Showing posts with label oes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oes. Show all posts

The Rite of Adoption - OES Before OES?

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
RW Robert H. Johnson

This early cabinet card depicts a woman dressed in Masonic regalia and holding her working tools.  Image courtesy of

We're all familiar with the Order of the Eastern Star. Some love it, some hate it. Whatever your feelings are I couldn't hep but think about it and the way it operates when reading a section of the Lexicon of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey. In a section labeled, "Adoptive Masonry", Mackey outlines the Rite of Adoption, a system born in France, under the Grand Orient.

The interesting facts are many, but here are just a few for your edification--Regular lodges would adopt a lodge of women. The women's lodge would operate as a kind of arm to the parent regular lodge. It conferred four degrees consisting of; Apprentice, Companion, Mistress and Perfect Mistress. An interesting side note is that their degrees carry much of the flavor of our original 3rd degree, not the Hiramic legend, but that of the Noachite legend. If you're unfamiliar of the original 3rd degree, I can tell you it's all about Noah and his sons. It's pretty cool. I digress.

A Master Mason of the regular lodge had to be present for the body to operate, however the man could not hold the presiding office, rather that was the duty of the Grand Mistress. Much more can be read on the topic and I invite you do just that. You can click HERE to open a PDF copy of the Lexicon. Once open simply search the PDF for "Adoptive Masonry" and read the 5 page entry.

So did the OES come out of the French Rite of Adoption? Did OES pull its requirements from this system? Leave a note below and lets talk!


RWB, Robert Johnson is the Managing Editor of the Midnight Freemasons blog. He is a Freemason out of the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. He currently serves as the Secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78 where he is a Past Master. He also serves as the District Deputy for the 1st N.E. District of Illinois. Brother Johnson currently produces and hosts weekly Podcasts (internet radio programs) Whence Came You? & Masonic Radio Theatre which focus on topics relating to Freemasonry. He is also a co-host of The Masonic Roundtable, a Masonic talk show. He is a husband and father of four, works full time in the executive medical industry and is also an avid home brewer. He is currently working on a book of Masonic essays and one on Occult Anatomy to be released soon.

Why OES?

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. Daniel Gentry

So, why join the Order of the Eastern Star? I cannot tell you how many times I hear this question. The funny part for me is the excuses, but that is because not only am I educated with OES, I am a member. Though if someone told you they did not want to join because their wife does not want to join, your first thought would be the same as mine, “I am Sorry Brother/Companion Master Mason, it is a shame that your wife does not want to join OES.” Now I am not a Mason that has looked to join the lateral degrees, I am not a Squire in the York Rite nor am I a Kilt Maker Monk in Scottish Rite, or whatever, but I am a member (and currently the Associate Patron) of Millburn Chapter #570 of the Order of the Eastern Star, so let me talk about what I know.

Ok so obvious answer to the burning question, why I have I not “furthered” my learning in Masonry by joining one of the “Rite’s”? The answer is two (actually three) parts.  First, I believe that the highest degree one can achieve is the 3rd Degree.  Second, I believe that there is much wisdom in the Blue Lodge, so much so that I am committed to learn everything I can before expanding my knowledge.  Of course lastly, I promised some very wise Brethren I would not rush into anything, but take my time at each pass.  So the next obvious question is, why would I have all those reasons but still join the Order of the Eastern Star, and this one is an easy answer, because I took an Oath, as all other Brethren did, and this fulfills my Oath.
Now, the Order of the Eastern Star was founded in the mid 1800’s, and its actual reason for existing is, much like Freemasonry, shrouded in secrecy.  Some believe that it was the first attempt for the French Freemasons of the time to have a Female Freemasonry or Androgynous Degrees, for men and woman to be able to have some ritual.  This is my theory, and I am not the most intelligent guy, just ask my wife, but here it is nonetheless.  I believe that the Order of the Eastern Star was created, using the evidence that for one to join they either need to be a Master Mason, or the female relative, or step relative, of a Master Mason.  So logically, don’t tell my wife I said that, she won’t stop laughing, we can conclude that the reason for the existence of the Order of the Eastern Star is to have all the female relatives in an organization where, if God forbid, anything happened to our Brother, we would have the family where we could still talk with them.  Thus, fulfilling our Oaths, as well as a deeper bond with our Brothers as well.
Now, what if your wife, daughter, sister, etc…does not want to join OES? Easy. Join and support them anyway.  You see, it is not just for your family, it is for everyone else’s.  Plus let’s be honest, you do not know about it enough to tell them about it.  It is true though, that if you were doing something, even partially Masonic, that your lady would probably get serious enough to join.  It would help the rest of us to get to know your family, and become part of their family as well.  What is more worth while than our families as well as them being connected to our Oaths?  Do we not have time? I know that my Chapter only meets once a month.  Is it the monetary value and lack of funds?  I only pay a $15 dues fee.  Is it the fact that your significant other does not join? I already answered this one.  In fact, I have a few reasons outside of all this that might change your mind, actually just one really important part.  Most of these women love to cook and bake, top that with the grilling and cooking sensations that we as Masons have, and BOOM! 
Seriously though, if you put on another endeavor besides your Blue Lodge, I recommend you look into joining the Order of the Eastern Star before any other.  If we don’t support them, how can they grow?  How can we say that we lived our Oaths fully?  How can anything else be more important than the small amount of time this will take?


Brother Daniel “Doc” Gentry, is a Brother Freemason from Antioch Sequoit Lodge #827, in the 1st NE District of Illinois. He is an active Brother and researcher on Masonic Subjects as well as serving as the Associate Patron in Chapter #570, Order of the Eastern Star, Millburn Illinois

Organizational Marriage

by Midnight Freemason Contributor 
Bro. Aaron Gardner

Just recently I had an interesting conversation with Brother Bill Hosler, an active contributor here at The Midnight Freemasons. We started out by talking about the idea of women Freemasons and how we disagree with the notion of women being present in a lodge of Master Masons; more on this later. The conversation soon turned into affiliates of Freemasonry and one of the most well known organizations for women within Freemasonry. Of course that includes the Order of the Eastern Star. The Order of the Eastern Star has three official eras of existence; the first being during it's founding under Bro. Doctor and PGM Robert Morris in 1850, the second starting in 1866 and finally, today's era, which started in 1876. The thought of having women involved within Freemasonry has been long and thought out. And rightly so, as it is in our existence as an order to spread brotherly love throughout the world, who better than a woman to give us an example, such as the natural instincts of motherly nurture?

The Order of Eastern Star has requirements similar to Freemasonry. To be a member of their organization, you must be the directly related to a Master Mason, i.e.; wife, daughter (including legally adopted), mother, widow, sister, half-sister, grandmother, granddaughter, great granddaughter, aunt, niece and great nieces. stepfamily, i.e.: stepmother, daughters and sisters, In-laws; daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, great granddaughters, nieces, and great nieces. Men can also join the organization provided they themselves are Master Masons in good standing. Which brings us to the sole purpose of this topic, Why are Master Masons involved in O.E.S?

I was told that O.E.S exemplifies chauvinistic qualities, that it somehow provides the notion that women cannot make decisions without some kind of approval from a male figure in their life. I thoroughly believe this to be not just false but furthest from the truth. It is true that in order for the Order of Eastern Star to convene, there must be a Master Mason present in the East. However, that does not signify that he makes all the determination for the Sister’s work. Now, before I go any further let me clarify, I am in no way, shape or form involved in O.E.S. I am solely a Master Mason who believes in the cause of our craft in it’s entirety.

So, if a Master Mason must be in a chair of power how is it that it isn’t chauvinistic? Let’s put it into perspective. In the appendant bodies of Freemasonry there must be some kind of representative in all of them. For example, If you are a Shriner, you must be a Master Mason, this was almost not the case in the state of Michigan (There was a tension amongst the Shrine and the Grand Lodge, you can read here)..  To be in the Scottish or York Rites, you must also be a Master Mason. Being O.E.S is an appendant body of Freemasonry, and is no different in that respect. We as Master Masons have a responsibility to offer guidance to the organization to ensure Masonic qualities are being exemplified through out. The O.E.S is representing us after all.

This poses an issue that originally stimulated my conversation with Brother Hosler, if we must be present and guide O.E.S why not just initiate them into our fraternal organization? The simple answer is, it has everything to do with representation. Freemasonry and Order of Eastern Star are married, as such O.E.S represents Freemasonry. The Order was put into place to include our families but not go against our laws and regulations regarding Freemasonry. As such, whatever anyone does as a sister of the Order is doing so in the name of the Craft. However, whatever work we decide to do within our lodges does not represent O.E.S in anyway. If it is controversial to the Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge will hold the members of the lodge responsible and not the members of O.E.S. However, if something is controversial amongst our sisters in O.E.S then it will be a direct reflection of the Master Mason’s. As such our marriage would be in tatters and a cause for divorce would be evident. After all, our organizations are married and the existence of O.E.S would cease due to the requirements of joining.

That being said, the Order of Eastern Star is a great organization that helps exemplify what we stand for in Freemasonry. O.E.S represents us in extremely amazing ways by supporting youth programs such as the De Molay, Job’s Daughters and Rainbow for Girls. They support different charities including Eastern Star Homes, a way to support seniors and assisted living homes, among other programs in the local communities. Where our lodges may support one aspect of different charities and community work, Order of Eastern Star acts as a secondary arm to send out more support where we may lack. I highly encourage you to look into the Order and decide if it is something you may be interested in. It will be just as rewarding as Blue Lodge, York and Scottish Rite. Together the Freemasonry family can change the world, all of us included from the 33rd Degree to the Blue Lodge, O.E.S, all the way down to our youth organizations.


Bro. Aaron Gardner was raised as a Master Mason in his hometown lodge of Flushing, Michigan. He has served in active duty with the United States Army for the last seven years in which he has become well traveled around the world. He is currently stationed in Lawton, Oklahoma where he is a member of Triangle Lodge #548. When Bro. Gardner is not defending the nation, he takes great pride in writing articles for his blog Celestial Brotherhood, writing his fiction novel and researching all he can involving the Craft.