Ronald Reagan: Great Quote From Great American

Ronald Reagon
40th President of the United States

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."

~Ronald Reagan

Famous American Freemasons: Nook and Kindle Editions

Famous American Freemasons, both Volumes I and II, are available in the Kindle Store on and the Nook Store on Barnes & Noble ( for the amazing bargain price of $7.99 American.  I know what you're thinking--but I live in England, how am I going to get it?   Well, for the first time, the Famous American Freemasons series is available on Amazon UK.  They would have been available sooner in the UK, but it was a painstaking process translating them into English. 

I appreciate your patience, I know I announced the e-book editions were on the way over a month ago, but there were . . . issues. As it turns out, it wasn't nearly as easy as I thought it was going to be.

On This Day In History: January 9

Mermaid?  Or Manatee?

On this day in 1493, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, sailing near the Dominican Republic, sees three mermaids, which he described later as "not half as beautiful as they are painted."  In fact, they weren't mermaids at all--they were manatees.  Mermaids are breathtakingly beautiful, mythical creatures that according to legend can take on mortal shape and marry human men.  Manatees are marine plant eating mammals that weight between 800 and 1,200 pounds. 

Now judge not, lest we be judged.  Haven't we all made that same mistake at some point?  I wonder what they were serving on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?


Novel Release! Thanks To All Involved

One Last Shot
My new novel One Last Shot is now available on Amazon!  It's also available for download to your Kindle.  There isn't much product information up yet, that usually takes a few days to catch up, but you'll find all those details here

Moon & Son Publishing Logo
It's the first book published by Moon & Son Publishing, and it turned out beautifully.  I had a lot of help.  My wife Valerie most of all.  She's almost a co-author of this book.  I'd have never gotten the plot worked out if it weren't for her.  And my mom, Jane Creason, has edited all my books so far, and this one was the most challenging of all.  I couldn't do these books without her keen eye.  Thanks again, mom! 

I actually had several editors this time around that read it at various states of finish.  Billie Scales, Judy Gordon, Jack Hall, Brion Sausser, and Lesley Millar all read it and offered excellent suggestions and encouragement.  Ray Gordon designed the colophon for Moon & Son Publishing.  I needed something that would reproduce well very, very small--like on the spine of a book, and on the title page.  I'd sent him a scan of a little moon I wanted to use from a 200 year old Masonic woodcut, and he said he'd clean it up and sharpen it for me.  You can't believe how surprised I was when I got it back and saw he'd replaced the original moon's face with mine!  Of course my nose isn't that straight.  With my big mouth, it's been broken a few times.  Thanks for fixing that for me, Ray.  It's way easier than plastic surgery. 

Buy my Daddy's book so I can
 go to college one day!
And of course, the cover is absolutely stunning thanks to the remarkable design talents of my new friend Brion Sausser.  I ran across Book Creatives on the internet one evening, and contacted him, and it's the best decision I made.  Brion will be designing all the covers for Moon & Son Publishing going forward.  Brion doesn't just design covers, but offers a range of services to authors, including interior design, websites, etc.  And he's great to work with. 

Moon & Son Publishing will be releasing two more projects this month as well.  The first two volumes of the Famous American Freemasons series will be available for download to your Kindle within a few days, and a for Nook users, it should be available at Barnes & Noble for download within a couple weeks.  The third and final volume of the Famous American Freemasons series is well under way, and I expect that to be released in 2012.  There's a great little promo video for the final volume on my website