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Showing posts with label silent. Show all posts

Contemplative Cornerstone: 1,3,5,7 (x2)

by Midnight Freemason Contributor
Bro. Erik Marks

Sometimes it's useful to meditate on something rather than using mindfulness meditation as a concentration and detachment exercise. Like the tree exercise this gives you specific focal points. Unlike trees, this is about the symbols and people within Freemasonry. The exercise is designed to be done once in the morning, immediately after waking and once at night, just before sleep.

1. For the first breath, take the longest, slowest, deepest breath you can: Breathe in for as long as possible. Hold your breath as long as you can.

2. Exhale as slowly and long as possible. While doing this, consider the Divine. Invite Divine guidance.

3. For the next three regular breaths consider the three Great Lights.

4. For the following five breaths, consider the top three officers, the deacons and the stewards.

5. The final seven breaths are to call to mind the brothers of your lodge and:
  • In the morning: think of how you will live freemasonry throughout your day on their behalf—as their representative to the mundane world
  • In the evening: contemplate how effectively or ineffectively you followed through on the morning’s intention.
The first few days of practice are just getting the hang of the format. By the end of a week, it’s quite natural and the structure doesn’t get in the way of the ideas. I’m interested in what results your practice generates.


Brother Erik Marks is a clinical social worker whose usual vocation has been in the field of human services in a wide range of settings since 1990. He was raised in 2017 by his biologically younger Brother and then Worshipful Master in Alpha Lodge in Framingham, MA. You may contact brother Marks by email: