Showing posts with label rosicrucian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rosicrucian. Show all posts

The Occult Lodge: Part One

Defining a Lodge of the Spirit 
by Midnight Freemason Emeritus Contributor
Bro. James E. Frey 32° KT, ROS

Introduction of the Occult Lodge:
If there is one fact that any freemason cannot deny is that the teachings of the craft have produced some of the most influential members of society. It has shaped the foundation of political dynasties, sculpted a variety of artists and writers, and it has produced some of the brightest leaders of industry. It is clear that masonry in itself produces self-actualized members of society who have become significant leaders in their fields. Even religious or spiritual leaders have been under the influence of Masonic teachings. Even though the Masonic system has produced Christian leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson 33, or Jesuit priest Father Francisco Calvo. But the Masonic Teachings have also produced leaders within alternative spiritual currents. This series will focus on the Western Esoteric Tradition and it’s relation to Freemasonry. 

These Occult Lodges, as I will refer to them, were prevalent ever since the beginning of the Masonic institution. Since the Rosicrucian influence on the Royal Society during the Enlightenment, to the Egyptian influenced the Occult Revival of the late 1800s. Over the course of this series, we will address occult connections within freemasonry, the strong spiritual leaders that it produced, and the infamous masters that dwell in the shadows of the craft. As masons it is imperative to show reverence to all spiritual teachings, never to take what may be considered sacred to one in a profane or disrespectful way.

Defining a Lodge of the Spirit:
Within the Western Esoteric Tradition, the Occult lodge can be described as a group of Cabbalists, Magicians, Alchemists, or Hermetically minded members that gather in a group, with a common goal of spiritual advancement. These different groups may have a variety of perceptions and beliefs but what connects them together is the common desire to experience the realm of the spiritual firsthand without subduing to a specific dogma or faith.

The Occult lodge is mythical in both folklore and modern culture. The image of a shadowy cabal of men in black hooded robes in a dark smoky room doing mysterious rituals comes to mind. Mountains of old leather-bound books filled with forbidden knowledge line shelves alongside jars of strange herbs and large pieces of quartz and crystal. What is interesting about this description is how it strikes an archetypal chord in our imagination, but also how accurate it actually is. In the occult lodge, the balance of mystical lore and reality is held only in the mind of the beholder, which makes distinguishing fact and fiction difficult.

As with a Masonic Lodge the members often live two lives, in one they are normal members of society with mundane jobs and relationships, but once they are behind closed doors they transform themselves into the mythos of a Master Mason. Occult lodge members similarly escape their day-to-day lives to focus their consciousness to inherit a symbol of a being that travels between worlds and glimpse behind the veil of reality. These members meet to converse with angels, summon Gods, and transform themselves through ritual to become more than just men through the embracing of Divinity. The Occult Lodge is not a social club, it is not for charity, it is not meant to benefit anyone outside of its Sacred circle. Its only concern is the advancement of its members spiritually and allowing them to forge their own spiritual path to define their relationship with God. 
But how did the Occult currents in the Western Tradition adapt a lodge structure? The Occult Lodge at times has very little to do with mainstream Western religions and even less to do the social clubs, charities, and fraternal organizations that seem to fit into this lodge structure. So how did these Occult Currents become emerged with the concept of a Lodge? The answer is Freemasonry. It was through the Masonic influence that these Western Esoteric teachings were given the lodge format as they progressed.

James E Frey 32° classifies himself as a gentleman of the old world, which means he is known to stand in the great forests reciting poetry to fair-haired damsels while wrestling bears for sport. He is a District Education Officer for the Grand Lodge of Illinois, a Past Sovereign Prince of the of Danville AASR, member of the Oak Lawn York Rite, Medinah Shriners, Royal Order of Scotland, Quram Council Allied Masonic Degrees and initiate of the Golden Dawn Collegium Spiritu Sancti. He is also a guest lecturer on Occultism and Esoteric studies in masonry for the R.E.B.I.S Research Society.

Masonic Rosicrucianism and its Descendants

by Midnight Freemason Guest Contributor
Bro. J. Clint Lewey


Last year I moved to the Rochester, NY area for a new career at the VA. I was excited about jumping headfirst into a lodge here and hopefully finding a ‘home lodge’ that was nearby. One night I was visiting a local lodge, and it happened to be a night when one of the local district deputies was visiting. It turns out, he was an outstanding man that I had a great conversation with, and I always speak to him when I see him around now. However, I was looking around the lodge and noticed a common appendant body that holds its meetings at this particular lodge. That made me wonder if the state’s Rosicrucian Order (SRICF) met at this lodge by any chance. So, I asked one of the Past Masters I had spoken with earlier that evening, “Does the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis or SRICF Rosicrucians meet at this lodge?” He wasn’t sure if they did or not because frankly, he wasn’t sure what the SRICF was. He then called over the local district deputy officer who was making his rounds, and I asked him the same thing “Do the SRICF Rosicrucians meet at this lodge?” His reply was, “You mean the thing where you mail in the lessons and get correspondence back? AMARK or AMORC, something like that?” I replied politely, “No, I don’t think that’s it.” This is not a knock on any of these fine brothers but does demonstrate the secretiveness of the Masonic Rosicrucians and how even well-versed Masons are not familiar with them. This leads to my intention here of introducing the Rosicrucians and some of its off-shoots. 

I began my Masonic journey about three years ago that led me to research, explore and study things I would never have heard of had I not been regularly entered, passed, and raised into our great fraternity. I was also made aware of many Masonic secrets and teachings that piqued my interest. Once I dove headfirst down the rabbit’s hole, I began to realize that what we receive in the Blue Lodge is only the beginning of our Craft’s wisdom.

Most Masons, rightfully so, expand their Masonic light by exploring the York Rite and/or Scottish Rite. These Orders, in some cases, pick up where the Blue Lodge left off. As valuable as these Orders are, I was more intrigued by the mystical side of Masonry. As I studied books and articles and spoke with well-versed Masons, I began to see and hear words or names I had never heard of such as Rosicrucian, Christian Rosenkreutz, antiquity, Hermeticism, Kabballah (can be spelled differently), Paul Foster Case, Tree of Life, Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley (ahem…), Ordo Templi Orientis, alchemy, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, Samuel Mathers, Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, Robert W. Little, Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Rosy Cross, William Wynn Westcott, Builders of the Adytum, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, etc.

To define the Rosicrucians is like defining speculative Freemasonry. It can be defined dozens of different ways and can mean one thing to one person and something totally different to another. However, it is defined by Britannica as a member of a worldwide brotherhood claiming to possess esoteric wisdom handed down from ancient times. The name derives from the order’s symbol, a rose on a cross or Rosy Cross. Rosicrucian teachings are a combination of occultism and other religious beliefs and practices, including Hermeticism, Jewish mysticism, and Christian Gnosticism. The central feature of Rosicrucianism is the belief that its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times.[i] The Rose and Cross have no true religious connotation but represent the human body and its unfolding consciousness. [ii]

Rosicrucianism has its origins in Germany in the early 17th century as a religious, yet scientific philosophy that sought to explain the essence of God and nature. The movement was a component of the early Enlightenment and its challenge to the dogma of the Church, forcing its adherents to compile and profess their work in secret. Between the years 1607 and 1616, three treatises were published anonymously–the Fama fraternitatis or Fama, Confession of the Rosicrucian Fraternity, or Confessio and the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. In the early 18th century, the scientific ideals of Rosicrucianism began to make their way into the progressive social contracts that formed the basis of modern Freemasonry. From that point forward, Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry worked hand in hand to promote freethinking, social progressivism, and scientific discovery.[iii]


Christian Rosenkreutz (Christian Rose Cross or C.R.C.) is the central, allegorical ‘founder’ of all Rosicrucian Orders. He was the main character in the three aforementioned treatises–Fama, Confessio, and the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz–which were released in the early 17th century about 100 years after his alleged death. Legend states that his body was discovered years after his death in perfect preservation in the heptagonal chamber that is a common symbol of Rosicrucianism. According to legend, C.R.C. learned and discovered esoteric wisdom on a trip to the Middle East among Turkish, Arab, and Persian Sages, as well as Sufi or Zoroastrian experts in the 1400s.[i] 


The connection between Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians is a bit hazy at best. While they both promote similar tenets and philosophies, neither have an exact common denominator. As a matter of fact, Freemasonry today, for the most part, has evolved into a very exoteric order. Many of its members have no interest in any of the esoteric meanings of the symbols, numbers, directions, actions or items of the Blue Lodge. This, of course, is not true across the board. There is a great resurgence over the last 20 years in esoteric Masonry with the advent of the internet and, of course, anything Dan Brown has put out. On the other hand, the Rosicrucians have steadfastly remained very mysterious and secretive in their practices, especially the Masonic Rosicrucians. So much so that even many veteran Blue Lodge Master Masons have never heard of it or aren’t aware that some of the Master Masons in their lodge belong to a Rosicrucian Order.

As noted, there is no direct connection between the two. However, some claim that Freemasonry came from Rosicrucianism. It is highly unlikely that this is the case. Mainly due to the fact that, yes, we recognize 1717 as the official birth year of Masonry as we know it today; operative and speculative Masonry has been around for several hundred years before this. Some even pinpoint its origins back to the ancient times of Egypt, Babylon, and Greece. It is possible that some ideas were inadvertently exchanged between the two in the early years of the Orders (1600 -1750) but this is likely due to the individuals that were developing the two Orders were members of both.

Some of the clear differences would be that the Rosicrucians were Theosophists (not Theosophy), religious men whose doctrines were of spirits, of the elements, of numbers and heavenly bodies, and their influence on men.[i] The Freemasons were founded by builders, whose symbols are applied in architecture and is usually described as a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. 


As with all things historic and Masonic, there is a dispute as to who is or was the first Masonic Rosicrucian Order. While many say it is the Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia (SRIS), the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) claims to be the longest, continuously going Masonic Rosicrucian Order. According to, The Societas Rosicrucian in Anglia is the oldest independent society of Rosicrucian Freemasons in the world, its members being Master Masons of Lodges recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England, founded between 1865-1867 in Aldermanbury, London by Bro. Robert W. Little, the Order has Colleges (similar to Valleys or Lodges in other appendant bodies) in the U.K., Australia, Canada, France, The Netherlands, and New Zealand. Membership requirements for the SRIA are to be a Master Mason in good standing under a Grand Lodge recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England and of the Christian faith. 

Members of the SRIA are referred to as ‘frater,’ which is simply ‘brother’ in Latin. The members progress through three different Orders broken down into nine different grades (similar to degrees in the Blue Lodge). The First Order is broken down into four grades in this order: Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus, and Philosophus. The beautiful grades are impressively presented. [i] The Second Order consists of the grades Adeptus Minor, Adeptus Major, and Adeptus Exemptus. The Third Order consists of the grades Magister and Magus. 

In the United States, the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF) is the primary Masonic Rosicrucian group. The SRICF is very similar to the SRIA and SRIS, in which it was chartered into existence in 1880, except for two main differences. The SRICF is by invitation only and has limited positions per ‘College.’ Most states have one college and allow only 72 members per College. The exception to this rule is California and New York having two Colleges each due to their populations. Illinois and Texas also have two colleges. There is also speculation, rightfully so, that if a Master Mason solicits the SRICF for membership, they most likely will not even be considered for membership. As far as Masonic based Rosicrucian Orders, Scotland, Canada, France, Portugal, and Romania each have their own Masonic Rosicrucian Orders similar to SRIA, SRIS, and SRICF.


In 1888, a few decades after the creation of the SRIA, three Master Masons who were also SRIA members created a more practical magic(k) based Rosicrucian Order. It was created by Dr. William Westcott, S.L. MacGregor Mathers and William Woodman based on the enigmatic Cipher Manuscripts. Westcott and Woodman were both Supreme Magi in the SRIA in the early years. The Cipher Manuscripts are shrouded in mystery. They were ‘discovered’ by Dr. William Westcott and obtained in Germany from a likely fictional person called Fraulein Sprengel. According to the HOGD’s U.K. website, the likely origins of the Cipher Manuscripts were the SRIA and written specifically by Kenneth Mackenzie. When MacKenzie passed away in 1886, the papers were obtained from MacKenzie’s wife by Dr. Westcott. The original papers were written for a different esoteric group called the ‘Society of Eight’ which never fully materialized, and thus Westcott capitalized on this to form his own esoteric, Qabalistic society. The Manuscripts primarily contained the ritual outlines and teachings of the Order. The original and first warranted Temple was the Isis-Urania #3 of the Order of the Golden Dawn. [i]

As if the start of the Golden Dawn wasn’t sketchy enough at first, the Order eventually broke apart in 1903 due to disagreements, primarily involving Mathers and occultist Aleister Crowley but was survived by specific groups that share direct initiatory lineage. The Stella Matutina, A∴A∴ , and the Alpha et Omega operated through the 1930s and sporadically until the early 1970s. However, in 1977, one of the last remaining initiates into the Stella Matutina named Dr. Israel Regardie came into contact with Bro. Charles “Chic” Cicero and resurrected the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. [i] Bro. Cicero is a Master Mason in Florida and a member of the SRICF, York Rite, and other Masonic Rites and Orders. He is in the Grand Line for multiple Masonic organizations as well. His wife, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, is also heavily involved in the Golden Dawn. They have written and co-written several books as well as added new material to some of Dr. Regardie’s earlier works.

There are several other ‘Golden Dawn’ groups throughout the world with similar names, but none tie in as closely to Freemasonry and the original Order as the Cicero’s version. Both women and men are permitted to join, but similarly to the SRICF, Cicero’s Order is invitation only.


The Builders of the Adytum, or BOTA, has some personal interest for me in its historic context because the founder, Bro. Paul Foster Case, was born and raised, literally and Masonically, in the town I currently live in; Fairport, NY. As a matter of fact, the current Fairport lodge is literally about 50-75 yards away from my home. Bro. Case was initiated into the original Golden Dawn’s off-shoot called the Alpha et Omega in 1918 at the Thoth-Hermes Temple in New York City. Due to a falling out with the then Imperatrix of the Alpha et Omega, Moina Mathers, he was removed from the Order. [i]

BOTA was created by Case in 1922 and had some of the same elements of the Golden Dawn, Freemasonry, and Rosicrucianism, but the difference was that it lacked the Enochian Magic aspect of the original Golden Dawn and Alpha et Omega.  Case felt the Enochian Magic used in the Golden Dawn was not only dangerous to the practitioner, but it's lectures and the like were plagiarized from works readily available at any library, taking away elements of its authenticity. Case’s BOTA group was considered ‘Golden Dawn-Lite’ and was less practical magic than mysticism. It's primary focus being on the practical side of occultism, dedicating much of the study to Tarot and it's relation to psychology. Bro. Case was also an author of several books to include The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order and The Masonic Letter G. Another contribution to esoteric, western magic, and Rosicrucianism was his development of the BOTA tarot deck. [ii]

The Builders of the Adytum is not an invitational Order as the HOGD or SRICF. It exists in two avenues, a 14-year correspondence course as well as in-gatherings and lodges that exist sporadically around the world. The courses are open to women or men of all backgrounds. The non-profit group is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and is still active to this day. 


Most people familiar with our Labor are aware of Aleister Crowley and the stories that have been passed down about him. One question about him that is answered most ambivalently is whether or not Aleister Crowley was a Freemason. As a matter of fact, he was, indeed, a Freemason. He was so, at least by the standards of the then ‘irregular’ Grande Loge de France in which his Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. 343 belonged to. The Grande Loge de France became unrecognized by the United Grand Lodge of England on the 29th of June, 1904. Crowley was entered into his lodge on the 8th of October, 1904. [i]

While Crowley was never regularly initiated into a Masonic Lodge or a Masonic Rosicrucian Order, in 1898, he was initiated into the Outer Order of the original Golden Dawn. There is debate as to whether or not he was ever entered into the Inner Order, or Ruby Rose and Golden Cross (R.R. et A.C.). This dispute was primarily due to the ever-present controversy that always seemed to follow Mr. Crowley. 

Crowley’s greatest contribution to the study of the Ancient Mysteries and Rosicrucianism is his influence he had on the Ordo Templi Orientis or O.T.O. The O.T.O. draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian, and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools.[i] Founded in 1895 by Carl Kellner, the O.T.O. was later influenced by Crowley with his Thelemic inspired additions such as the ‘Book of Law’ and Gnostic Mass; the Order was forever changed after “the wickedest man alive” was granted entry into the O.T.O.’s ranks in 1910.

Today Aleister Crowley’s influence can still be found in the over 50 O.T.O. camps, oasis, and lodges throughout the U.S. Gnostic Masses are held publicly at the O.T.O. lodges and allow for anyone to view them. The statement “Do what thou wilt” is often mistaken by both members and non-members to basically mean indulge in whatever you please without regard to others and their well-being. This has been one of the many black-eyes on the organization and has, at times, drawn in less than desirable petitioners. The statement is actually meant ‘to will’ something into happening. This is similar to the current mindfulness that many people practice today; finding their true purpose. In other words, if you want something to happen, you can invoke your ‘will’ upon that need, and it can be accomplished.


As you can see, the Rosicrucians cover a huge area in our esoteric studies. With that, many seasoned Freemasons may never hear any more about it than it is some sort of mail-in correspondence, self-improvement course. To some degree, that is true, but the rabbit hole goes much deeper than most realize. Taking on Masonry alone can be daunting to any scholar, but to add in the Rosicrucian elements makes the task even more daunting. I have only barely skimmed the surface of the topic in hopes to inspire others to read into and discover the many Orders spoken about here. If to know everything on the matter is ten miles, I have barely taken the first few steps. It is an exciting journey that has allowed me to ponder and think of things I never would normally have even considered.

There are other Rosicrucian groups not really mentioned, such as perhaps the most famous, the AMORC. Others include Traditional Martinist Order, Order of the Golden Dawn, Servants of the Light, etc. Choosing the best Rosicrucian group for any one individual is subjective and should not be taken lightly. Being a member of one of these Orders, at the very least, will usually open up your Masonic knowledge and allow for light in extension to your Blue Lodge studies. In theory, some of them can even change your life for the better and allow for true, personal growth.

[i]Melton, John Gordon, et al. “Rosicrucian.”Encyclopedia Britannica Online.Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. 12 Oct 2017.
[ii] Unknown Author. The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. Retrieved from 18 Aug 2017
[iii] Unknown. Article title. Society of the Rose Cross Retrieved from

[i] Wikipedia contributors, 'Christian Rosenkreuz', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 20 August 2017, 19:36 UTC, <

[i] Jantz, Percy. “Rosicrucianism.” Http://, 4 Feb. 2002,

[i] Structure of the Society. (n.d.) 1st para. Retrieved from

[i] Soror SJ. “Dr. William Wynn Westcott”. Retrieved from (2000)

[i] Unknown Author. “About H.O.G.D.” Retrieved from

[i] Wikipedia contributors. "Alpha et Omega." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 3 Jun. 2017. Web. 18 Oct. 2017
[ii] Unknown Author. “Paul Foster Case” Retrieved from 18 Oct 2017

[i] Martin P. Starr. “Aleister Crowley: freemason!” Retrieved from  18 Oct 2017

[i] Sabazius X° and AMT IX°. “History” Retrieved from 18 Oct 2017


Brother J. Clint Lewey lives in the greater Rochester, NY area, and is a fourth-generation Freemason. On the 17th of March, 2015 he was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at Edmond Lodge #37 in Edmond, OK. Brother Clint is currently a member of Fairport-Flower City Lodge #476, Hiram Royal Arch Chapter #62 and SRICF New York College-Buffalo. He is allowed to divide his working hours serving Veterans in crisis at the Canandaigua, NY VAMC as well as serving his country in the military as a reservist. Bro. Lewey is happily married with two younger children.

The “Real” Legend of the Temple

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
WB Darin A. Lahners

I recently discovered that our sacred temple legend is vastly different from the one that is claimed to be the original. According to Rudolf Steiner, in his lecture: “The Temple Legend – The Mystery known to the Rosicrucians”, which he gave in Berlin on the 4th of November 1904, The Legend of the Temple came from Christian Rosenkreutz in the 14th or 15th centuries.

We know that the Freemasons accepted it in the 18th century, as it appeared in Masonic Literature at this time. We can suspect that the legend was known before the time it appeared in the Masonic Literature. Albert Mackey seems to back this up, stating: “But I do not believe that this lost legend of the stone-masons was ever intended to be historical. It was simply a symbol to illustrate the idea that the temple at Jerusalem was the type of all Christian cathedrals. This symbolic Legend, which I suppose to have existed among the stone-masons of the Middle Ages, was probably lost before the revival of Masonry in the year 1717. Anderson therefore framed a new legend out of the Legend of the Craft, the Scriptural account, and his own invention. Upon this Andersonian legend, simple in the first edition of the Constitutions, but considerably expanded in the second, the modern ritualists have framed another legend, which in many important details differs from Anderson's, from the Legend of the Craft, and from the account in the Bible.” 


Getting back to the original legend, it’s doubtful that a character by the name Christian Rosenkreutz ever existed. Steiner believed him to be a real historical figure, but he only turns up in 1616 in a work titled:

Chymische Hochzeit: Christian Rosenkreutz, Anno 1459. Roughly translated into English: Chymical Wedding: Christian Rosenkreutz, or better known as The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, authored by Johann Valentin Andreae. Regardless of the historical authenticity of Christian Rosenkreutz, Rosicrucianism has heavily influenced Freemasonry. Many figures associated with early Freemasonry are also associated with Rosicrucianism.

The legend that Steiner references is taken from the work, The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, Vol. I, Book VIII, Ch.1, sec. 191 & 192 by Charles William Heckelthorn published in 1875. (The book is now in the public domain. I have summarized the chapters below, but I would suggest that you read them by following the link before continuing:

The temple legend as outlined by Heckelthorn and attributed to Rosenkreutz presents an entirely different story. The story begins telling the story of Adam and Eve. The most striking difference between the story told in Genesis and the one told in the legend is that Cain, instead of being the Son of Adam, is actually the son of an Elohim. Elohim, according to this legend, are primitive genies. However, in looking into the etymology of the word, it is actually the plural of El, meaning gods or the children of El. El was in the pantheon of Canaanite gods, the highest God. So the legend is stating is that Cain is not only a son of a God, but that he is from a God other than Adonai or Jehovah. There is evidence for multiple gods in Genesis (1:26), “And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

Adam and Eve begat Abel. Cain was a demi-God, and Abel was human. Cain was not favored by Adonai, and he rejected his offerings. He subjugated Cain and his line to the family of Abel as punishment for Eve’s transgression. The legend relays that Adonai stirred up strife between the sons of the Elohim, generated out of Fire (Cain) and generated out of the Earth only (Abel). However, other than saying that it was an Elohim, the identity of Cain’s father is unknown at this point. As we know from Genesis, Cain killed Abel. It is mentioned that Cain’s sons were the ones that invented the arts and diffused science. It is also said that again the sons of Cain were subjugated to the sons of Abel, this time as punishment for Cain murdering Abel. However the bible does not mention whether Abel had sons or not. Also missing from the legend is Seth, who is also the son of Adam and Eve. It might be possible then to substitute Seth’s line as the one to which the sons of Cain were subjugated. This would make more sense, since Noah and Solomon are both of Seth’s line. The legend then shows the descendants of Cain, and their contributions to society in teaching the line of Seth certain tradecrafts.

In the descendants of Cain, we see two references to Freemasonry. “Methusael, another of his descendants, invented the sacred characters, the books of Tau and the symbolic T, by which the workers descended from the genii of fire recognised each other.” Those who have been through the Royal Arch will know that the Triple - Tau is a symbol of that Order. We are also told: “T-C, who first constructed a furnace, worked in metals, and dug subterranean caves in the mountains to save his race during the deluge; but it perished nevertheless, and only T-C and his son, the sole survivors of the glorious and gigantic family, came out alive. The wife of Ham, second son of Noah, thought the son of T-C handsomer than the sons of men, and he became progenitor of Nimrod, who taught his brethren the art of hunting, and founded Babylon. Adoniram, the descendant of T-C, seemed called by God to lead the militia of the free men, connecting the sons of fire with the sons of thought, progress, and truth.” The legend states that the son of T-C is handsomer than the sons of men. Because of Cain’s parentage, his offspring then would possess characteristics that were greater than a pure human. The passage is also important because it shows that the line of Cain survived the deluge, and eventually produced Hiram Abiff (Adoniram according to Mackey means the Lord Hiram.

We then learn about Hiram Abiff and how he was responsible for erecting the temple, casting the golden throne of Solomon, and building other glorious edifices. However, Hiram lived a solitary and sad existence. He was hated by many, including Solomon who was jealous of his talents. During this time, the Wisdom of Solomon was well known in many nations of the earth. This apparently attracted Balkis, the Queen of Sheba, who came to visit Solomon and became betrothed to him. Solomon knowing Hiram to more talented and handsome than he, tried to keep the Queen from meeting Hiram. He however failed, and eventually they met. Of course, it was love at first sight for Hiram. The Queen was so impressed with the temple, she demanded to see all of the men who worked on it. Solomon thinking this impossible denied the request. However, Hiram quickly made the Tau symbol in the air from a high point, and the workmen assembled for Balkis to see. This action along with the gaze of Hiram apparently captivated her.

Like our legend, we see Hiram in charge of building the temple. However, our legend has no mention of Hiram being solitary or sad. We also do not see the jealousy between Solomon and Hiram in our legend, in fact they shown to be quite fond of each other. There is also no mention of the Queen of Sheba. We do see however, a tie to Royal Arch Masonry by Hiram tracing the Tau symbol and how that symbol calls the workmen to assemble. In the Royal Arch, the Triple Tau is used as identification of Royal Arch Masons. The tau also has ties to Rosicrucianism, as it represents God and the attributes of wisdom, strength and harmony to them.

This action by Hiram and Balkis’ reaction to it made Solomon extremely jealous. Solomon was dependent upon Hiram to finish his temple, however there was one thing left to be completed, The Molten (Brazen) Sea. Solomon hired three fellow-craft, who were also envious of Hiram, since Hiram refused to raise them to the degree of Master. The three, named Fanor, a Syrian and a mason; Amru, a Phoenician and a carpenter; and Metusael, a Hebrew and a miner. They were tasked by Solomon to sabotage the casting of the Molten Sea. One of Hiram’s friends, Benoni, discovered the plot, and reported it to King Solomon. King Solomon did nothing to prevent the plot. When the Sea was cast, the molten metal poured over the mould. The crowd that had gathered to witness this soon fled in panic. Hiram stood his ground, using water to try to fight the flames, but this only caused steam to rise and then to cool and come back down to the earth spreading more terror and death.

Hiram looked to find his friend, Benoni, among those who had not fled. Little did he know that his friend had been executed by Solomon in order to keep his murderous plot a secret. At this point, Hiram accepted his fate, and turned his thoughts to the beautiful Queen Balkis. Just as he was about to perish, he heard a voice calling out his name. Hiram saw a giant figure, who told him that he had made Hiram fire-proof and told him to cast himself into the flames. Hiram did this. He was then taken to center of the Earth, to the realm of Cain. Hiram found out that he was spared by T-C, who was his Grandfather/Ancestor (Father of thy Fathers). Hiram then learned about the jealous nature of Adonai, when he met Cain. The legend then states: ”The angel of light that begat Cain was reflected in the beauty of this son of love, whose noble and generous mind roused the envy of Adonai.” The beauty of Cain made Adonai jealous, and that prompted his actions to curse Cain. (For the record, there’s no mention of Cain committing murder). Hiram then heard a prophecy about how the line of Cain would triumph over the line of Adam, and he was returned to Earth. T-C gifted Hiram a magical hammer, which he then used to fix and complete the Molten Sea in one night, leading to the adoration of Balkis and countless others.

Like the legend that we know, there are three fellow-craft who are jealous of Hiram and mad at him for not giving them the Master’s Word. However, they are named differently. We have no trace of the Molten Sea disaster in our legend. There is no mention of Hiram being taken to the center of the earth. He does not meet his ancestors. There is also no prophecy. Nor is there a magic hammer that is gifted to Hiram.

While travelling outside Jerusalem, Balkis came upon Hiram, and they confessed their love for each other. They married, and then plotted how to get Balkis out of her promise to marry Solomon. They decided to flee to Arabia. Balkis plied Solomon with wine, and then removed the ring from his finger to which she had betrothed herself. Meanwhile, Solomon had hinted that the removal of his rival Hiram would not bring punishment to the three fellow-craft. They assaulted Hiram when he came into the Temple, but Hiram was able to dispose of the Master’s Word, which was inscribed on a golden delta that he wore around his neck, into a deep well. They took Hiram’s body and buried it on a solitary hill, placing a sprig of acacia to mark the site. Hiram was not seen for seven days, and the people started to clamor for him. Solomon then called for a search for Hiram. Three master masons discovered his body and immediately suspected that the three fellowcraft who had not been given the Masters degree were responsible. The three masters, having the master’s word, decided that in order to keep it secure, they should change it. They decided that the first word uttered upon raising the body would become the new Master’s word. While trying to raise the body from the grave, one of the master’s exclaimed: “Macbenach!” (the flesh is off the bones!). This then became the substitute for the Master’s word. The three fellow-craft were hunted down, and rather than be captured, they committed suicide. Their heads were then brought to King Solomon. A search was then made for the Master’s word, which was found at the bottom of the well where Hiram had thrown it. Solomon then had it placed on a triangular altar erected in a secret vault which was built under the temple. The triangle, was further hidden by a cubical stone, upon which the sacred law had been written. The vault was known only to the 27 elect, and was walled up.

Once again, we have no mention of the Queen nor of a romance between her and Hiram Abiff in our legend. Hiram being assaulted in the temple by the three fellow-craft, his body taken, buried and marked by a sprig of acacia matches up. However, Solomon ordering the assassination is missing in our version of the legend. The time between when they discover Hiram missing is also drastically different. In our version, King Solomon orders the search, but he does so because there is confusion between the workmen as to their instructions missing, not because of the people clamoring for him. The circumstances and particulars around the pursuit of the fellow-craft, who are captured in our version, the discovery of Hiram’s body, and the raising of it differ greatly between our version and the “original”. The word given as the substitute for the Master’s word is different in our version. The Golden Delta holding the Master’s word which is recovered by Solomon evokes the delta used in the opening of a Lodge of Royal Arch Masons. King Solomon building the secret vault to hold the Master’s word is completely absent in our version. However, the vault does come into play in the Royal Arch Degree, as well as the 13th Degree in the Scottish Rite for both jurisdictions. However, it is said that it was built by Enoch in those degrees.

Of course, we know that Hiram Abiff is a figure who goes by the name of Hiram – Abi (Huram – Abi) in the bible. He appears two times in the Old Testament. In 2 Chronicles 2:11-14, Hiram King of Tyre replies to a request by Solomon stating: “And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, Huram my master craftsman 14 (the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre), skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, purple and blue, fine linen and crimson, and to make any engraving and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him, with your skillful men and with the skillful men of my lord David your father.” Also, in 1 Kings 7: 13-14, “Now King Solomon sent and brought Huram from Tyre. 14 He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a bronze worker; he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill in working with all kinds of bronze work. So he came to King Solomon and did all his work.”

The accounts of Hiram’s parentage differ in the accounts. In the account in 2 Chronicles 2:11-14, his mother is alluded to be from the Tribe of Dan, and his Father was a man of Tyre, making him from the tribe of Asher. In the account in Kings, his mother is from the Tribe of Naphtali, and his father was from Tyre (meaning that he was from the Tribe of Asher). However, the city of Dan was a city within the boundaries of the Tribe of Naphtali. Is it possible that the author of Kings took him being the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan to mean not the tribe of Dan, but rather the city of Dan? This would then make his mother from the tribe of Naphtali. There is a discrepancy regarding Hiram’s father also. In the account in Chronicles, it uses the past tense when referring to his father (his father was a man of Tyre). While in the account in Kings, it states that he was the son of a widow and his father was a man of Tyre, a bronze worker. So is it possible that the account given in Kings is wrong again? By making the assumption that due to the past tense description of his father, maybe there was an assumption made that he was deceased. Is it possible that Hiram’s father isn’t deceased? For example, his Father was a man of Tyre could easily mean his father was born in Tyre.

If we then take the account in Chronicles as being accurate, and the account in Kings as being inaccurate, then Hiram might not be a widow’s son. In the original temple legend, it states that the father of Cain was married to Eve, and had a son called Cain. The next line says that Jehovah then created Adam and united him with Eve to bring forth the family of Abel. In ancient Hebrew law, divorce wasn’t an option for a woman, and having a child with someone infers that they were married. Men in that time were able to have more than one wife, but a wife could not have more than one husband. So the only possible way that Eve could have been re-married to Adam would have been if her husband was dead. This would make Cain the son of a widow, IE: A widow’s son.

In the legend, the sons of Cain are said to have invented the arts and diffused science. We are taught in Freemasonry to study the seven Liberal Arts and Sciences. We refer to members of Cain’s line within our ritual. We refer to Hiram Abiff in our ritual as being a Widow’s son, yet there is evidence as presented above that he might not be. It might be a leap of faith, but I think that the reference to Hiram being a Widow’s son in our ritual might refer to Hiram Abiff being a descendant of Cain. If Hiram is as skilled in architecture, masonry and metallurgy as the original legend portrays him to be, (as well as the account in Chronicles), then this would lead further credence to this possibility, since Cain’s line was skilled in these arts as well. Another clue indicating Hiram’s ancestry would be the use of the Triple Tau in Royal Arch Masonry as a way to identify other Royal Arch Masons. As the legend says, the Tau is how the workers descended from the genii of Fire recognized each other. This would seem to then match up Hiram’s ancestry in our legend with the ancestry as given in the “original” legend.

Of course, all of this is as we refer to it, a legend. We know that our Masonic temple legend is an allegory created to tell man’s ultimate triumph over death. It is likely that the Rosicrucian “Real” Temple Legend is also an allegory. It is also possible that the author Hecklethorn made it up entirely, contrary to Steiner stating that it was presented by Christian Rosenkreutz to the a select few members of the Rosicrucian brotherhood in the 15th century. Steiner gives his own interpretation of the “Real” Legend himself explaining that it portrayed the destiny of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Post-Atlantean cultural epochs. Regardless of its authenticity, there is just enough of that version of the legend which corresponds with ours to make me believe that a version of it was present in some circles prior to Anderson’s re-telling of it. As to who the real author is, or what the “real” Legend is, we may never know. What I do know is that had our ritual stuck to the legend as described by Hecklethorn (and attributed to Rosenkreutz), it would tell a similar, but very different story.


WB Darin A. Lahners is the Worshipful Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph and a plural member of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL), and Homer Lodge No. 199 (IL). He’s a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of the new Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. 282, and is the current Secretary of the Illini High Twelve Club No. 768 in Champaign – Urbana (IL). He is also a member of the Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees. You can reach him by email at

Rosicrucianism within the Royal Arch: Part Two - The Royal College and the Rosy Cross

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
James E. Frey 32°
Continued from Part One

In 1614 Wilhelm Wessel printed a very strange document got circulated around Germany, this document was called Fama Fraternitatis, or a Discovery of the Fraternity of the Most Noble Order of the Rose Cross. This pamphlet contained the legend of the founder of the Order a German monk named Christian Rosenkrutz.

According the legend Rosencrutz was a pious German scholar who wanted to learn the mysteries so he ventured on a Pilgrimage to Damascus where he studied Alchemy and magic, then he traveled to the mysterious city Domcar in Arabia then into Egypt where he studied Hermetics and then into Morrocco and Fez and up through Spain and back into Germany. Upon his return he founded a study group to teach all he had learned which were called the Rosicrucians.

The legend ends with the death of Christian Rosencrutz and his followers building him a secret vault with seven sides to deposit his body. It is said that each of the walls had a variety of cryptic occult symbols that surrounded the body above which was placed an ever burning light. Then one hundred and six years later his followers opened the tomb as directed and discovered the body had not decayed still grasping his secret book. They then took the book and each went their own way to spread the secrets taking vows to heal the sick and afflicted only using their powers to help humanity.

So a variety of these pamphlets such as the Confessio and the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkrutz began to circulate this legend to replace Hermes as a pagan teacher with Christian Rosenkrutz, who was a Christian and would be acceptable in this new Reformed environment. This Christianized Hermeticism and Kabbalah spread around Western Europe and became somewhat of a folk story gaining cultural momentum in academic circles.

There is no clear evidence to show that the Rosicrucians themselves ever existed, but the Rosicrucian manifestos helped to promote the study of Christian esoteric thought which influenced some of the most influential thinkers in society, and even from its inception freemasonry.

Well the First connection of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry is found in a poem published in Edinburgh in 1638, “For what we do presage in not in groose, For We be brethren of the Rosie Crosse: We have the Mason word and Second Sight, Things for to come we can fortell aright.” (Regis Poem, 1638)

The Regis is important because poem marks the transition of the Operative stonemason guilds into the Speculative Craft. The first Speculative Mason initiated was Robert Moray in Edinburgh Lodge in May 20, 1641. Moray was the influential in founding the Royal Society in England. Moray was deeply interested in Alchemy and chemistry as were many members of the Royal Society. The second Speculative Mason recorded was also a member of the Royal Society, Elias Ashmole, who received his initiation into the masonic lodge in Warrington in Lancashire on October 16, 1646. As more members of the Royal Society began to gain entrance into the guilds the climate and philosophical tone of the craft began to change. Elias Ashmole was influential in this cultural shift because he himself was an avid Rosicrucian Scholar. Ashmole translated the Fama and Confessio into English by hand introducing the Rosicrucian Manifestos into England. Upon publishing these works Ashmole alsoadded a letter to the Rosicrucians proclaiming admiration for their teachings and desiring admission into their Society. Other Members of the Royal Society were also greatly influenced by Rosicrucianism, John Wilkins in his book Mathmatical Magick (1648) quotes the Fama, and Francis Bacon uses the Rosicrucians as inspiration for his Merchants of Light in “New Atlantis.” So we can see a correlation of Rosicrucian influence on the Royal Society as it’s members developed and reshaped freemasonry into a Speculative Craft.


James E Frey 32° classifies himself as a gentleman of the old world, which means he is known to stand in the great forests reciting poetry to fair-haired damsels while wrestling bears for sport. He is a District Education Officer for the Grand Lodge of Illinois, a Past Sovereign Prince of the of Danville AASR, member of the Oak Lawn York Rite, Medinah Shriners, Royal Order of Scotland, Quram Council Allied Masonic Degrees and initiate of the Golden Dawn Collegium Spiritu Sancti. He is also a guest lecturer on Occultism and Esoteric studies in masonry for the R.E.B.I.S Research Society.

Rosicrucianism Within the Royal Arch: Part One - Beginnings of the Invisible College

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
James E. Frey 32°

My Brethren, The philosophy and mythos of the Royal Arch is often considered the climax and heart of Ancient Craft Masonry.The Royal Arch is interesting because it is the first of the High Degrees to complete the Hiramic Legend upon the discovery of the Lost Word. The Royal Arch arose across Europe under mysterious circumstances and the very nature of its teachings caused the division from the Moderns and the Ancients. Where the Master Mason degree invokes death, the Royal Arch invokes resurrection. Its tenants are of a sacred and esoteric quality inspired by the teachings of the shadowy Rosicrucians, while its symbolism and depth bring the whole of the Ancient craft teachings into the apex of understanding. Throughout this presentation I will address the connection of Rosicrucian influence upon the symbolism of the Royal Arch degree, and how its inner esoteric teachings promotes the idea of individual spiritual attainment.

To understand how esoteric thought entered into masonry we have to revisit the period of the Renaissance. During the end of the Medieval period dozens of Ancient manuscripts began coming in from Persia that until that time were unavailable in the West. These manuscripts caught the attention of one of the most wealthy and prominent noblemen in Italy, Carlo Demenatchi. Demenatchi employed a scholar by the name of Marcilio Piccino to transcribe a number of manuscripts into Greek and Latin. Some of these manuscripts famously were treaties on Plato, but two others were the Corpus Hermeticum and the Asclepius of Hermes Trismegistus. These two texts are considered the foundation of Hermeticism, a philosophy that was assembled in Alexandria a century or so after the time of Christ.

At this time Alexandria was the cultural and intellectual center of the ancient world. Hermeticism The Italian Renaissance also saw the largest burst of publishing and printing than ever before these texts became readily available all throughout Europe, and made their way into academic circles in Germany. Even into the 1500s Alchemy, Hermetics, and Kabbalah were practiced and heavily researched by Germans creating a strain of thought that man has direct communication with God instead of through the church. But the developing protestant movement would become very cold toward esoteric ideas and it didn’t approve of the mysticism and ceremony found within the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers would consider Hermes and his teaches as pagan, and the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah to be unacceptable.

With these new ideals taking popular form in Germany the mystic circles went underground in order to continue practice christianized Hermticism, Alchemy, and Kabbalah in peace. What developed was a Northern European Mystical system that sought to replace Hermes Trismegistus but keep a Christianized archetype of that Symbol, what would develop is known as Rosicrucianism. was presented as Grecco-Egyptian style religion that fascinated the Italian Renaissance. There was a rebirth in the interest of ancient philosophy and classical thought, especially the Hermetic tradition. Also round that time Pincho De Mirandola was translating the sacred texts of Hebrew Kabbalah , and the Alchemical practices began to become more prominent as a part of scientific research. The Reason these Hermetic and Kabbalistic texts were accepted by the largely Roman Catholic population was because of the similarities with Christian Thought. It is because of the Hermetic belief that Man is the reflection of Divinity, that the Church was rather sympathetic to the publishing of Hermetic texts.


James E Frey 32° classifies himself as a gentleman of the old world, which means he is known to stand in the great forests reciting poetry to fair-haired damsels while wrestling bears for sport. He is a District Education Officer for the Grand Lodge of Illinois, a Past Sovereign Prince of the of Danville AASR, member of the Oak Lawn York Rite, Medinah Shriners, Royal Order of Scotland, Quram Council Allied Masonic Degrees and initiate of the Golden Dawn Collegium Spiritu Sancti. He is also a guest lecturer on Occultism and Esoteric studies in masonry for the R.E.B.I.S Research Society.