of the day had plagiarized, including Hall . Hall became a Freemason in 1954. At this point he had already written books like The Secret Teachings of All AgesFreemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians (1937), and Masonic Orders of Fraternity, all before being a member of our Craft.

To the claims of the quote, this example is a better example and has more truth than you might think. The "Visible Society" Hall speaks of is absolutely true and is a necessary organization in order to open the mind of an initiate. This is where the Masonic Fraternity ends, in a sense. Due to the esoteric nature of the degrees, some men decide to further study what they went through. Many lodges today are putting an emphasis on Masonic education which has been somewhat lost in the many years preceding. So in those times, AMD chapters and Lodges of Research were formed. AMD is Allied Masonic Degrees and are styled as chapters which are by invitation only and are limited to 27 members. This is a society within a society, is it not? Only the scholar is invited, only those of higher mind. This is because the AMD has a mission which is to preserve  certain other degrees (degrees which are no longer "Worked" except in the AMD), education and the study of our Craft and its mysteries. Members are required (usually) to write papers on all sorts of Masonic topics.

There are in fact, even more organizations within our Fraternity which are invitation only as well Consider the Honorary 33rd degree (A degree for those in the utmost administration) within the AASR [Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite]. Other organizations that exist within the Fraternity which study the "mysterious arcannum arcandrum" are groups of Masons who start independent clubs and form ceremonies which are again, unrecognized. Then of course there are Masons who are 33rd degree and have started other spin off groups for esoteric study which are only open to other 33rd degree Brothers. This is a reality and why I say "The Great Half Truth". There is no regulation stating that a group of people can't start a study group which consists of members who all share something in common like AMD or 33rd degree. What they decide to study together is their business. The study of the "mysterious arcannum arcandrum" can be any number of things. It is whatever the people decide is their great truth.

An original styled Tarot Deck

One final thing to consider in all this, is the biography of the gentlemen quoted. Both Hall and Mackey lived in times where the spiritual revolution was happening. The Terot, Fortune Tellers, Magick, Occult Studies and Reincarnation were all very popular. Groups like The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn were started by Freemasons. Mackey himself was rumored to have been a member of the Golden Dawn. Curious that his book was called "The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry AND ITS KINDRED SCIENCES". This title implies a study of the occult, and if you read it, you will see it. Another group which counts Freemasons among its members is the OTO or the Ordo Templi Orientis, which sometimes gets a bad rap because of its association with Aleister Crowley. It is no surprise that Masons like Manly P. Hall and Mackey were interested in these things. They had a personal view that Freemasonry whereas the blue lodge (The three degrees) is considered but a waiting room of sorts for members until they find out there are other groups within the craft that give them what they joined for, which is in most cases is the exoteric and esoteric discourses. It is a sign of the times. The age of Aquarius, the spiritual revolution. I would challenge anyone who still doesn't understand this to find a true member of the Fraternity living today, that is, a "Regular and Recognized" Brother of the craft, who has written a book and has the same claims which Hall and Mackey claim, and that are not saying the same thing I am saying here.

Today, there are several groups to which I and my Masonic friends are members. I myself am a member of two different scholar groups; The 1st NE District Scholars Club and the Reebis Research Society. I am a member of the AMD as well. I am also a member of some other study groups which are Masonic only in membership requirement. I have friends who are members of the Golden Dawn, the OTO, the Memphis Mizraim Rite of masonry (unrecognized). The list goes on and on. 

In conclusion, to say that Freemasonry is an organization within an organization is only partially true. To become a Freemason is to take and complete your three craft degrees and that is it. Plain and simple. That said, there are organizations which crop up and are as numerous as the grains of sand in the world whose membership requirements include membership in the Masonic Fraternity. That by itself does not make those organizations Masonic, only that it values the tenets of the Fraternity and that they believe it is a good starting point. 


Bro. Robert Johnson, 32° is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the First North-East District of Illinois. He belongs to Waukegan Lodge No. 78. He is also a member of the York Rite bodies Royal Arch, Cryptic Council, Knights Templar, AMD, The Illinois Lodge of Research and a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago as well as a charter member of the Society of King Solomon, a charity organization run by the Grand Lodge of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts a weekly Podcast (internet radio program) Whence Came You? which focuses on topics relating to Freemasonry. In addition, he produces video shorts focusing on driving interest in the Fraternity and writes original Masonic papers from time to time. He is a husband and father of three. He works full time in the safety industry and is also a photographer on the side as well as an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays.